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A lot has changed after 10 years!

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Image Problem

Ok, so I use a program called CorelDRAW Essentials 2 to make images. I reformatted my hard drive about 2 months ago, and since then, every time I save an image in .jpg format, a single pixel wide outline is placed around the image. I remember having this trouble in the past with .png images, but never with .jpg. Also, with the .png problem, I remember solving it at some point but I don't remember what I did. Any suggestions or thoughts?   Yipp-Arrrgghhh!



Finished Exo-toa Teaser

It's big, very big. 17 inches tall, to be exact, and covered in armor. Wanna see it for yourself? Well, here's my final teaser for it.     I'm making some minor adjustments at present, but it should be done completely tonight. It makes me wonder... Can I win my own MOCotW?   Topic should be up tomorrow.   Argy



Next Moc Of The Week Up Tomorrow.

Just letting you know, the regular MOC of the Week will continue tomorrow and each following Sunday as it has in the past. BBCC entries are fair game too, so if one wins, you may be swayed toward voting for it when the BBCC polls are up. Hope you're looking forward to the return of MOCotW as much as I am!



Strangely Enough, I Thought This Would Work...

I'M STILL ALIVE!   Prom is going on right now, and I'm safe and sound at a friends house over 30 miles away.   I haven't even touched a computer for almost 36 hours, so hopefully that'll explain my absence.   Also, been playing Platinum. Got all 8 badges, captured Giratina successfully, and have my pokemon between level 46 and 52.   Argetlam



At Least It's Not An Icy Mountain...

Well, another successful name change.   Also, on a more unfortunate note, I've got a nasty fever right now, and very little energy.   As such, I'm in front of the TV right now, typing all this stuff on my iPod.   Yipp-Arrrgghhh!



Back In Business!

School's been a real killer lately. I haven't had the time to be online as much as I've wanted to for a few months, but April's here and the schoolwork is letting up quite a bit. I'm taking advantage of this in every way I can, and BZP is definitely going to be a nice priority again.   Also, I'm an official judge in the 7th grade science fair tomorrow night. And I'm really looking forward to it.   Finally, Argetlam in 5 days.   Yipp-Arrrgghhh!




Been watching Fox News, and here's the basic stuff for ND: North Dakota's red right now, with McCain in the lead, but then again, they were saying that North Dakota's been a red state for 40 years; something that I never knew. I'm very surprised at the popular vote throughout the country though. Obama's lead is very, very thin. I didn't expect the race to be this close. For the governor elections of North Dakota, Governor John Hoeven is running for a third term, and it looks like he's gonna



Hey Guys!

How was Christmas? What did you get?   We've been in Williston for the past several days, so that's why I've been absent from BZP. :/   My spoils from the season are as follows:   Super Smash Bros. Brawl Mario Kart: Wii Projection alarm clock Far Side cartoon collection 2 Car FM transmitter Beef Jerky Fudge (from Grandma ) Star Trek ships of the line 2009 calender Collectors edition Star Trek TOS Pez dispensers   The Argetlam   EDIT: For SSBB and MK:Wii, if you want to exchange fri



My Ring (finally)

Sorry about not getting the pictures to you sooner.   Top Side Other Side   Picture quality could be better, but I was in a hurry when I took them.   No, I was not born in May, emeralds are my favorite "jewel".   The Argetlam




I've been so busy lately. This is the first time that I've been home all day, and I'm going straight to bed. I'm sorry for the lack of blog entries, as I know how much all of you love to read my blog.   I finished taking pictures of my self-MOC, and I wanted to post it two days ago, but my life has prevented me from doing so. I officially could have changed my name back to Argetlam yesterday, but I'm gonna wait until I have the self-MOC posted. OK?   If all goes well, I'll get it posted tom



Life Is Good.

Got a lot of cool school courses, enjoying my time there, and got plenty of things to keep me occupied throughout the day. Also, I proved to a teacher that my note-taking skills rely on the existence of Chaos Theory. It was epic.   Life is good.   Argy



Moc Of The Week 38

Got a lot of PMs recommending this one, and I definitely think it deserves it... check it out!   Argy



Contest Winners!

Join me in congratulating the three winners of The Observatory's Second BBC Contest!   Distorted takes first place with six votes and wins a banner and/or blog award (your choice) stating that you took first! Special mention on the MOCotW page on nathan8472.com! Kanoka Disk of Time (yes, a real one)! 1 Banner and 1 Avatar of choice hosted at nathan8472.com (no brickshelf or maj downtime)!   ((Primus)) takes second place with three votes and wins a banner and/or blog award (your choice) stating



My Halloween Story

Yes, it's late, but gather around the campfire for an incredible story.   OK, for Halloween, I dressed up in black slacks, a white button up shirt, black tie, black overcoat, and black dress shoes. I had a perfect set of earphones (in black) that I put one ear in, and let the cord wrap around my ear and fall through the back of my shirt, only showing a small part of one cord. Also, I wore my awesome black shades. Initially, I thought of myself as Secret Service, but I realized how much more



Platinum Coding

If any of you guys have Platinum, here's my friend code:   2879 5822 2256   Comment here with yours, or PM me with them.   Argetlam



Do Want!

Star Trek Micro Machine sets. If you have any that you may be willing to trade or sell, LET ME KNOW. Please?   Also, played Portal for the first time on Saturday.   The cake is a lie.   The Argetlam



Moc Of The Week 32

Now visible on nathan8472.com!   Also, as a special note, I certainly wouldn't mind winning MOCotW with my Exo, but I won't do so just because I made it. Starting now and ending next Sunday, I encourage all of you to browse the BBC forum looking for worthy winners of the MOCotW contest. When you find one that is suitable, PM me with a link to it. I say this because if I get an overwhelming (as in the most) amount of "votes" for my Exo-Toa, I'll let it win MOCotW. That way, I get my fair cha




Ok, so there won't be a special edition MOC of the Week today, as my banner program is on the fritz again. I should get it fixed by tomorrow though, so in the mean time, here are some awesome pictures I took of the moon.   (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)   Also, I think there are some people here who don't like me.   <<   >>




I'm back.   Also, I was at a band festival yesterday until really, really, late, so I wasn't able to do much on BZP. Oh well, I had fun, and it was rather enjoyable.   School gets out in just over a month!   Argetlam




My parents aren't letting me on the computer at all today, so I can't do MOC of the Week. They're downstairs right now and I have just sneaked on (as I did once earlier today too) for a moment. MOC of the Week will be posted tomorrow.   Argy



I Got It.

I bought Pokemon Platinum last night... It's an awesome game. I just started playing, so I'm not all that far, but once I'm able to improve my stats, etc., greatly, I'd be glad to take a few of you on.   Argetlam



It's A Good Day.

The afore mentioned iPod Touch was an early Birthday present to me from my parents. I've been having loads of fun with it, such an incredible piece of technology. 16 GB 2nd generation, for those who are wondering. Also, 17 really doesn't feel that different from 16, but that was kinda expected.   The Argetlam



Completely Inactive

For anywhere from the next 5 hours to as long as 5 days. My computer has been infected with one of the worst Adware programs that exists. It hides itself in hundreds of registry files in my computer, so to some extent, there's no way to destroy it. If I let my computer stay that way, the Adware may install viruses and Spyware at complete random. As such, I've just finished backing up all my music files, images, projects, etc., to an external hard drive, and I will now reformat my entire hard



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