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I miss the old board message quirkiness. [/random_nostalgia]       Speaking of which, I haven't gotten a board message in forever. 'o'



June 30th, 2008

Last Monday me and my mom returned from grocery shopping, opened the front door, heard falling water, and saw that there were waterfalls coming down from the ceiling. I ran upstairs and saw that my bathroom which is directly above the kitchen, was flooded too. The sinks and toilet weren't the cause, so I ran back down the stairs to get buckets. We mopped up the mess and my dad came home to get the whole insurance mess underway. We lost pretty much all the food in the pantry not in plastic or a c




Wut.     Also, I find it funny that Lego makes you re-subscribe to a free magazine.



A Question

Ever have that feeling when the girl you like is supposedly with a really nerdy kid but you don't think that's true because she's been leaning toward you (like signing your yearbook twice and tattooing your hand) but the other kid gives her stuff like a bag of candy (half eaten, what a cliché) but she doesn't seem to really like him but you can't give her anything like that because if you do people will start thinking that you like her (which is true) but you don't want to make things even more



Crazy Awesome Telepathic Monkeys

Sounds like a bad cartoon, but no! Scientists have found that monkeys are able to control a robotic arm using only brainpower to pick marshmallows of the ground and feed themselves. This might give hope to mentally controlled human prosthetic limbs, a major breakthrough in science. Bbc story.



Not My Day

Abridged version of today:   So at lunch today, I was playing with my friend and got yogurt smeared all over my arm and my watch. Very sticky for the rest of the day. When I got home, I realized I was supposed to be at school for the Art Club Yay-School's-Almost-Over Party. And of course my mom's cell number was nowhere to be found. So finally my mom came home (before she went to pick me up, thank goodness), and I explained. Once that was over I started working on a Shoop Da Whoop. I was almo



Uh- Oh...

The new BionicleStory game might spawn some bad "Bionicle Base Jumping" comedies. >.<     ...     "Ooh, looks like Kirop took a face plant on that one, folks..."



Member Shrine #1: Cap'n Goldfish

~Cap'n Goldfish~ Cap'n Goldfish joined Bzp January 7th, 2006. He started his blog Oct 1 2007, and in that blog he started many epic wars like the Pail/Bucket Conflict and the Anti-Dalek Campaign. He was a very kind member, granting Matoro eternal peace through his very spiritual funeral. He was also an artist. We met one fateful day when I admitted to the hideous crime of throwing fish. I then became a regular reader of his blog. It was new and original, providing a fresh new take on the d




This week we have our standardized tests (starting today). My school usually has a quick speech or whatever to lower the tension. But of course, it couldn't have been something that simple. My school staffers went overboard this year with the whole "We Believe In YOU!!11!" thing, which resulted in having a "Do Good On Your Test" pep rally yesterday, complete with our school mascot (music teacher in a costume), fake cheerleaders (from a local high school), a baseball analogy from our principle, a



The Lost Rap

Yeah they are lost on an island with nobody to help them.   Yeah they are lost on an island with some people who want to kill them.   Giant monsters-polar bears-wild boar which they ate for dinner.   Cause they are lost on an island with nobody to help them.   There's some drama and there's some trauma and there's some tragedy and there's some comedy but mostly tragedy there ain't no comedy.   Cause they are lost, on an island with some people who want to kill them   Yea




Are now cooler than ever. Reptile, bird, and mammal genetic codes all in one animal is crazy. Sounds like a mystery.     My computer says it's Platypuses, but I always thought the plural of Platypus was Platypi...



Hey Lego...

Is it so hard to make and supply a comic every two months? >.<   Edit: Entry locked for Omi-style truth.



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