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Entries in this blog

Official Hedgehog Topic

The purpose of this is to provide people with a place to talk openly about there thoughts on hedgehogs.   Also, if you have a blog, why not join the "Hedgehog Network"? If it gets off the ground, it will be a series of hedgehog-themed blogs. The "Hedgehog Network" will have this blog at it's center, and will host hedgehog-themed contests, but only in the blogs whose owners want to help with it. Wanna' join? =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

What's Your Hedgehog Plan?

We all know it will happen one day, though we may not be around, but if we are, we must have a plan. What is your plan, in the case of a Hedgedhog apocalypse?   My plan is to nuke anywhere with a population that's greater than the human population. Then, I'll go around with a bazooka, an RPG launcher, and a couple pistols, and blow and shoot 'em up. Then, I'll break into a car (hopefully there's a Jeep nearby), and drive to the coast, where I'll get onto a ship, take the wheel, and steer it to

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

The Corn Is Haunted! O.o

Or so they say. I went to a corn maze tonight with my Youth Group. It was fun, we went in both the normal maze and the "haunted" one. I put "haunted" in quotes because it didn't scare me. At all. And I was in there for over half-an-hour, with people in costumes jumping out at every turn. Of course, it helped that me and guy I was with kept making smart-aleck comments at them. It was fun. We suggested to one guy that he get plastic surgery, and to another that he get a makeover. There was also th

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Misinterpreting Songs

This Is Home - A scary story about a man who breaks into someone's house and decides to live there.   Every Step You Take - A stalker song   Anyone else got some? Please say yes and submit it if you do. =)

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Cry For The Desert

I will cry for the desert when He's bleeding from his heart and soul Die for the desert and remove my hands from what I hold Deeper in my heart I will hear Him call Deeper in my heart I will give it all Deeper in my heart   I will cry for the desert Oh_____ I will die for the desert Oh______ I will cry   Cry for the desert; I will tremble and receive His pain Die for the desert; I will pour my life on this terrain Deeper in my heart I will hear Him call Deeper in my heart I will gi

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Sticking With You

Come on, it's me you're talking to There's something going on inside of you Don't have to say it, but I wish you would Cause it would be much easier   You always hide behind yourself You walk a lonely road with no one's help I hate to break the news You're headed for a fall   And if I have to jump Then I'll jump And I won't look down You can cry, you can fight, we can scream and shout I'll push and pull Until your walls come down And you understand I'm gonna be around I'm sticking

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

To Bring You Back

Are you thirsty Standing in the rain? Not sure where you are Or how you lost your way? Are you drowning In some bar outside of town? Searching for something given not found? A crowd of people But totally alone? At the front door But worlds away from home?   Light up the night's last regret and Burn your only safety net Step to the edge It's such a long way down   I left the ninety-nine to find the one And you're the one I walked a thousand miles In this desert sun Only to bring

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Wake Up

How long you gonna sleep How long you gonna act like you gonna act Be how you wanna be So when you gonna see You need to get the facts but you wanna laugh At what im gonna speak You steady sinking deep Plus ya sinking fast why you running back Man why you wanna leave So whats it gonna be You need to get with that but your missed the fact That what I'm gonna speak This aint all a dream You can try to dash but you gonna have To face your reality So this is what I seen One day it's

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


Innocent - Stellar Kart I'm overdressed for success In a world that has no shame I've had enough of seeing love Being played like some game I know why the good old days are gone Cause everyone just tolerates what's wrong I'm not some empty space for rent Chorus: I wanna be innocent Yours wholeheartedly Innocent Every part of me Take me back so I can see The way that love was meant to be Boys and girls The real world Is one that's filled with consequence And all the lies

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

I Wonder.

How many people have actually gone and looked back past page 5 of this blog, or read through every entry out of boredom? Just a random thought. =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

How Do People's Minds Work?

At my school, that is. Earlier, after school, these two guys started following me around mocking me and calling me "weak" and stuff like that. After holding out for fifteen minutes of this, I cracked, and shoved one of them down onto the grass where we were standing. And then they asked me why I was being so mean, and when I told them why I did that, they denied ever having done any of that. >.<

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

I Be Listening To This:

Awake, the reckoning! Crossfire angel in disguise. Wherever the wind blows, sometimes tragedy. Last goodbye when tomorrow comes. Everything chasing shadows at midnight. Elysian resolution.   Can anyone figure out what it is I'm listening to? =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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