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But now is not the time

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Oh Brickfair.

I don't want to go home. It all ended so spectacularly, I just want to stay here forever.



Hey Kids!

Come see us at the Bionicle table today!   Because yes, we will shake your hand, and no, you won't want to wash it afterwards!




What's that bus? You found my luggage? And it'll be ready for me to come get whenevs?   Good. It's about time. Now I will just be as disparaging towards your company whenever the opportunity presents itself.



Guess What!

I am at Brickfair but I don't have any MOCs yet, because the bus lost my luggage.   I AM UPSET.



Random Stuff I Forgot About

I keep forgetting to post these few photos I took back when I did the Horizon Dragon photos.   So just a few random photos I took for you guys.     The orange in this one came out really weird:   And this one is just because Blurr is my favourite Transformer toy ever:



Guys! Guys! Updated!

If things this weekend go like today did, there's no way I won't have the dragon done bigger and better for Brickfair. All I need are legs, a tail, and wings.   Totes stoked!   UPDATE:   Back legs are done. Half the tail is done. Next up, front legs, the rest of the tail, and then countless hours being frustrated over wings!




I GOT A JOB!!   So much weight off of my back, so much stress relieved.   It's a fun story, too!   Saturday I was hanging with my friend Lilly, whom I originally disliked intensely, back when her and I worked together at the Starbucks inside Super Target (the one that fired me recently). She quit a good two years before I was fired, and somehow, in the two years we were not co-workers, we became quite good friends. So, we're chillaxing at a different Target Starbucks, and talking about my job



Ask Entry

I am forbidding these from existing within my blog domain. All of these will be closed with extreme prejudice. They are spam and comment drives masquerading as interesting topics, and since people enjoy them, and we're not okay with members having fun in their blogs, they are hereby banned.   :angry: :angry: :angry:       lol jk lol       And you're welcome to ask questions, and I may or may not answer them in a manner you find suitable.




Who is Joss Whedon and why am I supposed to be excited he's going to direct The Avengers?   (I fully expect regretting this question.)




You know what confuses me? I have a dragon MOC I worked kinda hard on in the BBC, and a semi-toamod that I literally threw together in the BBC as well.   And the dragon has half as many comments as the Toa MOC.   What?   This makes no sense.



New Project!

I've been meaning to do this for years now. But I am finally revamping and redesigning and fixing the Vayland Dragon. It's been in the same plastic bags since Brickfair two years ago, and is irreversibly broken and shattered. I am going to salvage what I can, and do the rest, wholesale, from scratch, hopefully in time for Brickfair oh-ten.



Hey Guys

I just wanted you all to know that just like Ke$ha, your love is my drug.   Is my love, your drug?   (I like your beard)




As of now, I've eleven MOCs for Brickfair this year. And four of them are new this year! That's a net gain of three from last year, since one of the ones I had last year is gone forever (Glatorian centaur), but it's also another plus one because I forgot the little robot last year, and I've moved him to a place where I won't forget this year. Though I need to find some more pneumatic T's before I set up at Brickfair, because I've had to borrow his four for Hahli.   I'm hoping to have at least



Two For Sunday

I've got two for you today. So go post in their topics. One is a serious MOC I spent a lot of time on, one is a MOC I threw together in an hour or so. Can you tell which is which?   (Each image links to the BZP topic.)    




This is a preliminary picture of a MOC I've been working on for the past four or five days. I've got another one I need to photograph too, but it's just a tablescrap/throwtogether MOC I built a month ago. I'm going to stage a proper photoshoot later tonight.   Now I just have to decide whether I should stick with white or switch to a black background. Decisions are hard!  



Real Life

Me: Hi Student Loan Providers. So, you guys told me that if I couldn't make a payment, that I should call you, and we could work something out, because it was better than just missing a payment.   Student Loan Providers: Yes, this thing you say we said, we did indeed say.   Me: Okay, cool. So, my first payments are due today.   SLPs: Again, you are speaking truthfully.   Me: Yes. So, I'm unemployed, and have $1.22 in my bank account, and $0 in cash in my possession.   SLPs: Is that becaus



Brickfair Oh-ten

I'll be bus riding with Innerrayg for a good ~30 hours in three weeks!   I am super excited for this! Having everything figured out and ready to go is really relaxing. And exciting.   Whoo! I heart Brickfair.




I just wanted you all to know that InnerRayg is my hero and I love him.   Also, he is magical:   (See his unnatural glow? It's the inner rage manifesting as supernatural forces!)   That is all.



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