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Don't Make It Bad.

So, I finally got to see Across the Universe a week or two ago. It was delightful in all the right ways. The music was fantastic, the characters were perfectly portrayed, the acting superb. I recommend it with the highest level of DV-endorsement. I even endorse it more than I do Makarolmon's blog. It's that awesome. More amazing, of course, are the numerous ideas presented within the film. "All you need is love..." The idea that love defeats all is, of course, universal, and speaks



Canton And Scranton.

I love NBC's The Office. (I'm upset with this writers' strike, however, this is a topic for another day).   I love Relient K.   Apparently, Relient K loves The Office. They seem to have played a tribute song containing the Office theme to be played on their current tour.   I have acquired the mp3 of said song.   Today is a good day.




Absolutely ridiculous.   I wonder how much money UT payed the Big 12 refs? I mean, the refs never called anything on UT, and had to be forced by Gundy to call an illegal forward pass call on UT.   Absolutely freakin' ridiculous.   Good job Big 12, way to set the conference back another couple of years.



Mr Gibbs!

"The wind’s on our side, boys! That’s all we need!" -Joshamee Gibbs     I love Halloween. Also, for those of you who know my last name, you may get the same kick out of my Mr Gibbs decision as I do. Hehe!



2008 Sets.

Yes, I have seen them. And yes, I'm disappointed.   Though I am glad that, for once, the leaked images are high-res. In fact, there are even CG promo renders. Much better than in the past, and they give a nice look into the construction (like it's really been that hard since TLG adopted the standard boring body design), etc.   So, my pronouncement?   I'm bored. Same ol', same ol'. We used to get new ideas year in and year out. Take out your Olda, Nuva, Metru, Hordika, and Inika sets. With t



What In The World Is A Bearkat?

So Rhett Bomar. He used to be OU's quarterback. Then he did dumb things, and now he's at Sam Houston State University. As soon as he transferred, we totally booked a game with SHSU. Tonight we played them. We won hardcore. But I digress. We're walking to the game, laying some fun smash talk down (because it's what you do, y'dig?), and we're all like "Man, I hope we lay that cheatin' Rhett Bomar out so many times it's not even funny." As we say this, we walk by a family wearing SHSU



Ain't Nothin' But Trouble.

Dear kiddies,   When Will Smith says that 'girls ain't nothing but trouble,' believe him. He speaks the truth.   That's about all I got for you right now.   (This blog contents liable to be of an opinion which shall no longer be held on the day things go right in a relationship for DV)



Tweaking Tohu

I'm almost done tweaking Tohu. Since the contest was postponed the first time, I've done colour swaps on some areas, re-done the shoulder armourment, redone the upper legs, played with the lower arms, played with the shoulder pads, etc. I'm debating on new feet. We'll see.   It's coming. Promise.



What The World Needs Now.

So, we have gathered some of those tubes to give us the Internet at the house.   In other news, I have made the Tulsa run, and now have access to my MOCs. I had the MOCing supplies, but not the MOCs themselves. So now I can continue to toy with HT some more before I set up the photo shoot, as there are still a few things here and there I would like to toy with.   Lewa needs new fingers.   BZP is full of kids. Kids make mistakes. If you don't like their art, tough. I didn't like yours the firs



Mm, Lovely.

Today, while on my lunch break, I found Titaniums Cheetor on the shelf.   I love him so very much. He is lovely.   Also, it was about time he was in stock. Seriously.   Working at Target is awesome.



Life Is For Living?

Just a random life update:   -I moved. I was home in good old Tulsa for the summer, now I'm back in Stillwater. I moved into 'the Jesus House', a former frat house, with eighteen bedrooms, that twenty-two of us now share. I have my own room. I got to paint it, and basically make it my own, hardcore. It's pretty much awesome.   -School started. Wahoo for the Junior Year in college.   -We don't have internet at the house yet. August 28th!   -I got a job at a local Indie coffee shop.   -I stil



Dear Customers...

Ignore what you've heard.   Because you're not always right.   That's right. The customer is, more often than not, wrong.   Please, get over yourself.   With love, Those Employed in the Service Industry.



Relient K Concert!

http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Kopakashau/RelientK/relientk49.jpg For more, replace the number at the end of the URL there with any number 1-61 (there are no 14-18)




So I'm backing up galleries that I enjoy on my external hard drive, along with my own gallery.   I have the following members' galleries saved, as of now (including my own, of course):   -Jinzo -Cajun (both of his galleries) -THRAXISjr -Natha (Only his 'Natha' account) -ToM -Shanny -Seran -Schizo -BFS -Ric Nine -Smeag -BCii -Amalga -Makaru -Tess -Kex (both of his galleries) -Kanta of Le-Koro -Kitsunenomen -Roa McToa -Gukkel -Tok   All at under a Gig and a half, too! It's a



How To Use Bsbackup

I've gotten several PMs asking me how this works. So here's a (short) tutorial.   That's the URL that shows up in the navigation bar on your browser. The 'm=____' is the username of the Brickshelf account.   This is part of BSBackup. You put the username for the account into the 'm=' field, and push 'get by user'. Then it starts downloading.   If you want just a folder from BS, and not the entire user's gallery...   That's the URL that shows up in the navigation bar on your browser. Th



Dear Arby's.

I do not appreciate the discontinuation of your homestyle French fries. I do not enjoy your curly fries, and potato wedges are no substitute for proper French fries. I find this decision on your part to be not only extremely moronic, but quite possibly in line with the great forces of Evil themselves. Having alienated your non-curly-fried customer base, I can assure you that those of us who once frequented your eatery shall find ourselves a new dining preference, until the time in which you real



Contest The Fourty-fourth.

Well, it doesn't look too bad this time 'round. I shouldn't be pressed for time, and I've already started on the MOC itself, which is good, because a normal DV MOC can take weeks. Seeing as I've only got two of them...   Number five, have at thee?



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