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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

Entries in this blog

It's Ovar!

High school officially concludes for me today. Later on, in the evening, we'll have the leaver's dinner, where everyone apart from me will try and be remembered. Funny, since they'll go to afterparties and get completely wasted anyway. Mmm, logic. How do I feel about this? Indifferent is a word that's come to my mind. I'm neither sad nor happy that I'm leaving, but I suppose that could sum up many of my views in a nutshell these days. Besides, most of the leavers will go to the same college as m



It's November 2

So for you guys that only means one thing. However, that's not the same thing as my one thing. And that was my second exam, which went pretty well, much better than the first. Only one left and I'm done for the year hooray.   Ees muy bueno.  



It's Like The 1960S

So walking back home from classes, this old Italian woman is standing outside her house across the road where I'm walking. She shouts out at me, I don't hear what she says because I'm listening to my iPod. I take my headphones out, and realise she was offering free fruit, probably nectarines. I decline, but she insists, still on the other side of the road. I eventually am able to leave.   But now I want a nectarine.  



It's Been Well Over A Month...

...since I last whinged about something for reals on here.   Basically, people around me are now getting into relationships all over the place, particularly my three closest friends. And I feel terrible about it because no one [appears] to like me in that way. Maybe I'm not seeing something, but I just get the feeling more and more that I'm going to remain alone for a long time...unless I do something drastic, which because of my nature I don't think is possible. I mean, I'd like to feel close



It's Back!

Right, better do a serious entry. Haven't done one of those in a long time. I have alot to catch up on. Two weeks ago now, the 11th of December, we had Presentation Evening. USUALLY I'd be getting award, but they decided to change everything so I couldn't get an award. I was really angry about that, because they didn't bother to tell us this at all, and I had been working at the standard where I could have got an award. So that sucked. Last Monday I got my report. I was right, it was a very good



It's Alright, It's Ok

I have the lines. No need to panic. Only celebrate. I'll try working on TO solidly on Wednesday and Thursday, where I will have nothing on at school and here, so I'll have an oppurtunity to. Subsequently, as of 4 minutes from now, Part 2 will be complete. Just part 1 and 3 to go, yay! Oh, and 3 down, 1 and a bit to go!  



It Pains Me To See...

...that The Rise and Fall of the Toa may not go any further. It will always remain the best comic series on these forums, nothing is close to its greatness and humour. It is not like it is dead as of yet but I doubt there will be any action there anytime soon. I'm surprised but also glad The Chilli God persisted for so long, good on him. Yeah, great comics.  



It Has Been Over 45 Days

And guess what? I am still here. And not leaving. Phyoohrii will never return here ever again, hahaha! Hmm, not as satisfying as I would have thought...what now?  



Is This What I Meant By Fixing My Life?

OK, in case you care, the next 5 RBZPotW will be out tomorrow. This is way more important and it's taking too much time to do anything on this stupid forum. Always late night on Friday (my time!) for being slow, infuriating. You're never going to believe this, but this entry is about Golden Brown. I know, amazing. Anyway, couple of developments today. It turns out that she may have a thing for well built guys, like muscly guys and stuff. That possibly rules me out, yet I still get the hint (in f



Is This Random Bzper Of The Week #201?

As you all would be aware, I've held a 'contest' to see whether to continue the Random BZPer of the Week. Out of interest, it's interesting to note how literally people took me when I said to say "Aye" or "Nay", when a yes or no would have been fine.   Anyway, how'd it all turn out? Is it over? Only one way to find out!   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «   asjdhflkasdjfhl why won't you work?   ...oh right, spoilers don't work with this skin, that's convenient. Just, here we



Is It Not A Beautiful Day?

I think it is. And I'm not just talking about the brilliant sunshine and the mild but very pleasant temperatures, either. In other news, as I'm sure you are aware, the majority of the KAST (noticed the pun yet? ) has been selected. I'm sure you can work your way to finding out who made it, you don't need my help.   The Thirty-Seventh Magazine I got features the LEGO themes City, Mars Mission, BIONICLE, Exo-Force, Star Wars and Creator. It is December 2007. Page 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1



Ipod Classic

People who know me know that I'm not the biggest fan of Apple. Despite that, I've received 2 Apple products over the years (iPod Classic 80GB and Touch 32GB), and I've used them, because turning down gifts is never a nice thing. But it's fair to say I've sure used them, and become quite attached to them. I don't believe that they're better than other products in the same market (and maybe they're not), but I've never felt the need to replace them because they both still work and do what I want t




So in the past couple of weeks, thanks to the wonderous world of social networking, I pretty much have every Saturday (including this one) for the next month tied up with invitations to birthdays or going away shindigs or both, mostly for 21st birthdays. The celebration of the 21st birthday is mostly redundant in this country as all our laws focus around the ages of 16 and 18 (like joining army, drinking, voting, getting a learners permit, etc). 21st these days really doesn't have any meaning, b



Interestingly Intriguing

Is it just me, or are some of the things that intrigue you also some of the things that scare the living daylights out of you?   I hope you're not scared of this but are at least intrigued.  




Oh, sweet, have I got past him again? Fantastic! Better give you some news of the last couple of days before he catches me! Of course, it was my birthday two days ago (as I reminded you the day before, if you were able to find the secret message). The big 18 as well, it's really scary that I'm now in my 19th year. I still feel too young at heart, unprepared, etc. Anyway, what I get? Band t-shirts (as usual!), lots of stuff about Ian Curtis and Joy Division, iPod dock/speaker system (which I'm in



Inane Patriotism Day (Australia Day)

Yeah, when I feel proud to be Australian, I might actually feel like celebrating it today. As it is, I do not, for several reasons that I won't go into here. I'm glad I live here, it's a wonderful place, but to share kindred with the kind of bigoted people that live here...that I cannot swallow. And people do forget what the day truly marks anyway, and it's certainly not something I feel happy with celebrating.   So it's a day of cleaning, listening to the Triple J Hottest 100 of 2011, and other



In Memory

QUOTE(Phyoohrii @ Jan 29 2008, 11:21 AM) 5093847[/snapback] I...I'm speechless. This is horrible. Beliwa, my good friend, gone. I wish I knew. This is horrible. I'm having real trouble posting this, I feel shell-shocked. If I knew, I probably would have been less annoying in the last few months.   Man, you were an inspiration to many people, with Crossroads and your other writings, your contribution to Nosferatu, and BIONICLE Kingdoms, just to name a few things that you did. You were a truly gre



In Case You Didn't Know...which You Don't...

I'm going to University too. Caouse the Uni of Tas doesn't have enough people doing languages, so they're getting people to do languages for a bit in College to go towards whatever it goes towards. And it's done online rather than in classrooms or anything. So yeah. So I'm studying first year French as of right now. Woo.  



Ill And Home Alone

Family gone to Melbourne till Saturday, and I still feel awful. Getting a bit better, but still, really lethargic and yuck.  




I would be totally surprised and really sad if an American of my age didn't know about the Lewinsky case. However, I certainly discovered a Tasmanian today who didn't know ANYTHING about it. And they're at Uni, where the educated supposedly thrive.   How could you not know about it at all? That's one of many things that I thought many people should know about, even if it is kinda silly.   What things you thought most people would know that someone did not know?  



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