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Daleks Reign Supreme

I've been watching a lot of sci-fi TV right now--mostly Star Trek and Stargate SG-1, that stuff. And I can't help comparing the villians in those shows to, in my opinion, the definitive evil. The Daleks.   Daleks haven't been as widely recognized in Canada and our neighbours to the south, the US, as they should. Well, Doctor Who hasn't. And I find that very sad, because DW is the oldest and best written sci-fi show there is. It's fun, its quirky, it makes you think, and especially if you watch



Daleks, Transformers, And Various Other Robots

I just thought I'd rant a bit on one of my favorite subjects.   1). Daleks.   If you don't know what they are and don't love them, you're a shell of a person. Anywho, Dalek current events. The last time we saw those lovable salt-pepper shaker mutants, the Cult of Skaro was in New York in the 1930's. Turns out they're responsible for the United States Building. I still thought they were two great episodes of DW, but I'm furios at Helen Raynor. SECCY? HALF-HUMAN AND DEAD? JAST AND THAY? BLOWN T



N'gorso: Definitive. Reality: Commonly Innacurate

Hello, meatbags! It's Nid, formerly Nidhiki99, then N'Gorso, eventually Wade Wilson: Deadpool, back to my nickname, and still God of all Daleks. You can call me Niddy-poo, and/or Trundle-dome. Just checking out our temporary blog feature...and now, to talk about MTV! No real reason, just feel like it.   The only good TV out there is from Britain. Doctor Who, Monty Python, The Strangerers, you name it, its all hysterical. The only good North American shows are Arrested Development and the Simpso



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