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Mary Mackillop

What's been bugging me about Australia's beloved Mary Mackillop becoming a Saint is simple 'why?' - why does such a great person have to prove themselves after they've died by performing two 'miracles'? I mean really. People like her performed many 'miracles' during their lives for the sake of the Catholic Church, it seems ridiculous to me they have show some ethereal power. She should've been considered a saint long ago, like soon after her death. She was a saintly person when she was alive, fr



March Aus Lego Mag

There's only one thing in this magazine that actually matters, but because of that thing it makes it the best magazine ever. My doubts have been put to rest. Finally, there is justice in the world. I'm talking about BIONICLE #12.   First thing I thought was how small it actually is, I thought it'd be the same size as the magazine. Apparently not so. But I am ecstatic. It's so much better having it in person than just the annoying scans. And, it's been editted enough to tell us that Mutran is N



Many Things From One Year To The Next

So, I'm back from the Falls Festival. Once again, there were great moments and rather bad moments, such as the thunderstorm close to midnight on NYE. Yes, I have a real phobia of thunderstorms. But yeah, the music was great, I reckon I've been converted to like Electronica, bands such as Moby (yes, I saw Moby, brilliance, wish he performed on NYE rather than the day before, though) were really good. Most of the music was sweet as, and I reckon it was all worth it in the end. Anyway, it's a New Y



Madness, I Say!

Now I understand the huge uproar when you guys found out the Mistika were from $10USD to $13USD or whatever. $15AUD to $20AUD is criminal! And people will echo my sentiments and agree that they're not even that good compared to other years. $50 for an average sized Titan!? I DON'T THINK SO. AND when they come out. I am sickened that we have to wait so long in between sets. Why not all at once, or in bigger batches? One at a time? Huh? If this happens in other countries (Canada, UK, rest of Europ



Ma Msn Peeps

I would prefer it if you no longer contacted me at the current email address I have given you. Instead, you can at phyoohrii@hotmail.com. Sorry if this causes any bother. Likewise, anyone that wants my MSN without having to ask, there it is. Just tell me that you've added me if you have.  



M. Eep.

OK, guys, this really shows how much of a procrastinator I am. For the first time in ages I've been driving (went better than expected), but before leaving, looking at my logbook for my hours, I found out that the last time I drove was the 17th of January last year. That's right. 355 days ago. Oman. So yeah, I really hope I'll get my hours up by July at the latest. Then get my license soon after that. That's the plan. Speaking of plans...  



M S Festival

Going up north to Launceston to the M S Festival, not because I want to, but because my sister wanted me to come along. So I am. Should be...mreh. Should have worked out where I live from that, perhaps. It's quite possible that this may involve in jokes.  



Lr2 Racers Would Not Win Nascar

Because I like wasting time and doing ridiculous studies, I made a study of the poor driving skills of the Racers from LEGO Racers 2, compared to my awesome skills. And pictures speak a thousand words, so here's a gallery of the longest possible race (Sam Sanister's Slammer, 5 laps), with screenshots taken every 5 checkpoints to show the progress of the white dots, and a comparison with the awesome blue dot that was me. Just as a guide, the green is the finishing line and the yellow are pit stop



Lots Of Bands To See (That I Like) In The Coming Months!

Firstly, X (The Australian One, that is; the US one is rubbish) is doing a reunion tour and are coming to Tassie for two shows this weekend, and I'ma going to both. Then this new psychedelic band called Tame Impala has one in October, as does the ol' punk band U.K. Subs. Finally, not sure if I'll go to this one, but Buzzcocks will be coming in November. What a brilliant time to be 18. Shame most of my friends aren't, and won't be for a while either, so they can't [acronym=Legally. ]come with me



Lost Without It - Like That Joke Hasn't Been Made Before

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «   So yeah, LOST tonight. Still getting my head round it. In a way disappointed how the flash-sideways timeline was a sort of afterlife sort of thing, but otherwise I thought it was a fantastic episode. Sure, some questions weren't answered, but I think the major/relevant ones were, which is good. And it was good seing most of the cast together again. Also made me remember a lot of the stuff that happened before.     And finally they killed off J



Look, I Don't Really Have Anything To Say

I just want to get through a whole month of posting entries on each consecutive day. The last time I did that was in July-August 06. I don't know how well I'm going right now, I think I've got a while to go yet. Anyway. Well, my mid term report was good, so I actually let my parents go to Parent/Teacher interviews. That's good. Teachers must like me, I clearly am getting higher marks than I deserve.  



