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Moc Of The Week 27

Hooray! 'Tis the first Sunday of July, and MOCotW returns to us! Who's this week's winner? Find out for yourself!   Argy



Moc Of The Week 24

Yet again, Sunday comes and along with it is the MOCotW contest. Because of how busy it can get running a Blog-Based Contest, MOCotW will run for two more weeks after this one. Once voting gets started, I'll become quite busy. Also, I'm going to be gone the last week and a half of June. Therefore, there will be no MOCotW during the month of June. Anyway, if you're wondering who won this week's MOC of the Week, I encourage you to check it out!   Argy



Moc Of The Week 23

Hmm, could it be? Yep, although a day late, MOCotW manages to lighten our moods once again!   Check it out!   Argy



Moc Of The Week 21

*insert drum-roll here*   ...and the winner is...   Comments and feedback are totally welcome here.   -Xai



Moc Of The Week 20

Ta-daaa! Sunday comes, and it's the first MOCotW to take place at my website. Who's this week's winner? Well, you'll have to click this link and find out...   -Xai



Moc Of The Week 2

It's Sunday, and so as is now a weekly thing, I scanned through the BBC forum looking for what would see as the best MOC(s) there. Well, I certainly found some awesome MOCs, but I had to pick one. So, who's the winner this week? ToM Dracone and his group of Nektann! They strike me as being chibi-like, but without being overly "cute". There are no design flaws that I can see other than what ToM saw; grey Hordika necks that needed to be in different colors. Even so, they look extraordinarily



Moc Of The Week 19

Here it is folks; MOC of the Week 19. I find it hard to believe that we've had nineteen MOC of the Week winners, but one look at the content block to your left proves it. It's my honor to present this to you week after week, and I'm glad you enjoy it. Enough of this talk though, you just want to know the winner. Well, congratulations are in order for Darth Vader with his MOC Yva! Yva wins because of its awesome color scheme (one that I personally love), great integration of system pieces,



Moc Of The Week 18

Ugh, I just finished writing out this entry and the server ate it, so here it is again (though not quite as long).   Although a day late, it's time once again for MOC of the Week. This week's winner is none other than Toa_Ausar, with his MOC Tarth ~ Matoran of Anger! His MOC wins because of it's awesome custom body, rare mask, and great custom weapon! Congratulations Toa_Ausar, this MOC is one of the best I've seen from you, and is quite impressive! Keep up the great work. To everyone els



Moc Of The Week 17

Yes, it's Sunday, and you know what that means... MOC of the Week! This week's winner's MOC is an entry in the glorious 48th BBC Contest, and I'm quite impressed with it. The Winner? Fight in the Obsidian Hall by Bundalings the Bunny! There's a lot to look at, and I like that. The figures are nice and simple, and don't draw too much attention from the "background"; tables, plants, etc., and some really awesome lights. Great work Bundalings, you've got my vote, and more than likely many more



Moc Of The Week 16!

Yes, that's right, it's the return of the regular (non-special edition) and original MOC of the Week! Most of you have been waiting very patiently for this moment, so I won't drag on in an attempt to waste time. This week's winner is: .:Toa Velox:. with his Evil Self-MOC! It wins because of awesome customness, great colors (and mask, my personal favorite ), and overall great design! Congratulations .:Toa Velox:., very nice work! To everyone else, keep MOCing, as you may be the next winner



Moc Of The Week 15?

Well, not quite yet. I have the winner chosen, and the banner is complete. I'm a man that enjoys suspense, so I'm sure that you can understand my enjoyment in announcing the winner of the 15th MOC of the Week tomorrow... hehehe...   I'm sure you'll look forward to it.



Moc Of The Week 15

This is it, the renewal of the MOC of the Week contest... Most of you have been waiting for this moment, and now it's come. Who is this lucky winner? Well, a hint: he's won before, but this MOC that he made is so impressive that in no way could I ignore it. The winner? CzaR with Velonese: The Demon King! I don't have to describe this one to all of you, follow the link and see for yourself. It's massive, incredible, and massively incredible. Congratulations CzaR; enjoy your awesome banner



Moc Of The Week 14

Hey there! It's Sunday, and as many of you are probably tired of hearing (sarcasm, I hope); it's once again time for the infamous MOC of the Week! This week will be the last MOC of the week for a while, as I'm beginning to get kinda busy, and if I keep on doing it every week, I'll run out of people to feature . I'm really happy with this week's winner though, as the MOC is incredibly good. Who's is it? Well, it's Tahu Nuva 2008 by Kopakalaka! It wins by very obvious reasons... awesome cus



Moc Of The Week 13

January is already over halfway gone, and the 2008 BIONICLE sets are in stock almost everywhere. This excites me, as I know that many of the MOCs now include some of the awesome new parts released for the first time this year. I didn't see any of the new pieces on this week's winning MOC, but it's bley, has Krana, and is full of win. Guess what it is? It's Su'caryth by Anathame! Su'caryth wins by a landslide this week, as even the quickest glance at it gives you an eyeful of awesome bley, a



Moc Of The Week 12

'Tis Sunday again, and I can't help but be amazed at how quickly the school year is going by. The first semester of my school ended Friday, and tomorrow marks the beginning of the second semester. I'm sure that most of you also have noticed the speed at which the school year has gone by (not to mention 2007 period). Today also marks the twelfth week of the MOC of the Week contest, who's winner happens to be ~Blue Diamond~ with his MOC Toa Tuyet! ~Blue Diamond~'s MOC wins because of it's incr



Moc Of The Week 11

'Tis the first Sunday of the new year, and along with it comes the much anticipated (I wish) MOC of the Week contest. I must say that I was especially impressed with the MOC that I picked as winner for this week, as it is much better than anything that I could ever do. In fact, I've come to expect such great work from this BZP member, as every time he makes something, it comes out perfectly. This week's winner is none other than CzaR, with his MOC; Exodus! The colors used are awesome, the cu



Moc Of The Week 10

Tis the end of the year, only one more day of 2007 left, and I hope that this year has been as good to you as it has been (for the most part) for me. As today is Sunday, it's time for the MOC of the Week. I don't know how popular this is with you readers, as these MOCotW entries don't get many comments, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and keep doing these anyway. What's that? You want to know the winner? Well, this week's winner is the Blog Assistant Shine; with his totally aweso



Moc Of The Week 1

I have decided to have a contest of sorts in this blog that will be much like every Sunday's Blog of the Week. Once a week (usually on Sunday), I will go through the BBC forum and find the best MOC there (by its design, originality, and/or description) and post it here in my blog. Winners can get a custom "MOC of the Week" banner if they want, and recognition in a content block in my blog! So then, who does the first MOC of the Week award go to?   Phoenix of Ice with his creation: [=-nidhiki



Mmmmmm Halo

Spent Sunday night at a friends house, and we played Halo for almost 12 hours straight (starting in the afternoon and then ending when Live went offline). You know, I think I'm actually getting good at Halo, 'cuz I was able to beat my friend a few times, and he's really good. Also, he got a killtacular (5 kills in a very short time), and we both had some fun with a bunch of glitches that occurred in the Forge on Valhalla.   Argy



Mii, Myself, And I

I love being able to use my own Mii in Mario Kart: Wii. VERY epic.   Do want friend codes. :angry:   My MK:Wii code is 3910-1562-3282   The Argetlam



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