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Transit Methods

So, I need ideas to get 8 miles two ways daily without a car for a job I'm trying for.   Suggestions?



Too Old For Halloween

That statement is pure and utter *censorship!*. You're never too old to have fun and walk around the streets in a costume, knocking on doors for free candy. Heck, some people put the candy to good use. A friend of mine gives his earnings to a children's hospital. I know it seems out-of-season, but I always hate rushing to get a costume done well, so I figured I'd say it about seven or eight months in advance.



Tom Hanks

If you're going to be killed and need someone to save you, do not ask this man. He will manage to piece it all together and arrive just as you're dying. Unless you're the last of a set of deaths, in chich case he'll just barely save you.



To Anyone Else Trying To Play Xanatos/light Yagami/lelouch

I'm currently doing the same in an RPG on another forum to overthrow a government(going quite well too in that respect), kidnap another country's leader and gain Germany and Russia as allies.   Please take it from me, always use as few people as possible. Because there will always be someone who gets bored and begins acting on their own, and they screw everything up.



To All Who Talk On Their Phones While Driving...

(black bits are censored because their apparently poisonous to young childrens minds.)   Honestly, because you can't say no to chatting with a friend, your putting yourself and every other driver and passenger around you in danger.



Time For A Vote...

Mood: Happy Feeling: Unsure due to money constraints Sick: No Listening to: Kleptomaniac-Capitol Steps   Wondering where the Laptop area went? Well, I need help. See, I can't decide between MacBook or MacBook Pro. I have a fully cleared inbox, And will take 200 vote PMs...Or until the week ends. Whichever has more is the one I get. Here is each's statistics:   MacBook 2.0GHz, Combo Drive, 80GB HDD, 1GB RAM, GMA 950 Integrated GPU, 13.3 inch glossy widescreen, NIB, $999 with student discount



This can't be real anymore

http://25.media.tumblr.com/1c1cc9d2f2341dd6cdb83929e2d352ef/tumblr_n1vay2txWG1rqjgo7o1_1280.png [Please don't embed images over 500kB. -Bfa]   So Twitch managed to win the lottery for the Goldenrod Radio Station in Crystal, something I have never done in all my combined years of playing Silver and Soul Silver.   Why have you forsaken me, Omastar?!



Things That Annoy Me

-Cutting off my playing in the middle of a song. -Making me stop what I'm doing because something mundane you could do that you want me to do so you can be lazy is more important to you. -Turning off my internet as a "reminder" that your in control. -Doing stuff that effects me without even a slight forewarning. -Speaking what your thinking, no matter how idiotic it is. -Being absolute in your beliefs and never giving any ground. -Never doing anything for yourself and letting everyone else



They did The Thing

So, the Korra ending. That was...a thing.   Still not sure how I feel about it. I think I liked it, but right now the whole thing's still just washing over me. I'll get back to you in a day or two.



These new-fangled game mechanics

So I'm finally playing Fire Emblem: Awakening as I recover from having a small bit of my face sliced open by a doctor.   What is this "asset/flaw" nonsense? Is it what I think it is? Because if it is what I think it is, it conflicts drastically with my methodology in these games.



There Is No Off Position On The Genius Switch

From saying something completely random that inspires an entire plot, to suggesting a lake of hallucinogens for laughs, to rolling everything to ten and seeing what comes out, to rewiring a computer to see what happens, the sheer amount of inspiration for incredible things that can come from stupid-seeming things is amazing. Never doubt something just because it seems stupid. If it's really unfounded then do, but if it just seems stupid, think about it for a few moments.



The, You Know?

"You know" is in no ways a fitting descriptive term. Because if I need a description, I clearly do not know. So why do people use it so heavily?   On a more lighthearted note;  



The Wolfman

No, I haven't seen the movie. I've heard it's good though.   This was actually inspired by staring up at the large, orangeish full moon currently above the US East Coast. Lycanthropy is a fictional tool that's always fascinated me, and after I heard the riff in my head, the rest came naturally.   The Wolfman  *Riff*   Every night, near as I can tell, I turn into a creature, Raised in ****.   *Riff*   When I see that full moon, Burnin' with dread, Dreams of blood, Run through my head



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