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Back From Utah

Yep, got home last night.   Also, since I've been home I've finished Mass Effect and started over twice. First with a new career, then with the old one.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

You Taw

I'm drivin' to Utah tomorrow. I'll be gone till Monday. I don't now if I'll have access to the internet, so I may or may not be on BZP.   Also, I went to the store today. I got a really funny shirt, a Super Mario Bros. hat, Loaded Questions (my favorite board game ever), a banana chair (videoRocker), and Rockoh T3. I'll try to get some pictures of the Rockoh up when I get back.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


I been slepin a lot lately.   I slept in till 3pm. Then we had pizza for dinner, and I watched Wipe-Out. So yeah, I can't wait for my trip to Utah on Thursday.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

6 Days

Since I posted. Well I went camping Friday-Sunday with my brosef, his wife, and her family [EDIT: in my sister-in-law's backyard]. We played board games, and I read my second Summer Reading book: The Alchemist. It was an incredible book. That's about it for these past few days.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


Been bored. Really bored. Woke up at noon. I watched Batman Returns and Unbreakable (which was flippin' awesome!), and now I'm makin' dinner. Yesterday I got Gotham Knight (also flippin' awesome!) for my brosef. And last night I tried getting the only non-"online only" achievement for H3 I don't have yet: "We're in for Some Chop". I did the requirement twice, but it didn't give me the achievement :angry: . So yeah, that's about it.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

The Dark Knight

I just got back from seeing it with my dad (my friend ended up seeing Mamma Mia). All I can say is this: Wow. THE best movie I have EVER seen, hands down! One of my favorite scenes is the one with the big-rig. I'll say no more, so as to prevent my self from giving away any spoilers.         Wow...

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

Halos, Heroes, And Knights

So last night I was playing Halo 3 on "The Covenant" in the meta-game campaign, and the requirement for the Vanguard Achievement is to get over 50,000 points on that level. Well I was a bit of an over-achiever and got 105,804 points. Today at around noon I got BIONICLE Heroes for 360, and later I'm gonna go see The Dark Knight with my friend!

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


I got the 6 month Membership! Well I just got the Mistika and Takanuva in the mail on Tuesday. I'm not a big fan of the new Toa. They're all right, but I love the Makuta. Krika is awesome! Unfortuanately I can't find my USB cable, so I don't have pictures for you guys yet. But I'll post 'em as soon as I find the cable!   So, yeah. I just need to get $300 somehow and I'll have all the sets for this year.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


Were back up! Sweet! So, I got E. Sci., Astronomy, Leatherwork, and E. Prep. It was fun. Swam 5/6 of a mile.   But onto the really Important stuff: Maxilos/Spinax and Matoro. They are awesome! I've put Maxios in poses even I can't do. He is, by far, my favorite set ever. Spinax looks alot like the Rancor from Star Wars for some reason. Matoro is cool. He has one of my favorite masks yet. His weapon is odd though, it's at a weird angle. Just a word of advise, actually two: Buy them.   I'll be

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

Haircuts, Reunions, Sets, Scout Camp, And Shirts

Welcome to my blog! Well, onto the subject. Today I chopped off my jungle of a hairdo and now my head can breath. Tomorrow, I'm going to a waterpark in Reno for a family reunion and am expecting Maxilos & Spinax and Matoro Mahri to come in the mail(hopefully they don't get stolen off my porch). I can't wait to get my hands on them and start MOCing! Monday morning I'm going to Scout Camp at Camp John Mensinger so I won't be able to post in my blog, but I'm gonna be asking my mom if she'll g

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

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