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It's Alive...?

I had just about given up hope on BZP ever living again. ^.^     That's about all I have to say... Have a nice day. ._.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


They are awesome. Best songs of their's so far:   1.) Pieces, from End of Silence 2.) Already Over, from End of Silence 3.) Never Be The Same, from Innocence And Instinct

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

My Uncle Is Win...

My uncle was cleaning his apartment recently, when he came across several XBox games. Since he no longer has an XBox, he sent them to me. I now have Sega GT 2002, LotR: Return of the King, and Project Gotham Racing 2, as well as several other games to trade in for credit because I can't play them. =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Gimp Created Pictures I Redid

I was recently going through my GIMP created pictures, and decided to redo a couple of them. The following is what I got:   ^ The original ^   ^ The redone version ^   ^ The original ^   ^ The redone version ^   I think the original of the second pair is better than the redo, but the redone eclipse looks better than the original.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

My Remaining Parakeet Must Be Really Lonely.

We had three parakeets, but one went insane and would ran around in circles on the bottom of the cage, occasionally chirping, until she died a couple months ago. Then, my second parakeet got arthritis and died of pain on wednesday. Now, our remaining parakeet was just carrying out a one sided conversation with a piece of Broccoli, which he has now proceeded to start eating.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Last Night...

Last night was complete and utter win. I went to an all night party in Vancouver, where they had a concert by eNation, inflatables of win, and all you-could-eat-and-drink pizza and soda at midnight. The best part was earning the title of "King of the Arena" in the inflatable jousting arena. I still can't get over how good my balance was when I thought the guy who also wanted the title. We were the last to fight, and there was no time left for a rematch, so I got the victory by default when he pu

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Random Bzper Of The Day 11/16/07

T-Hybrid.   T-Hybrid currently has some Japanese thing I don't recognise for an Avatar, and claims to like "The usual nerd things".   Posts: 17891, at 8 per day. He also apparently only has 5 friends. Yep.   Banner: *Coming Soon*

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

I Is Wondering...

What's the difference between a Hippopotamus and a Limosine? Do they have similar glands? I mean, do they drip hormones or oil to mark their territory? (I have seen limosines dripping oil... but Hippopotomi, do they just poop? And is it large poo or small poo - similar to that of an elephant but with a lighter color and perhaps lacking in....beetles.)   If so - why don't they learn French?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

I have no title for this entry

Over a year since my last entry and I still have no answer as to why I can't stop coming back. Oh well. It seems like every time I return fewer people are logged in. Huh. Place hasn't died yet, so that's good I suppose. Also still see activity among a handful of my old acquaintances. There is no real purpose to this entry. It almost feels obligatory, to be honest.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Coming Soon To A Blog Near You!

Coming soon to "Blog O' Dalek", we will be looking into the history of some of the more popular Blogs of BZP. For now, a sneak peek. I will also need people to help me research. If you feel like helping, just do it, and PM me anything you find out.  

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I am seriously starting to get ticked at my sister. Every time my playlist on another site I can't mention pulls up a song that I like, she has me skip it, but if she likes it, she complains if I tell it to skip. >.<

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Unwritten Rules Of The Universe Installation #1

1. Chinchillas are never not awsome.   2. Chinchillas are the supreme beings of the Universe.   3. Never use a rattlesnake as a hockey stick, it might strike back.   4. Never throw Porcuipines in a balloon store.   5. Never use Bubblegum as an airbag.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


That whole "Dragon Slayer" quest on Runescape is over-rated. A huge battle between me and the dragon was supposed to occur. I'm combat level 49. Two doses of strength potion, a rune scimitar, and two lunges. That's all it took to kill the level 86 dragon, who was in full health.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Dragons And The Doctor...

I just finished re-watching the last two episodes with Rose. =( Also, earlier I watched the first episode with Martha. And last weekend I watched the trilogy that ends with The Master refusing to regenerate, resulting in his permanent death. =( X2   So yeah, I've been on a Doctor Who spree. I almost forgot, on Thursday I watched an episode with what's his face, the seventh Doctor. =)   Random question: Has anyone else here read the Dragon Riders of Pern series?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


It's kind of scary when your parents start talking about preparing for an economic crash... O_O

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


Throw up your rawkfist, If you're feelin' it when I drop this   Show 'em how we blow the spot, Let's make it hot, Let's shock 'em with the bodyrock, 'Till the party stops It's time to take it up a notch, And keep it locked, For all the headbangers in the parking lot Here we come, if you're ready or not, No time to talk, 'cause we on the clock, Bringin? that Uhh, uhh, to your block Let me show ya where we're comin' from, It don't stop, from L.A. to New York, Show me what you got now

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Poem...

This came to me a couple nights ago...   A Drum beats  See now, The rising sun, As starlight dim.   A drum beats the sad rythym.   Soldiers fallen, For naught, War's wrath, Has been wrought.   A drum beats the sad rythym.   Blood spillen Was this God willen?   a drum beats the sad rythym.   Widows cry, Fatherless weep   a drum beats the sad rythym.   The war won, At such a cost. So many lives Have been lost.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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