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Oh Dear

Let's see... it's so cold here that there's static electricity in my hair, I got kicked in the face in P.E, I have a huge stack of homework to do, there's a test on Thursday, and my Science teacher said that the class did pretty bad on our most recent test.     Altogether a comparatively good day.   Oh, did I mention that I've started to do animations on graphing calculators?

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


You know, it's great that the OGD is in S&T now. That's a lot less trouble for me.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Odd Thing About Tahu...

I personally really like Tahu, I think he's a great set. And I don't really mind his ninja look, either. I think it's also really cool.   Problem is, ninjas are supposed to be sneaky and stealthy. That doesn't sound like Tahu.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

O_o Yet Again

Since my massive pile of schoolwork seems to be clearing up (I hate freshman year :annoyed2:), I thought I might come back, but I think I'll postpone it a bit more... Actually, on second thought, it's not clearing up at all.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


How did I suddenly become Premier?   Well, it turns out that the admins don't hate me (that much) after all. Take that, EW!

Not 941 Anymore

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « He's going to have to do something about his famous "There are a thousand ways I could destroy you right now..." quote.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

New Trimester

The New Trimester started... yesterday. Most of my classes are still the same, though. Overall, the trimester looks kind of easy, except for some nasty philosophy-related stuff. Also, my new classes are just about as far away from my locker as it's possible to get and still be in the school. :annoyed2:   On another note, my band locker number is 42. Yes, the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is in my locker.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

New Game

The new game on Bioniclebattle is soooo fun. I just can't stop playing it, which is rather bad, since I have a homework assignment due tomorrow.   And Vamprah is extremely annoying.   YES! I finally beat Vamprah!

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

My Opinion On The Rest

I like the use bluish-grey, as I feel that it represents the sky of Karda Nui very well. I am slightly less of a fan of the use of silver, but I like it as I feel it provides a good contrast between the two groups of Toa, yet maintaining a degree of similarity. My personal opinion is that the grey is more of a colder color, while silver is more of a warm color. And that fits. It's cold at high altitudes, while it should be warmer in a swamp. Especially one with waters that radiate light and heat

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


My dad makes me mop the floor every Saturday. Of course, it's nothing really bad, as it lets my conscious just think while my subconcsious does all the work.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Mistika Makuta

I think I know what handicapped them (or at least have a good guess), but I'm not telling until I have more evidence.   So for now:

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


Well, I just got 100 deaths. Now to start counting how many times I kill someone else.   Oh, and don't you just hate it when Bohrok Kal jump out of nowhere? I completely didn't see Pahrak-Kal coming...


I'm leaving BZPower. I don't have anything against anyone here (well, not personally), but I still can't take it here. There's a whole lot of stress in my life, and since BZP isn't much of a solace for me anymore, I'll have to drop it until I get my life on track. I'll still be posting a little bit and check my PMs and blog, but I won't be spending much time or putting much effort into BZP anymore.   Oh, and I just want to point out that I'm sorry if I snapped at anyone because of stress.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

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