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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

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Current W I Ps

I went out of my way to build some things today. For once, I'm dealing with system, and half of my "building" was also sorting the parts. I have a couple of projects that I wanted to work on. Three of them are mostly finished, although some tweaking is in order. I'm working to get some better photos of them, but I have a few WIP shots, so I might as well post those. And regardless, these will probably be at BrickFair, if I go or not. (If I don't go, then I'll just send them in)   Battle o



Collectible Figs 4 And 5

Have I posted about my thoughts on the 4th and 5th series of collectible minifigures? (Well, I know I have to some friends, but in this blog?) Oh well, with the Toy Fair picts out, then I guess it's list time!   Series 4 Musketeer: SO WANT! I must have four of these. Ice Skater: New female hair. Will get Hockey Player: I expect he'll be a popular one. Might grab him Surfer girl: I need female figs, and she also comes with a good hair piece Geisha: see above Hazmat Guy: Also a predicted po



Need Ideas For An Animation

So my next animation assignment will require me to create a "How To" animation. Basically it has to be instructions / tips for certain situations, like how to change a tire or fix a leaky faucet.   My idea will be "How To Survive A Raptor Attack."   Some of my ideas include: Fortify windows Be aware that raptors can open doors Know raptors are faster than you, so run at the right angle to maximize survival time Get the raptors eaten by T-rexes (coming soon, how to survive a T-rex attack) Do



If I Attend Brick Con Next Year...

I will need to make up for creating those horrible trophies from last year. They were awful when compared to the others, especially the two that I rushed to create at the last minute. I would put a lot more effort into them next time and really make them stand out... if I attend, that is.   Also, I got Nex. Maybe I'll write up a proper review for him later. But here's the basics; he's the first "buildable figure" to have bright green pieces since Lerahk in 03.  



Blog Calendar

Okay, I don't know how many others have noticed this, but it's been driving me crazy all month.   The Calendar content block in my blog isn't working!   Well, not correctly, anyway.   According to it, I've posted every day in January... even the days that have yet to occur.   I'm not 100% sure on this, but instead of marking what days I post on, I think it highlighted another day for each entry I've posted. (And I did my big blog story which was about 27 entries itself)   Now, I'll ha



Lego Avatar Last Airbender

Okay, I know Lego made a couple of sets a while back when they had the deal with Nickelodeon. The sets were okay, and I really didn't get into the series until later. And yes, the odds of what I propose happening are slim to none, but bear with me here.   Lego Avatar the Last Airbender Video Game   You see, like SW characters used the force to manipulate bricks, the Avatar characters would use their elemental bending to move bricks. They would be colored differently for each element (yellow



Skull Motorbike

Go read the review. It's on the front page after all!   I'm not too thrilled about how some of the pictures turned out, but this one was good. Of course I had to add the extra trans clear beam to get a good jumping look in.   But yeah, the set was great. You should buy it. NOW.  



Flash > Brickfair

So I have come to a decision. I'm gonna buy some Adobe software (with Flash stuff) that will undoubtedly help me out in a web design career. Problem is, it's expensive. Like $400. Which is about half my savings at the moment.   It's also what I would expect to pay for a plane ticket to BrickFair.   So when I buy this software, I'm gonna be giving up on the idea of attending BrickFair this year. The issue is purely financial. But I won't have a job until May (hopefully) and I really don't



I Read The Bzprpg Topic

... and then I decided that it's a little too much for me. And I really don't have the free time for something like that.   I got some stuff done this weekend, like homework and such. Didn't get to work on any of my personal projects... which is lame, but whatever.   And I'm gonna have a lot to complain about professor-wise this semester.   And I'm still debating on whether to purchase some Adobe software. I don't need it, but gosh darn it, it would be useful, and realistically, I'd be g



Green Hornet

Just saw it this afternoon. Yay for matinees.   3D was okay. There were some places where it was really good, and I was more impressed with it than I have been at other movies. (Also, I've watched most 3D movies in the same theater, so I wonder if that's part of my problem.) But I think it would've been enjoyable even without the 3D.   (Speaking of 3D, the previews were really good in it, but I fear that the movies will be mediocre anyway. Oh well)   Overall, it was a fun movie. Like ca



Take That, Complainers!

