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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

Entries in this blog


Don't you hate it when you have a great idea for a blog entry, but as you're about to write it, you can't remember what it was going to be? And any other similar situation like that. You know the ones. It's the weirdest feeling... On another note, wonder when more people are going to notice what was mentioned in the previous entry.  



Random BZPer of the Week #300!

Well folks, this is the big one. For 300 weeks, for 5.75 years, I've been highlighting one of the now 46764 members on BZPower. I've only covered 0.6% of the whole BZPower fanbase. Nearly 80 members a week on average join BZPower. Wait, really? I'm not really sure on my maths on the last one, that sounds bizarre. Anyway. For real, now, I'm calling it quits. 300 is quite enough. Why on earth I kept this up for this long is beyond me. Especially with my ignorance about everything. But you guys and



*ka-Fail!* Mk2!

I have a good idea what compelled me to do this. Xaeraz, if you can't hear it, don't worry, the sound isn't important this time. =)  



An Epiphany?

Coming home yesterday from the library (finally got my card sorted, yay), I began thinking about the last few years of life, in particular about my friendship with the girl I've come to like quite a bit. I think I may have screwed up quite a bit. In 06 I remember she was quite affectionate towards me (after all, that's when we first actually met and talked for the first time, I had seen her around and stuff but didn't know her and wasn't really interested). In particular I remember on the last d



Time Vs. Money

I'm starting to realise more that time isn't so good without money sometimes, so a job seems like a pretty reasonable idea. On the other hand, a job cuts time, so there will be less oppurtunity to use money. Maybe. Kinda a vicious cycle there.  



December Aus Lego Magazine

That time of every three months has arrived, where I pretend to give a hoot about this wonderful mag. First off, I was disappointed that neither a Klakk nor contest for Vehicles were to be found. However, as usual these days (hooray!) there's the BIONICLE comic, which again is so much better in hand, the storm pic is truly epic. And yes, there's no doubt the guy on the teaser is definetly BASED off Matoro, but we'll have to wait and see, won't we? The usual contest is for one of the big sets fr



This Is Not A Shameless Plug

Because I'm not shamed to plug this at all. A little bit more of what to expect of Titan Olympics, if you haven't seen it already. I think you should. Click this post and you're there.  If you have seen it and liked it, recommend it to others maybe?    



Oh, Templar Studios.

How I miss you so. Imagine how the other 6 years of BIONICLE would have been with your animations around? That would have been epic.   Just rewatched the Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal animations and listened to some of the music, and the nostalgia hit me like a train. Also pleased for the first time in a long time seen the Bohrok/Bohrok-Kal animations with the words, for ages before all that came up was Loading Please Wait, so well done to the BS01 guys for getting that fixed with the text files and suc



Opinions Needed.

For Titan Olympics (only 11 posts till 3000, eek!), I'm asking you this. Should I stick with my idea to have BZPers do the Rahi voices, or should I go find animal sounds to do them instead? And yes, those I'm waiting for lines on, and me for filming this dang thing, HURRY UP!  



It's Ovar!

High school officially concludes for me today. Later on, in the evening, we'll have the leaver's dinner, where everyone apart from me will try and be remembered. Funny, since they'll go to afterparties and get completely wasted anyway. Mmm, logic. How do I feel about this? Indifferent is a word that's come to my mind. I'm neither sad nor happy that I'm leaving, but I suppose that could sum up many of my views in a nutshell these days. Besides, most of the leavers will go to the same college as m



What Irritates Me

By now you may have seen that this account has once again provided some BIONICLE News in the month of June because of new material in a particular Australian LEGO Magazine. If you have not seen it, make your way to the Sets forum, or wait until it gets to the news. I am certainly not giving a link to you, that is much too considerate. While the news may annoy some, it is not what is really irking me at the moment. I am annoyed that LEGO Australia sent me a LEGO Magazine when I most certainly hav



Reason For Thursday's Good Mood

Golden Brown, of course. God I'm tragic. Or creepy? No, nothing extraordinarily fantastic, but once again in a Maths tut we had a really good time together, I felt. I actually got to know her a lot more too, which was great. And she asked for my number again. In what I hope was insincere begrudgingliness (like in a way that really meant I was thrilled while disguised as "Oh, OK, I suppose...") I gave it to her, and she gave me hers (enthusiastically, I think). And she wrote a humorous message in




I'm almost completely certain I've talked about this sort of thing in the past, probably all I ever talk about (not really), but I'm currently deep in this situation and it's doing my head in after only three lectures.   But anyway, so you know the people that talk in class all the time, they've GOT to say something just about everything, a comment for every point? And isn't it funny how most of those comments are when they're not just completely wrong (both in terms of accuracy and decency), t



Why There Is A Phylog 2.0

If you aren't already aware, my old account was deleted recently, and only now have I got this account at the same functionality as I had before, with limited access to all my old stuff. Which is why this Blog has been created. So this is a continuation of the old Phylog, and the features I had there will cross over to here when I have time to. Which I don't right now. Right, I better talk about yesterday, which was my birthday. My 16th birthday. It was OK, even though I was at school, which I h



Random Bzper Of The Weeks #126-130!

*Is currently lying low in an undisclosed location from the Penthorities. Please don't give me away!* Right, so this is how it's all going to work. For the next 6 weeks I do FIVE random users to catch up without losing any of those 6 weeks in the process. It's madness, but it can be done, if we all stick together! For this new round of choosing, a new rule will be added to the two I've already made (Ie no banned members and no members with less than 10 posts). From now on, the member must have b



Random Bzper Of The Week 70!

The big 70! Like, what on earth was I thinking? ATXBoy ATXBoy has 65 posts (no rating, no profile views) and joined BZPower 30-July 02. Not much can be said about this person, other than he's from TX (surprise) and has a pretty cool Onua Nuva avatar. They last visited on the 5th of October 03. Alot longer than a year ago. Not in time to get Nocturn. Hah. Going on by the information I have received, I'll have to base this person's banner on their base. Which are not belong to us.  



Random Bzper Of The Week #151-155!

By my reckoning by the end of this entry I will finally be up to date! Excitement, yes?!! ------------------------------ Mecha: Toa of Time Mecha: Toa of Time has 15 posts (no star rating, 7 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 29-Decmeber 06. They have a preset Ko-Metru avatar, live in Ohio, is (or was) working on his MMOG and plays the alto saxophone. This guy is instantly awesome. They last visited on the 16th of April 2007, and their birthday is the 4th of February 1991. AFOL. I just love banne




Is. Two. Entries. To. Make. Up. For. No. Entries. Yesterday. Yes.  




Rebooting probably was the best idea, but I think I'll sit this out this time. That animation was pretty great though, I hope they do more of those. Have fun peeps new and old!  



5 Years

So in all actuality, it has been five years since I joined BZPower with account number one, on the 14th of March 2005. Interestingly, I think it's reached the stage that this account is now 'older' than the original, if you get my meaning.   Anyway, usually I'd post a Legends of the Matoran comic right now. But it's closed right now until I want to get back into regular comic making. So what should I do?   Well, do it anyway and post it here, obviously.     Sprite credits from right to left: R



Year Of The Makuta

Welcome to a strange new world, called 2008. Let us hope that this year will be peaceful and everyone benefits from it. What more can one say? HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!  



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