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>Criticize how long it takes you to do something >Offer to do it for you earnestly >They become the one thing holding things up   It's nobody who frequents this blog, but if you happen to come in here, you'll know who you are.



Mac Effect 2?

Bioware, now that I know I'm not going to get any success from a $5 used copy thanks to your DRM, can you please release a port of Mass Effect 2 for OS X? It hasn't been a Microsoft exclusive since last month, and according to iGame Radio and Mac Life(Not my choice of news by any means, but "Mass Effect 2 Mac" in Google turned it up, and they seem legit enough) it's all but confirmed coming to at least the OnLive service, Which I can guarantee will see at least one sale if they get it, though I



Green Bay Wins!

YESSSSSSS   I needed a not-Steelers victory to cheer me up after hearing about Gary Moore's passing. It doesn't make it go away, but now I can go to sleep with a smile.



Superbowl Sunday

With the same sentiment I expressed two years ago in 2009, go not-Steelers, who, since they have something as awesome as the Cheeseheads, I will refer to by name this year - Go Packers!   I do wish they got someone I liked for the halftime show though. But win some lose some, I suppose.




Sometimes I want to punch people in the teeth.   Then make a necklace of those teeth.   Then slap them with that necklace.   Then tear the necklace apart, build a pair of gag dentures with them, and give it to them so they can bite their own hand.   Arrogant self-righteous hypocrisy is a very maddening thing.   And no I'm not referring to anyone on here.



Well There's Your Problem!

So, I think I know why my copy of Mass Effect 2 refuses to work. If I'm correct, it came out right around when that DRM that seals a game to a computer began getting used, and my copy is used. If I'm correct, I'd like to throw it at the jaw of the person who sold me it, but not much you can do. Either way, it's off to find a new copy I suppose.



Banner Ads

Am I the only one who finds ads that use some sort of method to figure out where you're accessing the internet from and display local ads for local businesses(ie, "Hungry for pizza? Try Exampolini's Italian Grill, the best pizza in Queens!" "Looking for low prices on instruments in Dallas? Look no further than Analogia's Music Warehouse!", etc.) more creepy than enticing?




Few things are quite as invigorating as your inner monologue adopting the image and voice of Ray Lewis and giving you a pep talk.




Why is something so stylish so uncomfortable?



Ocarina Of Time 3ds

Does anyone know whether or not this is going to include the redone Master Quest version? Because it'd be cool to get the second dungeons in it as well, and it'd really complete the package.




Never use a phrase, word, term, analogy, metaphor, simile, idiom, or figure of speech, without knowing exactly what you're saying and/or what its implications are.   Seriously, half the fights that have current US politics in a deadlock are from the common occurrence stupid people saying stupid things without thinking of the consequences of them because they're stupid, elevated by the fact that 90% of politicians left and right tend to fall into the "stupid people" category.   You are, of cour




Mass Effect 2   y u no work with Wine?     I managed to have a very awesome friend who has a dual-boot of Ubuntu and Windows to try it in Wine in the prior, and his copy worked fine, so either something's wrong with my copy, or Bioware was planning a Mac release and decided to program the anti-piracy software to also make Windows copies not work on Windows emulators. PS3 release signifying it's no longer a Microsoft exclusive, either could be possible, since my understanding is that some anti-



Danny Federici

Almost three years now. Not sure how many people know you since you were generally in the shadows of the stage compared to the Big Man and the Boss, but regardless, I've always been a fan of organs, and I think that may have to do with being exposed to Bruce, and your playing, which I still love today, way back when I was four.   Rest peacefully, Phantom Dan.




I will give Microsoft credit though - It's nowhere near as blatant as Sony.     Seriously, I'm weighing buying a PS3 after the 3DS(Maybe a 360 as well if I can find a good job over the summer), but come on.



Earth As A Binary Planet?

The period of time where we have no night will be a pain, but if this actually works(I'm already reading a few articles from credible-yet-forum'd sites saying it won't), suffice to say it'll be very awesome as far as I'm concerned. Seriously, two suns, that's just cool if it works. Can you imagine what the explosion will look like, even from way out here on earth?



Oh Wine

You're so silly and annoying, making me dig through the flash drive of files my friend gave me when I thought I was just missing CookedPC just to get ME2 working and copypasting things to and from the game folder on the drive manually to try and get it right, dealing with the game each time I don't.   But hey, if it gets Mass Effect 2 working on a Mac, it's all good.



Observing The Creation Of The Earth

First off, that'd make a good album title. Wouldn't fit the rock opera, but I like it.   Anyway, as most of us know, because space is enormously enormous, there's a significant time delay, often measured in lightyears, though I believe lightmonths, lightweeks, and so on are just as legitimate, for even light to reach things, such as, for example, the eight minutes between us and Sol(If it blew up, we wouldn't know for almost ten minutes. We also would be unaffected for that time since we'd be g



3ds Release And Price Confirmation

$250 at end of March woooo!   Now I can finally buy things more than $20 again instead of not buying anything for fear of a giant pricetag. I am a little disappointed Pokemon Black & White are going to be running on outdated technology not even a month after their release though.



Lets Try This One More Time...

Alright, I have one last idea to try and fix the issues with Mass Effect 2, and hopefully it'll get the job done since the new CookedPC folder failed. I've got the folder sitting on a flash drive if I need to put it on again manually, but I'm giving it a fresh install tomorrow and crossing my fingers.



Programming Help?

So, I think I've figured out why I can't get ME2 working. Unfortunately, I may need the help of someone who actually knows something about programming both for Unix and DOS.   If I'm correct, it is indeed what I thought - the UI file is indeed missing from my disc, and the file I got last night should cure the problem. However, it would appear Wine converted most of the files into something a Mac can read, but since the UI file is being brought in manually, it can't do so to it as well. In shor



The Eyes Have It

So, if I have central heterochromia, what colour should my license say my eyes are?



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