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Quite A Scare



Dad broke his neck and his back today. Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully, his spine is intact so he isn't paralyzed, but I'm in shock about the whole thing.


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I think he's going to be okay, but I honestly don't really know. I think everybody else is as shocked as I am, but I guess we're all okay.

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Wow, how did he even remotely survive that? O.o

But hey, if he's going to be OK, then you can point and laugh at the ludicrous collar used to support his head while the bones in his neck repairerize themselves. But it sure seems like he ain't going to do much for the next year-or-so anymore.


How did this even happen, though?

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That is... geez, I can't really say anything except quote what Xaeraz first said. Blimey, that has got to be the pinnacle of luck...


Here's to a good recovery for everyone.

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Wow... how, might I ask? That's a pretty serious injury to just happen out of nowhere. I wish all the ebst to your dad and hope he recovers soon and well.

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Oh man... That is such a shock to hear about... I'm really at a loss for words to say. It is great that his spine remained intact. I hope you and your family are doing okay, and your dad is holding up well.

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Whoa, dude, that's scary. Thank goodness he's not paralyzed.


Your dad's awesome, though, so I know he'll make a speedy recovery.

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Cripes! It's good he wasn't paralyzed, but that's horrible. Hope he makes a strong recovery - hang in there, man.

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Sometimes it seems like you just can't catch a break. I hope everything turns out alright for you and your family.

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:kaukau: This makes me even more afraid for my own father. I think a lot about how lucky I am to still have my parents around. Thinking about loosing them...


I'm really glad that your father survived is all I can really say. I really hope that he gets better. Here's hoping that he lives to see his great-grandchildren.



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