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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

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I'm serious this time. I'm taking a break from BZP for a while, because right now, my life is pretty screwed up and I need to fix it up. I'll be back no later than early August, which is when my mid year exams finish. You may see me around a couple of times on BZP and MSN, but it's not likely. Titan Olympics...is doubtful, really doubtful. Johnuva still hasn't sent his lines. You can tell him to send him the lines, if you want me to finish TO. For now, I just don't think I can. Epics, no, no up



Le Sigh

You know there's something wrong with the world when a 12yo can be stabbed to death by a 13yo just before the opening school bell rings.   And a number of other things, particularly luging.   Still annoyed about them daring to put the BIONICLE logo on Hero Factory sets. "From the makers of..." BLEH. But I admit, some of the boxed sets look alright. But nothing more than that.   What poor thinking made me put all three of these issues in the one entry?   And this as well? My my.  



Last Call For Voice Actors

I'm anxious to actually getting this started. I'll have a 3 month school break starting December 1, and I'd like to be well on my way with production of TITAN OLYMPICS. So I want the last two parts, Lhikan (one of the larger parts) and Brutaka (smallish part) filled soon. And when I mean soon, I mean in the coming week. So, if I'm waiting for your audition, or if you are still interested in auditioning, PM me (if possible, I know it's hard at the moment) and give me an audition BY 3am EST on Mon



Lady Gaga Knows How To Shock A Nation

In other news, had my first Uni exam ever today (Sociology) and I think it went well. Would have been nice if the girl to my right didn't have to clear her throat every two minutes or so, otherwise it was all good. I really don't mind exams when it comes down to it, I can handle the immediate pressure much better than the lack of immediate pressure for assignments and such. Ah well, let's hope I do well. So, two more to go, one on Wednesday, the other the following Wednesday. Dun dun dun.  



Lack Of Entries Here

Guess haven't had much to say. Well, I had my exams, now on holiday, then I'll be gone for a couple of days. Also other stuff that no one would find any interest in. I'll probably make another RBZPotW today to deal with not being able to this Friday, I'll slate it to be posted then though.   I hope you're enjoying your summer time, I sure did, it was our best summer in years. It's made this cold winter snap all the more unbearable, though.  




Makes me think of Kolhii each time I see his name.   But yeah, it's been good to see that Australia is doing well again in cricket, absolutely destroying India at the moment over here. It's funny, because I was absolutely sure before the current series that it would be us that would be completely destroyed, I thought India were much better, but apparently not. But yeah, after a couple of bad years, things may be looking up again. Let's make it four-zip for the series, yes.   This is obviously o



Kardiak Arrest Official Site

View Here.   As stated there, there will be more updates about KA there, but really major ones will still be here as well. Subscribe to the feed if you're really intrigued and interested. Which I hope you are by now.   The Fifth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Space Port, Mindstorms, Star Wars, Trains, Technic, Adventurers and Rock Raiders. It is December 1999. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 N.B. Notice the typo on page



Kardiak Arrest Auditions - Karda Nui Matoran

You heard the title! Kardiak Arrest Auditions are officially opening! Why? Well, I plan to release a teaser trailer which also doubles up as one of the first scenes in Kardiak Arrest! It only features Av-Matoran voices. The rest of auditions will happen once Part 1 is written. Well, how will the audition process work? Well, below are the different characters. There will be a description where required of any particular voices I am looking for, otherwise it's however you interpret them. There ma



Kardiak Arrest Auditions

Bumped again because of apparent lack of interest. So nothing new, then. OK, seriously now, auditions for Kardiak Arrest are opening completely! (almost) Part 1 of Kardiak Arrest has been completed, and much to my horror, it is...really, really big. I really had no idea how much work I was giving myself and everyone else. Part 1 alone is longer than Titan Olympics! And that was long! Thankfully, it'll be split up for your viewing pleasure. ANYWAY, it is huge, but that means, lots of good voice



K, So, Random Bzper Of The Week #293. It's Alphabetised, You Know.

Reporting to you live from my Uni library!   Kayru   Kayru has 697 posts (5 Star Rating, 1135 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 16-January 04. She is a Premier Member, has an avatar of her white kitsune persona, has a website and a LEGO.com account, as well as AIM, MSN and Skype accounts, lives in Washington, and likes Kingdom Hearts, drawing and Harry Potter, among a list of things. Alright.   She last visited on the 6th of April 2012, and her birthday is the 8th of September 1990. Yep.   Here'



Just To Reitterate What I Said Last Time

Fads are overrated. They are undermining, bringing everyone back into a conformist society, in ludicrous ways. They are violent, they are scary, and can claim anyone. And the scariest thing of all, they are cute. So join me to eradicate this, for if it is not stopped, all we be consumed. ... People don't read my blog.  



Just One Of Those Days

One of those days where you wish you did not wake up. Not because anything bad happened. Only because nothing happened. At all. A waste of a day. That and schooling has commenced again for another term, with examinations in around six weeks. How not thrilling.  



Just As A Word Of Warning...

At the very least, Breathe and Time by the London Philharmonic Orchestra is just brilliance. So is Kashmir and Stairway to Heaven. [some] Orchestral versions of Classic Rock songs are just wub.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



June Aus Lego Mag

This is all that matters. Past that, though, the mag is quite good itself. New catalogue, telling us that everything in Aus will be released in August (and Mazeka is NOT a store exclusive here, so that'll be great). Again, the sets for all the themes are stunning (Indiana Jones in particular). There are also stickers for LEGO Racers, an offer to get the 2008 Advent Calender, and a competition to win not only the LEGO Indiana Jones game, but a Wii as well, so good luck to those that enter that.




Hmm...I don't think BZP has made me laugh or even smile in a long while. Funny that. The good times are DEFINETLY over.  



Jacques Tati

Had the grace to accidentally run into a doco on TV about the great man today, reminded me of how great his films and humour was. I still haven't seen Trafic or Parade, but I have seen his other major films (Jour de Fête, Monsieur Hulot's Holiday, Mon Oncle and Playtime), the latter three I also had the privilege of seeing at a local art house cinema hear for a Tati festival a few years ago. Added to this during the downtime I saw the animated film The Illusionist, which is based off one of his



It's That Time Again Folks...

You know what I'm talking about. It's...*drum roll* MAXILOS COSPLAY TIME!!! Yes! It's everyone's favourite game show! Inspired by this comment from an hour or so ago, the idea is to see how many iterations of Maxilos's face using various 'popular' 'culture' we can come up with. Suggestions are crucial. Everyone receives a life time's supply of "What in Mata Nui's name is this?"   Cosplays so far:    



It's Strong Sad!

"It is. It is Strong Sad and it is Strong Unfortunate what happened to your face. OOOH! Peeeow! Call me. Peeeow!" If you haven't guessed, I was almost right. It's (Almost) Strong Sad's Answering Machine.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



It's Over!

And you're walking into a parking lot with the hot guy. It's over! And they all made fun of you but they got stuff dumped on top of them. It's OVER!  



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