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So, I've brought my iPod to the Applestore three times recently. Not for a hardware or software issue either. It's because of a bug with the security software I use. And Windows has had the joy of crashing five times on me this past week.   Screw XP, it used to be good, the update killed it, I need OS X now. ><



Late Night Talk Show?

I could see myself hosting one Letterman/Leno style as a job later in life. Quick sketch before walking out, walk out, some quick jokes about recent events, a bit of conversing with the band guy, commercial break, a few quick things from behind the desk like Letterman's top ten or that ham of justice thing Craig Ferguson did once, guest, another guest, then musical act, then end. I entertain some people and have some fun while poking fun. Moving to New York after college and being a Paul Shaffer



Bruce Springsteen. Oh, And The Superbowl.

Bruce Springsteen was the best part of the superbowl IMO except an occasional commercial. If that's what he can do at a scripted halftime show, I'd love to see what he can do at an unscripted live concert. Ironically it's already on the internet.   Game was good too, but I'm ticked with the outcome.



Hey People

Religion. It's not something that belongs on BZP. So stop making vague references to it in your arguments. And while I'm not naming anyone by name, you know who you are. Feel free to PM or IM me to debate with that kind of stuff since I don't mind, but keep it out of the public eye; we don't need to hear bashing of someone's opinions because it disagrees with yours and yours happens to use religion as a partial base on a forum for a childrens toy, or for that matter the use of opinion as fact.  




Remember that card game? I thought it died out a while ago, turns out it's still around. I found my old side deck two days ago. Kind of got me sad because I lost my old deck and I sort of want to play occasionally again. I actually had a bit of an addiction in the game(hence my giving it up), but I've got myself under control now(it's been three years), and that addiction made that deck a really good deck. If I recall, with my last lineup with it I don't think I lost once. Ironically it was made



Band Name Ideas

We play a bunch of different genres, three guitars, a bass, drums, keyboard, at the moment I and another of the guitarists share vocals, though we may get a dedicated vocalist. No idea what our original stuff will sound like. But we have no band name ideas.   Any from you guys?




QUOTE (12:42:09 AM) Neccy entered the room. (12:42:25 AM) Kohaku entered the room. (12:42:28 AM) Neccy: I trust you can invite everyone else? (12:42:48 AM) BzpAlku entered the room. (12:42:54 AM) BzpKinali entered the room. (12:42:54 AM) BzpAlku: ok. (12:42:58 AM) BzpAlku: Do you kinali (12:43:03 AM) BzpKinali: Why not (12:43:12 AM) BzpAlku: KOHAKU, DO YOU (12:43:16 AM) Kohaku: Yes! (12:43:31 AM) BzpAlku: any objections? (12:43:37 AM) Neccy: none from me (12:43:42 AM) Neccy: and that's everyone



Two Things

First, yesterday was the fourtieth anniversary of the Beatles rooftop concert Go listen to their music. Now.   Second, at the superbowl, go not-Steelers.(I'm less rooting for the other team as much as I'm wanting the Steelers to lose. IM me if you want to know why.)



Oh Dear

So, bands meeting tomorrow.   First meet of the entire band. =D   Unfortunately the drummer is bringing a guitarist/vocalist.   We already have two of those including myself.   I have enough trouble writing music for two guitars.   Help?



Original Beatles Lineup

George Harrison Paul McCartney John Lennon Eric Clapton Rod Stewart Ryan Wilson David Bowie Steve Winwood Ray Charles Phil Spector George Gershwin Led Zeppelin and the Vienna boys choir.   <3 Colbert Report.



Billy Powell

Keyboardist for Lynyrd Skynyrd. 1952-2009. Great man, died too soon from a heart attack. I truthfully began crying when listening to the organ intro to Free Bird after hearing about his death.   Rest in peace Mr. Powell, you were one of the finest.



Hey Readers!

Starting a comic series.   I like interactive shiz, so I want some content suggestions from perspective readers since I'll be publishing it here too.   Please PM me as not to spoil the punchline or plot twist or whatever it is.




Hey people! Is Exo ExoM7 or Exo-Fat? Robo's vote doesn't count because he's the one we're telling.




Just spent an hour straight listening to From The Cradle, Clapton's 1994 album.   God I love this man. As long as he's around, good blues cannot be killed.



Jethro Tull

They have heavy metal flutage.   Sed Flutes beat out Metallica for a metal-oriented grammy.   That is all.




Downloaded a demo today.   To be honest, I don't get what's so great.   That's not to say it's a bad game. I mean sure, it's a pretty good game. But I don't get where it gets so much praise from. There are plenty of games I'd prefer over it.   But hey, I just played the single-player level the demo included so far. Will update this entry once I try out the online.




It's something very few seem to take seriously. A very unfortunate thing too. Personally I find it important. If you wish for me to listen to you in real-life or in RPG's or really most things, you'll need my own. Tis' just how I work. I respect most of you. To name a few, Black Six. Bfahome. Crimson Jester. There are many I don't respect as well. I won't mention any of you. There are even more than the second group, but not as many as the first group, that have lost my respect. Again, not namin



Question For Fellow Musicians

Is it bad I'm writing an instrumental and my philosophy on the guitar part besides the riff is "improvise it and make it sound something like the original"?



Reading Into The Past

Been reading some old posts and blogs, and I have to say we've moved along. Whether for better or worse, I'm not sure, but we're a lot less offensive, if only because the rules seem a bit tighter now. We've still got a long way to go on improvements though people, especially a certain few of you. Not naming names and you probably don't know who you are, but whatever, with any luck you'll either come around and stop offending people or begin getting punished for acting out.   Edited because Omi



2008 In Under Five Minutes

And GO!   January - Nothing in particular!   February - Iran space program, we shoot down a satellite an an awfully death star-esque explosion, and ObamaHilary!   March - Awesomely visible exploded star, and a moment of silence for Mr. Gary Gygax.   April - ObamaHilary!   May - Phoenix lands on Mars!   June - Bill Gates leaves Microsoft, causing Apple fanboys and girls everywhere to rejoice while Microsoft fnaboys and girls crawl into corners and cry, understandably so.   July - HilaryOba



The Sad Truth Of Time Travel

We must never invent time travel.   Why?   Because some dunce is going to decide to become a hero and go back in time and kill Hitler, causing a paradox that eats the universe.



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