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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

Entries in this blog

Ok, Month Is Up

Now I'll actually update only when I have something to say. No, I don't have anything to say now. Go away.  



When Things Are Brought Back

When things are brought back that haven't been around for years and you really liked, it's great to see them come back. But any little changes to that great thing can just make it or break it for you. Forever. Take, for instance, the return of Australia's favourite gameshow, WHEEL OF FORTUNE! Lol, I'm so sad. But it is a nostalgia thing. I loved watching that when I was younger, and my grandpa used to watch it when he was alive. The guessing of letters, the prizes, the randomness of the spinnin



I Don't Have To Say Anything

But l will. The Ignika spinny is still there. I haven't gone out looking for sets. Sport was created to cause hardship for fans. Radiak is Fenrakk's puppy. My internet will reset to good speeds tomorrow. It's 3:46pm. Awesomeness only comes to those who deserve it. My cat is fat. And sitting on a mat. But no hat. Nor bat. Nor backchat. Anyone who doesn't like tomatoes is weird. I should probably update something. Oh wait, I did update Crystal Clear. This is a random list I made of things. Not rea




Mum's been doing a bit of family history over the last month, and it's a fact that I'm a Scot through and through, which is great. BUT, I do have some Irish blood which is cool. *andcanadianbloodRUNSAWAY!* Oh, and Fascination Street has 200 entries like woot.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 84: Alphabetised!

FRYDAI! Angelic-Devil Angelic-Devil has 81 posts (no star rating, 1 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 21-October 04. Funnily enough, they have an avatar of an Angelic Devil (what are the odds!), lives in Bebington, and likes anything Playstation and green stuff, just to name a few things. And they have a website, which is actually their's. But I don't think it will load for me. Oh well. He last visited on the 9th of November 07, and their birthday is the 25th of February 1992. That's 9/11 in coo



It's Over!

And you're walking into a parking lot with the hot guy. It's over! And they all made fun of you but they got stuff dumped on top of them. It's OVER!  



An Attack On A Piece

I'll edit if needs be. Check it! On another note. Like my new signoff? And how awesome is it that BBBBBIIIIITTTTTIIIIILLLLL!!!!! is in my BS01 spotlight?  



Gallery Online Please

I remember all those years/months ago when blogs were first created, and I said I would probably never use mine. Hahaha. That's so funny when you look back. I bet I'll say the same about the Gallery when/if it comes online. And then use it all the time. Who knows? EDIT: ZOMG THE TITLE HAS A LOWERCASE FIRST LETTER OHES NOES  



Thursday I Don't Care About You...

Do you feel that certain days have certain feels? You know, like you wake up, and you know instantly what day it is. For instance, I know it's going to be a horrible day because it's a Thursday. Doesn't help that for so long it has been the worst day timetable-wise. As for the other days, Friday is always so joyous, Saturday so happening, Sunday so relaxed, Monday bright but bitter, Tuesday is dull, and Wednesday is happy. That's what the days of the week sorta feel to me. How about *point rando




The last four topics I posted were birthday topics. Check them out now! AND THE NUMBERS ARE CONSECUTIVE! =O On another odd note, this is probably the first time I've actually listened to Fascination Street when in my blog.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 83: Alphabetised!

Saturday, wait, and Sunday always comes too late, but Friday, never hesitate... Nickm26 Nickm26 has 14 posts (no star rating, no profile views) and joined BZPower 22-July 02. Nothing is known of him. He might like Tahu Nuva though. He last visited on the 16th of September 03. Long time since we've had a long time departed member. The Z has turned on itside this week to an N! Time for a Bazzer! BZP Member List Trivia: There are (at the time of writing) 314 members starting with N that have more



Look, I Don't Really Have Anything To Say

I just want to get through a whole month of posting entries on each consecutive day. The last time I did that was in July-August 06. I don't know how well I'm going right now, I think I've got a while to go yet. Anyway. Well, my mid term report was good, so I actually let my parents go to Parent/Teacher interviews. That's good. Teachers must like me, I clearly am getting higher marks than I deserve.  




They could take it off temporarily, and then reupload it on July 20. You know, that thing I found last Sunday. But heh, whatever. Oh, and yes, Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers outthere!  



Remember Those Days...

When Ramas didn't have a Nui- in front of them? Yes, those little racing Ramas that they used to have. Sure, they were the worst value for money things ever, but they sure looked cool.   Anyway, I was for stuff, and I actually found out there were 15 of them, rather than fourteen. Sure, I had seen Ghost (the middle one, white and brown) in LEGO Racers 2, but I never saw him in catalogues or anything, so I thought he was one they made up for the game. Yeah. The biggest waste of money ever. I go



Random Bzper Of The Week 82: Alphabetised!

Random fact I found out today. Lol Tolhurst's (former member of the Cure) brother used to work as a teacher at my school. Small world. zunak the warrior zunak the warrior has 173 posts (no star rating, 78 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 9-January 07. He has an avatar of Kongu Mahri, live in that USest of As, claims Club Penguin is his homepage, and likes...stuff, it's hard to tell. Lots of stuff...I see Wii in there...and XBox...Oh, and the War has begun. He last visited on the 24th of Septemb



Bad Tv Lineups

This is the lineup for Thursday on one channel here. Keep in mind that last year and every other year, LOST was on at 8:30 on this night. Earlier this year, it was at 9:30. Now... 7:30 - That 70's Show 8:00 - How I Met Your Mother 8:30 - Ghost Whisperer 9:30 - Trinny & Susannah Undress the Nation 10:30 - LOST Come on! Who ACTUALLY watches Ghost Whisperer? And who would actually watch that GARBAGE at 9:30. Trust me, you don't want to know what that is. Oh, and Family Guy is on at 11:30. I hat



Lol, Admins...

You might want to obliterate my old account. People might see the new spinny. Lol lol lol lol. Then again. There's the risk of you obliterating this one at the same time. Um... XD XD  




Don't you hate it when you have a great idea for a blog entry, but as you're about to write it, you can't remember what it was going to be? And any other similar situation like that. You know the ones. It's the weirdest feeling... On another note, wonder when more people are going to notice what was mentioned in the previous entry.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 81: Alphabetised.

Sorry, bit late today. Ah well. You thought you weren't getting your fix of random. Well... In memory of Aaron In memory of Aaron had 125 posts (no star rating, 6 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 21-November 05. I mean had. I think this sums it up. *sigh* His brother last visited on the 4th of July 06, and their birthday was the 5th of December 1985. Mmm... Hardly an appropriote member for a Random Spotlight. I apologise for that. Here's a slightly more respectful banner for them... BZP Member



What About That Muaka?

The one that fell off the cliff because of Kopaka. Why does no one mourn about that? R.I.P, Muaka   At least I miss you.  



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