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I'm Not Alone!

After a bit of googling, it would appear I'm not the only one who's copy of ME2 crashes right after character creation/importated face/class confirmation. Hopefully these guys have found a fix that's applicable in Wine, because if they have, I can get it working. =D   Edit: Huzzah! One of these threads on a help forum had someone post a link to a download of a file that was apparently missing from early physical copies(Which I assume my used copy is), that causes these errors. Already uninstall




~Make it to World 5 of Super Mario(I know it doesn't sound like much, but until I got the anniversary pack, 2-3 was the farthest I've ever made it, as last I played it was when I was eleven) ~Write more music ~Handegg team has an awesome first half ~Eat Handegg shaped cake ~Handegg team has an abysmal second half and ends up losing the game(Albeit they did a commendable effort of trying to fix their poor job in the second half), which happened to be a League quarter-final ~Watch an Eddie Mu



Success, Followed With More Setbacks

Finally managed to get Mass Effect 2 working in Wine. I'm pretty sure VF was right that it's because Wine can't really browse the web well I'm having issues - It can't access the DLC store, so I'm pretty sure there are issues with the connection, which is a problem since it's apparently one of the types of games that gets a patch for a bug every few days via the internet, and I think some of the graphics drivers, both for Wine and ME2, are a little outdated, so as a result the hardware is only p




Found a copy, but either it's a lemon, or whatever I did to get ME1 running in Wine was pure luck, as I can't get it working.   Wonder if I'll just have to put it off until I get a copy of Windows to dual-boot...I hope not.



Queensland Floods

My sincerest condolences and best wishes to every single person being effected, related to, or who knows someone being effected by the flood in Queensland, Australia right now. Some friends and I are pooling some money between ourselves to donate to help out once we can find a reputable charity working on it to send the money to, and even though I'm on the other side of the world, if I can do anything to help, I want to do it.



Quick Question For You All

What kind of music would you say fits a bar in the lower levels of a futuristic city? For those who've played Mass Effect, think Chora's Den, but without the...how can I put this BZP-friendly...'dancers'. The rest, think Mos Eisley Cantina, but darker and on Coruscant.



Ah Yes

Nothing feels quite as nice as everything falling into place.   Edit: And of course the image doesn't load. Will try to fix that.



Reading Between The Lines

Remember kids, no matter what, if you squint hard enough, you'll go cross-eyed, and the two lines will merge into gibberish in-between you can make people think is what you wanted.



An Open Letter To Don Roy King

Also known as the director of SNL.   Mr. King, please get new writers. They're not even trying anymore - The sketch with the Dr. Phil stand-in had potential, but they didn't even try, it's evident. If the characters had had different reactions instead of the same weepy difference to what they said, it would've been funny. But they were all the same, it was plain bland. Speaking of lethal repetition, They reuse the exact same sketch over and over and over and over again(Hint: It's not funny when



Mass Effect

AWESOMEEEEEE~   Seriously, that was fun. Now I get why people praise this game so much - It was brilliantly done from a cinematic angle, in my opinion. Also gave me a way to end the beginning of a serial that doesn't leave the sequel feeling forced.   Now then, to find a way to transfer my save once I get a copy of ME2...



A Challenging...um...challenge

So, in order to have the first rock concert in space, I must become as big or bigger than Muse, become friends with Richard Branson, and get the money to fund such an endeavor in the near future.     Challenge...accepted.




The nice thing about working on a soundtrack for an indie production that's in the same genre you're working in is that if the guy you're composing for doesn't like a song, boom, you've got another one ready for an album, give or take some lyrics if it needs them for the transition.



What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up

After years of trying to figure out how it effected me, I think I finally realize what I wanted to be when I grew up.   I wanted to be Bruce Dickinson.   Singer? Check. Musician? Check, though he never plays with Maiden. Pilot? Check. Writer? Check. Actor? Check. Director? Check. Businessman? Check. Swordsman? Check.   Everything I ever wanted to be, rolled into one.   Seriously, with how much the guy could accomplish, it's amazing he settled just for musical notoriety.



Help? (mass Effect-based)

So, I'm running Mass Effect in Wine, an open-source Windows emulator for those curious.   By the time I beat it and buy a copy of ME2, I have a feeling I should have the money to buy a copy of Windows to partition and dual-boot this computer.   However if I install ME2 in regular Windows instead of simulated Windows, I won't be able to transfer my save, which I'm not sure how much I'd miss out on from not doing so, especially given the variance between two responses another forum gave me:  




It's strange, but nowadays, so many people treat cliche as the devil of writing, that if you're clever, you can use all the cliches in the genre you're in, and come off as incredibly genuine, because it's so different than everyone else's "SUBVERSIONS. SUBVERSIONS EVERYWHERE" work, it's a breath of fresh air that nobody else is offering.   Seriously, there's a fine line between avoiding a boring, cliche story, and excising any quality from the plot because something is barely arguably used befo



3d Tv

It's actually not terrible.   I was surprised - It's still overpriced sickeningly, but I can't wait for them to be affordable, it actually looked good.   And there are more than two colours now, this is awesome!



Mass Effect

Woo!   Finally got my hands on a copy of this. It's a little glitchy since I'm running it on a Windows emulator, but it's more than playable.   Unfortunately though the first Shepherd I made has a face like a baseball glove, so I'm probably going to end up starting from the beginning again.   Still fun though so far.



Captain's Log

Stardate: 110110 ...point-two.   Space.   The final frontier.   These are the voyages of the Starship Mario.     Its ongoing mission - To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new new pipes and new consoles.   To boldy go where no Toadstool has gone before!   I swear, the number of bad sci-fi jokes you can make with this game justifies the pricetag alone.




Twas' the night before Christmas, In this humble abode, With all of us gathered, Round' the Festivus Pole.   The year had been turbulent, Both dark and bright, But were shadows stronger, Or was it the light?   We lost some old heroes, A man with a beef heart, A God named Dio, And a man named Arp.   From Deepwater Horizon, To earthquakes in Haiti, In addition to fallen heroes, It's been quite scary.   But there's been good, Things have gone well, Such as the repeal, Of Don't As



Oh Childhood

You've come back from the grave so gloriously strongly thanks to the infinite collection of old TV shows, games, websites and music that is the internet.




I've observed lately that intelligence is really only useful if you also have the wisdom to know when to shut up.



You're All Awesome

As long as my insanity is on its upward swing after clearing most of what was driving on my mind, and I've managed to focus on the present instead of driving myself mad in depression on the future, and it's the holiday season, giving me a free pass to be sappy, I just want to thank everyone for being helpful and supportive and such.   Even if it's manifested only as text on a screen, it's coming from someone somewhere, and means a lot to me, and I can't well express my gratitude in plain, infle




I want your opinions between two sets of lyrics.   The melody, arrangement, instrumentation, progression, all that are the same for both the only thing that's different are the words, so I want some help based on their poetic, narrative, and lyrical merit. Both don't have a spoken chorus, they're just three verses. The main difference, like I said, is just the words to convey the plot.   For some context, the character who's supposed to be singing it just had his planet destroyed and is trying



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