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So, November

Time, what have you done? Now I need to start thinking about getting Christmas presents for people.



So, Home

I slept for 14 hours last night. I know that sounds incredibly lazy, but in my defense I was up for about 32 hours from Monday until Tuesday with barely any sleep. I got a little on the bus and train on the way home, but I don't think it was any more than an hour. I feel pretty good today though, and it's really nice being back, so I'm happy. It was a great holiday.




So I was in town this evening, and lo and behold, it snowed. It actually snowed. The last time we had snow was back in Christmas 2009. It's pretty much nothing compared to what the rest of you get, but for Ireland it's great.   What's sad is, I live away from town and we hardly got a thing in my part of the countryside. I was thinking if the snow didn't melt during the night I could go out tomorrow and take pictures, but I guess that won't be possible. Ah well.



Slightly Entertaining Picture Of The Day

I've never seen cows group together so tightly in a large field before. The pic doesn't show them very well, but there's at least seven or eight together there. They're obviously plotting something.



Six months in, and poor news

Quick recap, six months ago I got pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to me, which was a sort-of diagnosis from the metabolic unit in Dublin. What they found is that I have SOME FORM of fatty-acid metabolism disorder, which is good, but it's not really a diagnosis in itself, because there's a big range of the disorders and I could have any one of them. Because of that, treatment so far has been extremely limited.   In a nutshell though, the problem is this: I can't metabolise fat pro




I'm late to the party as usual, but I've started watching Sherlock. I saw "A Study in Pink" last night and I really liked it. Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are brilliant, and I was really happy to see that John's character was actually given justice. I guess I'll be watching the next episode tonight.



Seven Days

It's only a week until I fly out to America.   Excuse me while I go and bounce off the walls.




I just spent a whole hour typing and retyping a short post. Then I decided against posting it because it still didn't sound right. Not exactly time well spent.



School (Again)

As I mentioned a few entries back, I'm going back to school for the first time in ages, although only for art classes. I start back today.   So yeah, in an hour's time I'll be walking in that classroom door and seeing my old class for the first time in two years. This is going to be weird.




So art classes at school are going pretty well. I go in on a Wednesday and a Friday, and on a Friday the art class is the last class of the day, so I take the bus back home.   The two individuals from this entry are on the bus. And yeah, what do you know, they're still ignoring me. The first one is generally ignorant anyway, so I suppose I can't expect anything else of him, but as for the other I'm 99% sure she avoids me because she has stupid Catholic parents won't let her near non-Catholic peo




So next week I'm going there for the first time in ages. I'll be in regularly for art classes now.   The first day back should be interesting, because all my classsmates haven't seen me in two years.




I'm having a creativity slump. And I'm feeling a bit depressed. I'm not sure whether one is a result of the other but I need someone to talk to.




By golly, we are getting a lot of it.   And this is Ireland, where we're used to rain.



Quite A Scare

Dad broke his neck and his back today. Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully, his spine is intact so he isn't paralyzed, but I'm in shock about the whole thing.



Quick Life Update

So as some of you may remember I experienced a miracle health improvement last year, and it's somehow been almost an entire year since that happened now, which is kind of frightening. Anyway I never posted an update so I'm going to do a quick one here.   The good: the working metabolism is here to stay, and has been literally life changing. Last year I really felt like I was hanging on by a thread, but the metabolism has given me physical stamina that wasn't there before, and is (or was) improvi




VB, the extremely kind fellow he is, got me Portal for my birthday, and it's great.   Of course, everybody else knew that it was great three years ago, but better late than never, right?



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