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Urgent Recommendation

Go see Dark Knight.   If you're reading this while it's still in theaters, great. Go see it. If you've seen it before, go see it again. If it's out on DVD by the time you read this, go buy it. If you own it, watch it.   In case you were wondering, lol, I just got back. And I loved it. And you should too   -VK-



Premier Perks Again... Has It Really Been A Year?

So, I created this blog... a year ago, lol. And never went premier in that year. And the boards were down later that week for an extended period of time... Let's hope that doesn't happen again Quite frankly, I've been waiting for a contest to come along that I can win where Premier Membership is the prize... On the other hand, I've entered a total of three contests in my time on BZP lol, and I don't even know if they all had prizes.   In the last week, I've started writing an epic about the To



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