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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

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Yeah, I recovered. Still don't feel great, but I don't feel like mouthing off anyone anymore. RBZPotW later today.  



Random Bzpers Of The Weeks 102-5

What's this? Is Phyoohrii back for a full 3 and a half months (details tomorrow)? Does this mean that he has to do 7 Random BZPers in 2 weeks to be back on schedule? You bet it does! Shaladin Shaladin has 12 posts (no star rating, 1 Profile View) and joined BZPower 11-July 03. Not much is known about them apart from their preset avatar of Kopaka Nuva. Apparently though it is common practice for computers to mess up for us. They last visited on the 5th of August 06, and their birthday is the 19th



So Apparently Someone Moc'd A Crab And Named It The Phyoohrii Crab

And apparently I'm an inspiration. OK...   Then this happened.     I blame sbahj and like all the dumb webcomics I read for making this less sincere than I meant it.   Also I should do proper vector art that's actually good but NO   Couple of entries about stuff lined up for the next couple of days. Hooray for actual interesting things to say.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 84: Alphabetised!

FRYDAI! Angelic-Devil Angelic-Devil has 81 posts (no star rating, 1 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 21-October 04. Funnily enough, they have an avatar of an Angelic Devil (what are the odds!), lives in Bebington, and likes anything Playstation and green stuff, just to name a few things. And they have a website, which is actually their's. But I don't think it will load for me. Oh well. He last visited on the 9th of November 07, and their birthday is the 25th of February 1992. That's 9/11 in coo



Burn Mad

The only emoticon that aptly describes everything right now.   OK, hang on, let me elaborate on this. Wait a while and I'll post this again. Right, OK, back now. But quickly before LOST is on, lol.   While I still have this bloody anxiety that just won't go away (I think I'm now have anxiety because I have anxiety, you know?), it means I really can't join in with my peers very much because I just can't cope. And when they're out having fun and I'm not, it makes me so...frustrated, angry. And I s



I Do Want To Alarm You Guys...

But I definetly don't have a bomb. In all seriousness, my dad has been sent this really suspicious parcel, with no sent address or anything, wrapped in brown paper. Brown paper! Who sends parcels in brown paper these days, when you can have those good parcels you can get from the Post Office? Dèja Vu is fun. I think that e might have the wrong accent. Might be an acute, rather than a grave. Ah well. When he got home, he [bravely] opened the package, and what to be found inside were a bunch of b



It's Alright, It's Ok

I have the lines. No need to panic. Only celebrate. I'll try working on TO solidly on Wednesday and Thursday, where I will have nothing on at school and here, so I'll have an oppurtunity to. Subsequently, as of 4 minutes from now, Part 2 will be complete. Just part 1 and 3 to go, yay! Oh, and 3 down, 1 and a bit to go!  



Random Bzpers Of The Week #268 & #269 (December So Far)

...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and also in non MSPA news I've caught up with these Randoms, yes.   Dum Spiro Spero   Dum Spiro Spero has 4503 posts (4 Star Rating, 6209 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 12-December 05. He is currently most active in BIONICLE RPG. He has an avatar of some underwater thing, a banner of a space shuttle with "Dum Spiro Spero Audaces Fortuna Iuvat" written on it (as well as "Ride Semper"), and lives in Washington. He won't tell me his interests unless I ask him. Whi



Random Bzper Of The Week #282: Alfabetised!

So I didn't bother with the entries I thought of. Because I was 'busy'. Maybe if I feel inspired I'll talk about the issues at a later date.   Faas   Faas has 335 posts (3 Star Rating, 632 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 26-May 06. He is currently most active in BIONICLE-Based Creations. He lives in Iowa and is shaking his head. What did I do?   He last visited on the 31st of December 2011, and his birthday is the 9th of September 1991. Two months after me, holy gorsh.   Here's a frisky bann



Desperate Times...

...call for desperate measures.   The Twenty-Eighth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Clickits (zomg!), City, Knights Kingdom, BIONICLE, Racers and Dino Attack. It is September 2005. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 N.B. First time a theme aimed for girls has been featured. Funny that. www.kardiakarrest.webs.com - First round of Auditions open till January 3! 



