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Ok, I finally entered the art contest! I wasn't sure if I was going to... I didn't have any ideas of what to do. But this morning I finally thought of it. And now I'm finished! Click the banner below to go to the topic.     If you want to say something about the entry, please do so in the topic.  




I saw Cars yesterday! It was hilarious! I might be able to see it again once my family gets back from Pennsylvania.   Today's my last day at my grandparents. I'm going home this afternoon! There's nothing like the comfort of your own home. I can't wait to go home, because there's not much to do here. I've pretty much been listening to my iPod, sketching stuff and reading.   ,4^    




I don't know how many people here know, but there was a major tornado storm across the south of the United States. I just feel bad I didn't know about the tornados as it was happening. I live very close to where the storm hit, but fortunately we only got the edge of the storm. Our power was out most of the day, so we weren't able to watch the news. And we didn't think of trying the radio because we thought it was just a large thunder storm. Nothing deadly. I hope anyone reading this who lives in



One Week Absence

Well, I'm all packed up! Tomorrow morning I'm leaving to Tennessee for a family reunion type thing. I'll be gone for about a week.   Hopefully We'll get our new van before we leave. They were supposed to bring it from Missouri yesterday, but drove on through to in Texas.   Also, the temperature here has dropped dramatically. Yesterday was in the 80's, today was in the 60's! Hooray for cooler weather! And it's not humid anymore!   ,4^



So Tired...

Last night I was feeling sick of my crowded junk-filled room, so I decided to do something about it. For over a year now, my bed was resting on two saw-horses, my closet was filled with random junk, and things slowly piled up under my bed, on my desk, and all over my shelf unit. Well, I was up all night last night starting this daunting task, and I got everything out from under my bed, which was a lot. My bed was about 3 ft above the ground (I wanted it elevated then), stuffed with a ton of thin



Rearrangement, Travel, A Certain Game, And Gnats

We totally rearranged our living room today. It looks much more organized now.   I just thought of something... why does organized have the word 'organ' in it? Sounds like what you do to add organs to something. Ok, now I'm being gross. I better stop.   Anyway, I need to start packing soon. I'm going to stay at my grandparents for probably a week 3 days, starting Wednesday. The rest of my family is going out of state. Two of my sisters are visiting a friend in Arizona, and the rest of my fam



150ft Undergound

This afternoon my family and I visited some sort of cavern. It was cool see all those strange rock formations. And there were may ancient fossils of ocean creatures. That was cool. The tour wasn't what I expected. Our guide was a girl who was probably between 14 and 15 years old. It was a very small, almost run-down place. We were expecting something a little more arousing. But it's a privately owned cavern, so... Anyway, on our way there there was a sun shower. But not any normal sun showe



It's Raining!

Finally! The past few months have been totally hot, between 75-106° F. Well, the entire sky is a flat white color now and everything is wet. At first I'm like, "FNALLY!" *runs outside with excitement, only to find it's still hot and now totally humid.*   Hopfuly it will be cooler by the time I go out tonight. My family and I are going to the mall, Barnes & Noble and Toy's R Us. Mostly to just go out, because we've been cooped up in our house for so long. And I have to pick up a book I order



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