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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

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25 Degrees Celcius?

It's a miracle! I'm wearing shorts for the first time since...February! Spring/summer has finally arrived! For like a day...  



Random Bzper Of The Week #151-155!

By my reckoning by the end of this entry I will finally be up to date! Excitement, yes?!! ------------------------------ Mecha: Toa of Time Mecha: Toa of Time has 15 posts (no star rating, 7 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 29-Decmeber 06. They have a preset Ko-Metru avatar, live in Ohio, is (or was) working on his MMOG and plays the alto saxophone. This guy is instantly awesome. They last visited on the 16th of April 2007, and their birthday is the 4th of February 1991. AFOL. I just love banne



On Astrology

Look, I'm usually one not to take notice of star signs and such, or any other crazy coincidental things. I mean, each thing is just absurdedly vague that of course it's almost always going to be right in some way. But I must say, when there are more specifics involved, like maybe mentioning the day that something is going to happen (though failing to mention what the something is), sometimes I feel compelled to see how it goes. Particularly for this week, Sunday's paper said mine were extremely



Hey Guys And Gals...

You all think I'm pretty awesome, don't you? And my blog is also of exceptionally awesome standard? Could you rate me and my blog five stars? OK, thanks.  



Time Vs. Money

I'm starting to realise more that time isn't so good without money sometimes, so a job seems like a pretty reasonable idea. On the other hand, a job cuts time, so there will be less oppurtunity to use money. Maybe. Kinda a vicious cycle there.  



Something I've Always Loathed

People who are popular simply because they are there and everywhere and are just known. Or simply because they just are popular for no reason. More out in the real world than here, but the same applies. If they haven't really contributed anything amazing or cool yet are popular because they are just there, it just annoys me. That's why my friends are either not very popular (like myself) or are actually cool and make use of their coolness to be popular. If anyone has any idea what I'm meaning. E



Oh Noes.

Not long till 5000 posts, need to do something for it. Hmm...  



Exams Sorted?

Kinda. Apparently what happens with clashes is that you have to do the other one sometime in the day, so probably in the morning. 3 hours of that, then you are put in quarantine for an hour and a half before the other three hour exam, so you don't blab to the other examinees. So that's 7 and a half hours of no talk or proper human contact.  



Omg, Exam Timetable, Noes

Exams are in November over two weeks, and already timetable is out. I'm not going to go into specifics, you'll get the drift. And I'm sure you think it's the best timetable ever. Alright, here goes. The First Tuesday at 1:30pm, Geography The First Tuesday at 1:30pm, Maths Specialised The Second Monday at 9:00pm, Modern World Hist... "WAIT, WHAT?!" I hear you ask? I agree.  



Grenouille Attaque!

QUOTE Today I was eaten by a giant frog.     Fortunately I taste pretty gross to frogs. Speaking of events, a real event happened to me today. First I'm going to take a leaf out of Dok's book and actually start naming people/girls in cool ways. Right, OK.   Golden Brown (the girl I like ) and I stayed after school to do maths homework together. It was really nice and quite fun, in that sort of we're constantly making mistakes with complex numbers and laughing about it sort of thing, while also t




QUOTE Like, hi! I'm Phyoohrii! I am awesome! Nukaya is writing this blog entry for me because I asked someone else to! It appears that she is going to use an abundance of exclamation points in this entry! This is probably because she just got done playing the Beatles Rock Band game for several hours with some friends and may have had a bit too much pop and cake!     Anyway, did you know that the exclamation point was introduced into English printing during the 15th century and was at first refer




QUOTE(Bara no Mitsukai @ Aug 30 2009, 04:07 PM) 6285224[/snapback] If anything, I wish there was a bit more silver in the Glatorian, if only because I've always thought the appearance of coloured weapons to look very weird...also, coloured weapons are very annoying because they have to be colour coordinated, whereas if they were silver they could be put with any colourscheme and look good.   That is all.  




People who know me know I have a real phobia of death. And it really hurts hard when someone I know or even just know of dies. During the BZP offtime, one of my best friends ever, who some of you may remember is James from Legends of the Matoran, fell down some stairs and was in hospital for a week before the head injuries got too much and he passed away. I was devastated for a few weeks, and particularly after his memorial, when I realised how little I knew him in the end, such a great person.



An Epiphany?

Coming home yesterday from the library (finally got my card sorted, yay), I began thinking about the last few years of life, in particular about my friendship with the girl I've come to like quite a bit. I think I may have screwed up quite a bit. In 06 I remember she was quite affectionate towards me (after all, that's when we first actually met and talked for the first time, I had seen her around and stuff but didn't know her and wasn't really interested). In particular I remember on the last d



Random Bzper Of The Weeks #136-140!

Hardly seems appropriate on the anniversary of this day, does it? Ah well, we need some light entertainment, don't we? And this is the lightest entertainment you'll ever get! That is, if you want to call it entertainment. ------------------------------ Xenith: toa of Darkfire Xenith: toa of Darkfire has 197 posts (no star rating, 177 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 7-October 04. He has a Populus avatar of a spinning red and black Avohkii along with a spinning Skrall disc in his signature, one



I Can't Believe It.

UP is better than Wall-E. And I thought that was impossible to achieve. Well worth the wait! Particularly glad that I didn't see it 3D, I feel it's a needless gimic, so seeing it normally is lovely. Such an emotively beautiful film. I actually cried twice (in the bits about Carl's life). In a childrens film! That's amazing. I'm such a softy. Absolutely loved it. How on earth this can be beaten I have no idea.  




My cat is fat. He is very fat. My cat snores in his sleep sometimes. He is right now. This is because he is fat. It's really weird. And disturbing somewhat. Fat fat fat. Fat cat on mat with hat. Without rat. Or hat. Or mat for that matter. Just a fat cat. Fat lot of good he is. Worst poem ever. Not even a poem anyway. Fat.  




OK, so I only woke up about 20 minutes ago and had breakfast before I finally go and see UP, so I'm writing this quickly so I don't forget. OK, so I had finished a roll of film for photography, had it all developed, did a proof sheet and decided to do an enlargement on this action shot of these children on a swing. So I test the amount of exposure and put them in the baths, until finally it comes out looking like the best photo I've ever done. In comes every art teacher (and possibly others) I'v



Well Isn't That Insulting

As I always do, I Google'd "Phyoohrii" to see what comes up. The first thing that comes up is "Did you mean: Phyoorii". So I decided to click it this time. And guess what? All that comes up is every page that mispells Phyoohrii! In particular, my former fan! But seriously, guys. Please learn how to spell my name. When I type in Phyoohrii into Google, I do not want to see any mispellings as the preferred option! Alright? Good!  



The Hahli Song Contest

Been waiting for something like this for so long! I'll be working on it throughout my holidays, already have a main theme, a couple more and some lyrics, and bam! Awesomness will reign supreme.  



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