Batman's Treaty

Seriously, did every band from the 60s-80s have to make a cover of the Batman theme or something? Was it a codified law or was it just some weird music-comic convention? Will you stay tuned to find out?   WHOP  




All this evening I've been reading back over all of LotM. It was surprisingly very entertaining. I didn't realise how many running gags I had going in it, and so many things I want to reuse. Mata Nuno is easily my favourite character in the whole thing (mainly because of his eye styles), and I didn't realise how good a cliff hanger I had made before leaving the project in the first place. The 5th panel of comic #187 made me laugh out loud. Like, really loud. That's nigh on impossible. I'm awesom



All Done, Summer To Go!

I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Maths exam today, and I felt I went really well, again. Man. If only I performed like this all year long, not just when the going's tough. AND DANGERESQUE 3 IS OUT BUT MY INTERENETS IS SLOW SO I NOT BE DOWNLOADING DEMO YET. KARDIAK ARREST - COMING 2009   



You May Have Noticed...

But since the 22nd of November last year I have been posting a lot. A minimum of 10 times a day, in fact; all of those 10 guaranteed posts were made in BBC, Art I, Sets and GD. Topped with all other posts I've made in that period I've made 844 posts in just under 3 months, which is definetly a record for me. Not compared to some other people, obviously, you posting freaks. So, back to school tomorrow, good times are over. Or are they returning now? We shall see.   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Best. Lost Episode. Since Season 2.

Ji Yeon owned. It certainly didn't look like it would to begin with, but once things got going, it got really juicy. And Grant Bowler as Captain Gault! Man, he is awesome. Don't know when I last saw him. Probably the Mole. Man, that was an awesome show too.  



Oh Geez

Saw the first link that will go to the respective link clicker's profile (as illustrated here) gag in a long time. And there were those that didn't get it at first and were all like "whaaaaa what's wrong with me oh noes". Ah, the joys of being a BZP veteran. adfgasdfg  



Longest Day Of The Year

Can only mean one thing...summer has arrived. And yes, pleasant day today. 22 Degrees Celcius (72 Degrees for the weird ones), full sun, barely any clouds, perfect weather. Bet you're jealous. Daylight will only get shorter now, though. :\ Don't you just love weather entries? I could have talked about how I'm struggling with finding anything for Christmas shopping, and it's now the 21st, but no. Come on, at least ten opinions would be nice and quite useful.  




I think I've lost it. I really am not motivated by anything to do anything anymore. This is a serious problem. I just don't care anymore. And this sounds eerily familiar to something I've said before. I need a purpose. When will I find it?  



Oh Great.

Not only do we both have Silver Avohkiis, Light Blue eyes, being awesome while not being a Toa, make comics, 4 star members, both been major voice actors in two of my projects AND both live in Australia, but now Turaga Dlakii's blog and my Phylog both have a 4.2 Star rating from 22 votes! WHAT'S GOING ON!!! D:   www.KardiakArrest.webs.com 



Hey, I Made 'music'

By music, I mean something awful. Have a listen!   So basically I wanted to try out using FL Studio's Demo, so I got some soundfonts and a synth that Toby Radiation Fox recommended somewhere, and then I re-imagined that "Computer Man" music you can find on that website where you can look at videos. It's not very good, I'm just trying things out, very basically, with little editing or whatever.   Also I just realised that Audacity might be able to function in the same way, with use of soundfonts



Oh Great

So my results didn't come today, so they should be here tomorrow. At least, that was until I heard that Australia Post will be having workers strikes starting tomorrow and lasting for two days. asdfghjkl;!!!  



Random Bzper Of The Week 97...

UNALPHABETISED! Literally, unalphabetised! -Neo- -Neo- has 1549 posts (no star rating, 4 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 9-June 03. They have a Mahalis avatar of a spinning silver Miru with a Matrix background, has a Brickshelf, is a Premier Member, comes from North Carolina, and likes Coldplay, The Killers and Fencing, to name a few things. Touché. They last visited on the 10th of March 08, and his birthday is the 4th of August 1990. How [insert witty adjective]. Now, we will return to normal



What Is This.

A night which was actually fun for its entirety and I had no qualms about it, even this deep into the next day? Unheard of!   Parents gone up north to spend time with family for tonight and tomorrow, mostly to talk about family history and stuff. Fun times.  



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