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Steven Tyler

A very happy birthday to one of my favourite vocalists. Keep on rocking Stevie, all through your 60's.



Tales Of Symphonia

I swear, this game NEVER ENDS. Much of the entry is in spoiler tags since it likely contains spoilers for the game.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «There are two worlds, both of which I've been on and the second of which I'm about to leave to return to the first, gone through that fight so many games have where you fight what seems to basically be the final boss only to lose for story purposes, become a criminal due to circumstance on both worlds, and I'm in what is very si




Crimson Jester. CJ. Jestah. The various names of characters of his I've RPed with. My Canadian friend. That guy I know that gets to meet Alexi Laiho. All of these(though particularly the first three) are all names I call the author of a blog I commonly read, and that you should as well.   Rorschach's Journal   Read, enjoy and comment. If you don't, then you're not a true (North) American.



The American Revolution Rpg

Every time I look at this RPG, even the title, I get a terrible feeling it'll be incredibly historically inaccurate.   And not even with just things that can change due to it being an RPG. I get a feeling basic historic facts are going to be distorted by common beliefs.




There was this kid who always ruined everyone's fun and generally acted like a *censored*.   His name was, completely honestly, Edward Cullen.   I love karma.



Hey Sisen

It's still weird seeing your name in green when browsing COT.




I don't think I'll stop getting inspired because of and then heading here to plug this show until I get you lot watching it. Go watch it when it's on. That's all I should need to say.



Copious Amounts Of Free Time

It's very overrated. There have been a few days in which I've finished my schoolwork in less than two hours, I end up just sitting there, bored. Guitar, games and the internet help, but in the end, starting work felt wonderful because it was another place I was needed to do something and I wasn't just sitting around. It's good to be needed, the age-old assumption people with all the free time in the world are truly the happiest is often untrue. It can be true, but for most people, it's good to b




How did the fire not harm my character? Even in Dungeons & Dragons, the main influence on the game engine in Neverwinter Nights, deals 1d4 fire damage per round of non-magical fire. How did I not get burned? oO




Today I learned everything is better with 99 lives. And chaos. And explosives. And flying swords wielded by freakishly powerful ranger's named Ike.



How To; Avoiding Godmoding, Abridged

So I had a long rant about godmoding with a bunch of good examples in a text document. Contributing evermore to my hatred of it, my computer decided to BSOD in a manner that managed eat it even after it had gone from "unsaved progress" to "godmoderant.txt", so for now, I'll just link the wiki. Will post a new rant when I'm not too annoyed with this heap of electric parts that has the nerve to call itself a computer.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godmoding




I shouldn't have to add anything out for what is probably one of the musical gems of the 1990's. Except that Rivers is an underrated lead guitarist. Go take a look at the Blue Album, as well as possibly the Red Album. There are a few others worth note, but I'm too lazy to list them at the moment.



A Unfavourable Past...

Recently got a scan of an actual newspaper from Monday, September 18th, 1826 from the local area of some of the ads. I'm reading through some of the slave-related ads, and it's just odd seeing people referring to other human beings as they would an animal. Heck, due to the descriptions they use, I mistook an ad for a horse as one for a slave. I just thought it needs saying that, while we may not be proud of it and should not be proud of it, it's there, and we may as well bear it in mind to preve



Oh Wow

Just stopped in COT. I knew we'd lose some data, but I didn't think that much. I know it may be just a rumour, but BZP admins, if it was a hack, go find someone who can track the hacker via IP, track them, call their local authorities and have them arrested for property damage, and take them to court. If it wasn't a hack then nevermind, but frankly you have legal right to do this if it was. I think. Best check with a lawyer first, but I think you do.



I Don't See It

So a friend brought it to my attention that apparently, Arwen, a character in The Lord Of The Rings(image of portrayal in film below);     Was played by the daughter of Aerosmith vocalist Steven Tyler;     I may be the only one, but even if she had contacts to give her eyes that colour during the filming, I just don't see it.



Too Old For Halloween

That statement is pure and utter *censorship!*. You're never too old to have fun and walk around the streets in a costume, knocking on doors for free candy. Heck, some people put the candy to good use. A friend of mine gives his earnings to a children's hospital. I know it seems out-of-season, but I always hate rushing to get a costume done well, so I figured I'd say it about seven or eight months in advance.



The New Star Trek Movie

Plotholes? Yes. Unless it's in an alternate universe or something. Abrams? Yes. Not-Shatner as Kirk? Yes. No Tribbles? Correct. Will I still see it? Yes. Why?   Because it actually looks interesting, though if there isn't some form of an answer to the plotholes, be it fixing them or just setting it an an alternate universe, expect a rant when I return from seeing it.



The Internet

Huge credit to, as he's currently known, "Simulcast in Three Dee", for occasionally saying this entry's point and getting me thinking, and a certain recent 2-hour event that made me decide to post this.   Contrary to popular belief, it really is serious business. I mean, think about it. Your reading the thoughts of some kid in full colour, the image being transferred through multiple small cables and often merely through invisible beams in the air, through walls, windows, so many things, all po



Daylight Savings Time

Once more this seemingly pointless thing has messed up my sleep schedule right as I was fixing it for my new job. ><



The Beatles

Personally, I can't call you a Beatles fan if you don't have at least these albums, especially the first three;           (Apologies about the size of the White Album in contrast to the others, it was the smallest I could find that worked)     Unless you want them, plan to get them or have ordered them and are waiting for them to arrive.   As long as I'm on the subject, awesome band is awesome.



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