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He is awesome.   Go read his blog and stuff.   Because it is awesome as well.   And comment in his profile.   Because it too is awesome.   And give him five stars.   Because both he and five stars are awesome.   And together their awesomer than a Mr. T Gundam piloted by Steve Irwin brought back from the dead.




According to my friend, it's actually good if you think of it as a comedy instead.   It's still Twilight though, so I'm not planning to waste $10 to see it. If it's still out that is.




Awesome comedy. Also has actually made me cry twice, and altered my view on death.   You're doing yourself a huge disservice if you don't watch this show.



An Odd Band Meet...

Simply put, only three of the five band members showed up today. Fortunately it was me(guitar, vocals and apparently bass too), the drummer, and the bassist/one of the other guitarists, so we were able to get by with a trio type thing. It actually went pretty well, to the point I'm considering removing the other guitarist and turning it into a four-man band. But I digress for now.   Anyway, the reason it was strange was because for most of it, the bassist was playing my guitar, and I was playin



Ozzy Osbourne

I think the thought this image gave me is very appropriate.   He's like a latter-day Elvis, but angrier and heavier(Not physically though; physically, Elvis was heavier).   Also, go check out at least one of his albums from when he had Randy, if he made more than one, I never recall.



Fox News

Making me facepalm and lose faith in humanity daily.




Only band still performing so epic that they can make a soccer stadium of 60,000 Brazilians sing along to an instrumental during their first concert ever in that country.   Only band to make Brazilians, as far as I know, find something they enjoy and excel at in a soccer stadium more than soccer.   Only trio to sound so incredible. Besides Cream. But they had Eric Clapton, so, yeah.   Quite possibly have one of the best bassi--actually, rhythm sec--actually, just put the third one here. They'



Games I Really Need To Remember To Buy

Most of the Phoenix Wright series At least one of the Trauma Center games Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Spore Advance Wars: Day Of Ruin Rock Band II PC copy of Final Fantasy VII. Or a PS1 memory card. The Orange Box Probably a few others I'm forgetting.   If you have any suggestions based on what you know of me, feel free to throw them here.



That Was As Much Unexpected As It Was Expected...

Just read the new rule Hahli Husky posted in the Library. I know I'm about a week late, but I don't really check that forum as often as I should, and I'm a common voice here on this kind of controversial stuff, so I figure what the heck.   All I'm going to say is I don't get it. Can't we all just go along with each other's ideas and quit arguing?   That is all. No long-winded rants as usual, as I don't want this getting closed up and all. If you want to have a debate on the subject or hear my




Fun game. Much thanks to Wrack for sending me the download link.   Now, for the reason for this entry. Anyone here with it willing to make a "bzplol" for Windom, so to speak?(as in an online mode server mainly used by a set of BZPers, taking heed from the IM chat we often have of the same name)



Hello, I'm A Mac, And I'm A Pc.

How to go about this improperly;   "I'll take the Mac because it looks good." - Buy a computer for looks alone and I swear I will come to your house and smash you over the head with it.   "I'll take the PC because it's more popular." - Popularity =/= quality. Case-and-point; Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers.   "I'll take the Mac because it has all those neat things." - While they are fun, think beyond the first-five-minute "Wow, look at all this!"   "I'll take the PC because it's cheaper



Hey Wrack

(Forewarning; 1024 x 768. If you have dial-up, DSL or some other slow form of internet, do not click without expecting delays.)   For giving me the tool I needed to make this wallpaper I'm currently using, you are awesomer than before.   Even moreso on top of that since sed tool is also a fun game. =3



Neccy's 2009/2010 Wishlist

And yes it contains Macs. If you need my thoughts on the OS wars, click here and know I'm not going to stand any bashing of the OS, hardware or myself for liking it. Any comments of that nature will be deleted, regardless of whether you're a friend or not.   Stuff I want; New guitar(Not sure what yet) - $350-$2,000 1980's Marshall Mosfet Lead 100 amp head - $190(Negotiable as it's used on the local Craigslist) Queen "Crown Jewels" boxed set of the first eight studio albums - $122 Apple iBoo




I am sad by what Discovery puts on in the morning;     Seriously, who watches that kind of stuff?



Computer Or Guitar?

In short, the Windows partition on my computer's all but stopped working, and the Linux partition only works half the time I use it due to my Lenovo not liking a non-DOS OS, to put it simply. So I'm looking at a new computer. At the same time though my band is going to be playing a few gigs and parties during the summer, and I want to make sure my sound is as good as it can be and as much what I want as it can be, so I'm also looking at guitars.   So, guitar or computer first?




http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page   It's like Wikipedia, sans big words and with simpler descriptions.   I'm also convinced if every school teacher had this for a year, our academic situation wouldn't be so bad off.



David Gilmour

One amongst few musicians to send shivers down my spine from their music, literally.   Seriously, if you don't have any Pink Floyd, go check some of their stuff out. Try something from his solo career too, as I plan to myself.




For the most part, I hate them. Unless their so pessimistic it's funny or realistically pessimistic. But otherwise except for a few exceptions, I hate pessimists.



Holy Yes

Eric Clapton is coming here on June 13th.   I refuse to not go.   I'll sneak in before I miss this. I would be an awful guitarist without the man, and besides that I like his music.



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