Longest Day Of The Year

Can only mean one thing...summer has arrived. And yes, pleasant day today. 22 Degrees Celcius (72 Degrees for the weird ones), full sun, barely any clouds, perfect weather. Bet you're jealous. Daylight will only get shorter now, though. :\ Don't you just love weather entries? I could have talked about how I'm struggling with finding anything for Christmas shopping, and it's now the 21st, but no. Come on, at least ten opinions would be nice and quite useful.  




Didn't think I would originally, but I REALLY want the B-52s new album.  



Lol, Admins...

You might want to obliterate my old account. People might see the new spinny. Lol lol lol lol. Then again. There's the risk of you obliterating this one at the same time. Um... XD XD  



Lindsay Lohan Knows How To Shatter A Career

In other news...lol, sorry, I did the strange title three times about female 'stars', and then went to talk about 'other news', all to do with exams. I like repeating gags. But three's enough.   But anyway, in other news, final exam for Geography for this semester. Best one by far, the questions were almost tailor-made for me. Hope I get a good result for it. And that's me done for the semester, I'm officially on holiday! Party times!   That is all.  



Light-Hearted Comparison

This is humour. "What would you get if Antroz infiltrated Carapar's body? A Barrakuta." Get it? It's a play on words. Like, Barracouta. A mix of Barraki and Makuta. Humour. Not good humour, but still is humour. This is not humour. "Why does Mario always say 'Mamma-mia!'? Because Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked him in the face." Someone actually told me that 'joke' once.  



Life Happenings

I meant Uni happenings, because there is absolutely no life involved in that until just about right now.   Been absolutely stressed and swamped with work, heaps of things handed in late, will be lucky to pass all my units. So I'm not really happy right now.   On the other hand, I am such a lady charmer at the moment. They all luvs me. I'm cereal. Nah not really, but let me believe that. Please.   I guess that'll do for now. Expect more regular blog updates from now on, till exams begin, heh.   A



Liek Hooray!

I finally got some new shoes. For the first time in over 3 years. Lol. No, they didn't need office supplies to keep them together. Nor was I told by a girlfriend to get new shoes (due to a lack of said girlfriend, and it was my mum who told me anyway ) Nor needing to put a puppet show on with my feet for said non-existant girlfriend. Nor will I need to put large socks and then larger shoes then larger socks and even larger shoes on top of my old shoes. Wait, that scenario seems strangely familia



Lesovikk And Sarda

We're swimming in the sea We're floating in the water stream The people far above are sleeping as I sing   I'm holding very tight I'm riding in the ocean blue I'm finding I can glide so far below with you   Far across the world The seaweed stems go by like trees The currents and the fish, the creatures and the seas   Sea Squid gaze open mouthed Taken by surprise Nobody beneath waves believes their eyes   We're surfing far below We're swimming in the ocean vast We're drifting over scary Creatures



Lego Pricing

So, I'm interested in getting that R2-D2 model, because, you know, it's awesome. But LEGO has got some serious problems with pricing these days. Well, it always has, but current economic conditions have exacerbated it, I feel.   Currently, our dollar is more valuable than the US dollar, and has been for well over a year (close to two?). This is after a long history of being less valuable, because obvious the US used to be going quite well. That meant that LEGO sets always seemed more expensive,



Lego House (The Song)

Why isn't there a LEGO version of the film clip yet, haha. I mean, we have several Rupert Grint minifigs to work with.   [/dumb]  



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