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My friend had his bike stolen while we were in church. And it was right out front, too. Yhep. Then his mom grounded him because it wasn't locked up, which only happened because she only bought herself a bike lock, and not him, despite the fact that he can't work yet and doesn't have an allowance. Yhep. Oh, and we had a series of T-storms come through last night. =l

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Mars Mission Game Progress

I recently reached level five in the new Mars Mission game, and I have managed to set up a full mining operation, with two Defense stations, three infantry men posted in the crystal field, four generators, one training camp, two vehicle factories, three Crystal Miners, one trike, and two Astro Fighters. Life is good.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Fishing - Day 1

Well, I went fishing with my grandparents at lake Suttle today. We didn't catch anything, but I did get to steer their new speed boat. They both agree that I steer better than they do.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

When I Created The World...

For a couple months now, I've slowly been building up my own Sci-Fi fantasy universe. Until now, I have been requesting no help or even mentioning it. But now I am. I need people's help with creating shuttlecraft, warship classes and kinds, new races and systems, as well as new alliances and adversaries for mankind. Another thing I'll be needing is a list of companies and corporations which I can build off of to create a complete history and database of what will soon become our universe instead

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Worst Move Ever. >.<

So I was playing Need For Speed: Most Wanted, and I dodged a spike strip. Then I was forced to double back. And the strip was still there, causing me to hit it without realizing it. >.<

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Coming Soon To A Blog Near You!

Coming soon to "Blog O' Dalek", we will be looking into the history of some of the more popular Blogs of BZP. For now, a sneak peek. I will also need people to help me research. If you feel like helping, just do it, and PM me anything you find out.  

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Is Happy! ^_^

I just came back from a trip to a local store that has a Starbucks in it, so I could get something from Starbucks, and came back with 160 somethings dollars worth of things, taking up two carts! Among them were the two things that follow and make me happy: A six-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper, and a new '08 Hubble Space Telescope Calendar!

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Let's Blow Up A Giant Squid!

Magnesium Flare? Check.   Stuck about halfway down the shaft of an abandoned oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico? Check.   Wrecked helicopter suspended by cables it caught on the way down? Check.   Leaked fuel in the water from said helicopter? Check.   Giant mutant vampire squid? Check.   Extremely rare sea scorpion? Check.   Both creatures having a territorial battle when you tried capturing and transporting the squid? Check.   Both creatures now continuing fight after squid escaped because o

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

The Silver Cord

It arrived in the mail today. And I'm really happy with my purchase. Especially since I got it really cheap because of an incident they had unpacking it at the warehouse. Apparently one of the workers was a little to eager to get his job done, and cut into the cover of one of the CDs, which is the one I got. I <3 it. I do. I especially like "Gravedigging". It's an awesome song. But so is "The Beginning (A Simple Seed)". And "Sing". And "Salt In The Snow". And "Abracadavers". And also "Closer

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I've decided to make my own LEGO space series of sets, sorta' a spin-off of Mars Mission. It's based a century afterward, when NASA sends a new group for further exploration. When they get there, they find that the old base was destroyed sometime in the past. Upon further examination, they find that it happened shortly before Earth stopped recieving transmissions.   Two miles to the North, they find the equally old remains of an Alien breeding pit and encampent. But, they also find signs of re

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

End Of Nights

I just watched part two of the Sanctuary Season 2 two-parter "End of Nights". A blow-by-blow is as follows: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Epic ohnoes epic ohnoes ohnoes ohnoes eep! self-healing, vampiric telporters! Tokoyo Sanctuary is gone! ohnoes aggh! eep! self-healing, vampiric telporters! London Sanctuary is under assault! ohnoes epic epic sword wielding teleporter versus self-healing, vampiric telporters! epic ohnoes eep! ohnoes! Magnus! noes! Ashley! noooooes! Ashley

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Almost... Made... It...

*is angry* This is a continuation of the previous entry, JSYK...   Right as I dropped the final bombs on the last remaining ship, A FREAKIN' VAL MADE IT THROUGH AND WIPED OUT THE AIR FIELD! ARRRGH!! >=o

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Bat Burger

How to make a Bat Burger:   1.) Go to your local bat cave.   2.) Catch Bat.   3.) Buy buns and condiments.   4.) Make fire.   5.) Cook Bat.   6.) Stick Medium-well done bat on bun.   7.) Add condiments.   8.) Enjoy.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

My Brain, Ftw

My brain is amazing. Over the past week or so I have begun drawing spacecraft of various types, mostly military. Then I began to add a history to each of them, and create other races which humanity encountered with their explorations. Now, tonight, I got bored, and began writing several millenia of history going with the ships without thinking about it. I'm over 700 words already... My brain works in mysterious ways... =l

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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