A 100%, purely Bionicle news story is up today! IN UR FACE!   Also my 100th news story. Yes, I've counted.  



New White Collar Ep

Was very good. Such a fun show.   It's not a con if you're with the FBI; it's a sting.   And besides being a great one episode think, it really moved the overall plot somewhere... somewhere cool. Oh, and Mozie didn't die, which is good since he's one of my favorites on the show.  



8 Years

Oh, cool. I have been on BZPower for 8 years. Now I have Ackar's decapitated head spinning under my profile. Cool.  



That's A Lot Of Writing

So I just compiled a list of all the stories I've ever written. Well, maybe not all of them, but the ones I can remember or find evidence of. And I'm not counting any school essays or story ideas that I've had but haven't started on. So just for fun I'll post some stats. I have 81 stories on this list. 45 of these are Bionicle stories (I've written a lot more short stories and comedies than I thought... of course, nobody ever read most of them, but I digress) I lost about 25 of these storie



Get In The Next Story

In case you didn't know, I wrote up a big Choose Your Own Adventure style BZP-Koro story in my blog the other day. If you haven't done so, read it.   ... But if you have read it, and were sad that you weren't in it, now's the time to change that.   I have been approached by a mysterious member (who's name is alphabetically deficient) who is interested in creating a second Choose Your Own Adventure story, bigger and better than the first. But we can't write a proper story without any charac



Scarab Attack

Read it now! Or the Scarab will pose as a pizza man and attack you!  



Line Drawings

So I'm taking this introductory art course. I said it was because I'm interested in art but never really got around to learning how to do it right. (Or apparently, appreciate it, see Art Museum blog entry) Although, really, it's a requirement for another class I'm hoping to take next semester... so yeah.   I also mentioned that I enjoy collecting Lego bricks (note, I said "collecting", not "playing with" ) So our first assignment is to bring in some line drawing or something. Anybody have



The B Z P Blog Story

Presenting...     Have you ever seen those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books? Instead of being a linear read, each chapter ends by giving giving you options. Thus, instead of one storyline, you have a book that can take you on a dozen different journeys.   That's what this story is supposed to be. You start off in the same place, but at the end of each chapter, you get to choose which path you'll take, and then see where the story leads you. There are over a dozen different endings, and a full



Blog Story: Chapter A

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.   Chapter A   Xccj stalked the dark forests of BZP-Koro in the middle of the night. Earlier that day, there had been a news announcement. Bionicle, the theme that BZP-Koro was built around, was ending. Many people were still in shock from the news, but not Xccj



Blog Story: Chapter B

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.   Chapter B   Go Back to Previous Chapter   “Hey Greg!”   You, Sumiki, Krahka, and Blue ran to S&T, where you see Greg F leaving a topic full of members, having just answered their questions. He sighs as he sees you run towards him, because he knows what y



Blog Story: Chapter L

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.   Go Back to Previous Chapter   Chapter L   “We need another distraction!” you say. “Sumiki, Krahka, try to keep his attention. Blue and I will try to find a way to defeat him!”   Sumiki and Krahka charge forward, swinging their weapons and claws at TTN. TTN pa



Blog Story: Chapter M

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.   Go Back to Previous Chapter   Chapter M   You jump to help free your friends from the kraata’s grasp, but you wait a moment too long. TTN finishes laughing, and notices that you’re not under his control. Before you can even reach out to help your friends, ano



Blog Story: Chapter N

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.   Go Back to Previous Chapter   Chapter N   “There’s Bink!” Blue says.   The four of you catch up to Binkmeister in the News Discussion forum. Bink appears to be busy with something else, but he turns politely as you advance. Closer up, you can see that he look



Blog Story: Chapter O

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.   Go Back to Previous Chapter   Chapter O   You and your friends go with Nukaya, and she leads you into the BBC forum.   “Many people have disappeared from here lately,” she explains. “Let’s look for some evidence.”   You all agree to split up and keep an eye o



Blog Story: Chapter P

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.   Go Back to Previous Chapter   Chapter P   Nukaya enters the hut that Brickthing is kept in, and you and your friends follow behind.   “What do you want?” spits Brickthing. “What’s the whole deal with capturing me? You have no idea what kind of trouble you’re



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