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Worst Day Of My Life

I know I said nothing was happening today, but something came up, and it was for the worse.   -sigh- Saturday, one of my very good friends (Quite close) is leaving to go to China (She'll be living there now...) Tonight, we were all having a good bye party for her...well anyways. I was basically forced to babysit the most rotten kids ever (And guess what, they have the flu!) AND, they have an older brother & Sister that could've easily watched them, but they wanted those two to go to out wit



Finally! It Opened!~

After much work on my site (I've been trying to put a site up for 3 years, just too lazy!) I've finally opened up my new site.   It's main purpose is to be a "portfolio" type of thing.   And yes, it's hosted by freewebs, lame, I know. ;3   doodlesong!~   enjoy!~   ~Sunneh



I've Got Moxie!

If you don't know what Moxie is, I'm not surprised! It's a New england type of soda (pop as some say x.x) and I personally love it. I didn't used too, but I somewhat "made" myself like it because I felt as if I was missing out on a treat.   At one point in time, Moxie outsold coke and was a nationwide specialty, however for some reason it slowly declined and is now only sold in some parts of new england (especially Maine) Coca-Cola owns Moxie, so if you've been to the coke museum you've probabl



The How To: Keeping Your Account Safe.

Yeah, you know how lots of people are saying these MIB folk have been "Guessing passwords"? Well either a bunch of people have the same password everywhere (Don't do this BTW, bad idea) or, something that seems even more likely to me is that these "Crackers" are actually stealing cookies.   Everyone needs to be careful where they go, there are certaincodes that people can stick in sites to steal cookies. So just be careful, delete your cookies every once in a while, don't display your BIONICLE



W A T Peeps, Good Times. ;p

You wat peoples were awesome, mostly. ;P   just looking through old entries and remembering when I totally owned a certain someone and got a new rule on BZP. I thought I was going to get banned by BR for actually opening my mouth, bu he actually agreed with me and made a rule.   yeahhhh. that was reallllyyyy cool. B)   oh while we're at it with awesome memories, remember the "###" fad? where like we all changed the first few letters of our names to "###" to be first on the member's list? h




So, the DSi looks cool. I don't play my DS often enough to get one though, maybe I'll trade my DS lite in for one, I don't know. ;/   But yeah, it looks very cool 8)   ~Sunneh



Do You Share My Birthday?

It's on Sunday (4 DAYS WAHOOOOOOOO) And how old are you turning?   OH yeah, Sunday is too full for us to celebrate my birthday....so We're celebrating on Monday (-cries-) But on Monday Night, my parents said I can pick any resteraunt (The we have here) to go to for dinner that night....I really don't know what to pick so wanna help?   Holiday Kitchen, Country Kitchen, A&W, KFC, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Burger King, Arby's, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen & Subway. Lest you think I'm joking, I'm n



Recent Activity

Well Recent activity in my blog has shot comments up to 730! TO 1,000!!   CELEBRATE   ~Sunneh



Yes, Another Amazing Beverage Post!

Yes, Right now I'm drinking an amazing cup of coffee. Oh yes, it's quite delicious, but it pales in comparison to what I will have in approximately 2 hours. Yes, my favorite treat to order from your local Dairy Queen!     Yes, a Cappuccino Moolatte (Large, if you will ;3) ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. The BEST COLD COFFEE DRINK EVERRRR! And I'm determined (Sorta) to find a way to duplicate it.   ....but I doubt I will be able to. o.o   I love it. Try one, NOW. =)   ~Sunneh



I Posted!

OMGoodness! I POSTED.   LOL. Don't worry, I plan on posting my awesome apple pie I made today, I'll post it later when It's out of the oven.   -is really hungry-   Oh sorry, you can't have any of the pie, it's all for meeeee~   -runs off to work on shop requests-   ~Sunneh



Oral Surgery

Okay, so yes, this is a serious post.   Anyways, yesterday morning I was up at 5:45am, I quickly got dressed for the long 3 1/2 hour drive to an oral surgeon(I slept most of the day). I had oral surgery on my mouth yesterday, when we got there, the lady took forever, and we waited for about a half and hour or so, but anyways. When I finally got to the room, they made me swish this mouthwash around, then spit it out, anyways, then they gave me an ivy (not sure how you spell it, so I hope thats r



Red Herring

*THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SCOOBY DOO x3*   You are going to be completely in the Dark with this joke unless you are Tek or Dok or Myself OR you have been listening to Way of the Master Radio for the Past Couple Months.   WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE FALLACY DETECTIIIIVVVEEEE!!!   IT IS NOT A TU QUOQUE!   IT'S A RED HERRING BBY!   ~Sunneh




*Is working on loads of homework*   too many trips to the Doctor these past three weeks. ick.   ~Sunneh



My Story Of The Day. P:

So I got super scared last night. I woke up in the mid. of the night hearing something/someone trying to pry my window open. I listened for a few minutes to make sure I was just hearing things, it was so scary. So I turned on the light and all of the sudden it stopped. I was really freaked out, so I got my Dad up, and he thought it was weird too, so We took the dog outside and looked around & couldn't find anything. So I went back up to my room, and looked out the window, and my Cat was on t




Buh-bye Blog! Buh-Bye Friends of my blog. ^3^   I'll be around commenting on other blogs & things though don't worry. ;D I'm just gonna miss this blog!   -waves- byeee premier!   ~Sunneh



Good Party! Plenty Of Leftovers!

10 Days till Christmas! (:   Our Party on Saturday was AMAZING. we had about 80 people there, and we all fit! (just barely!) The food was DELICIOUS. And all the cookies came out fabulous! I think my definite favorite were the Peanut-Butter temptations, but the Bonbons were 2nd. (: We still have some leftover cookies that we get to snack on!! ;D   I'll have to post some pictures of the snacks later. ;D   ~Sunneh




-is literally freaking out- THERES A MOUSE IN OUR HOUSE.   Wheres our stupid cat?!   If theres one thing I'm absolutely terrified of, it's Mice/rats/rodents. I can live with spiders, and those types of things but...   MICE FREAK ME OUT.   ~Sunneh



Shoe Boxes >>

yeah, the title's weird, and so is the story, but anyways...   Last night my mom really wanted all our rooms clean, as well as all our toyboxes cleaned out. So we did what we do almost every year if you still have a toybox (Which, I didn't) We decide what toys to throw away, and what toys to keep.   Anyways, seeing as I didn't have a toy box, I felt free and happy, until, my mom reminded me I was the older sister, and that unfortunately, I shared a room with my little sister, who of course, t



Ahahaha! Official A+

YES! So my group & I had to make a "radio drama" for our drama class...and we all ended up doing a skit and then a rap. IT WAS HILARIOUS.   It was so awesome, that when our teacher heard it, he shrunk down out of laughter and tears were RUNNING down his cheeks. He listened to it three times and then said, "It has EVERYTHING I was looking for, including the unexpected. A+!"   I HAVE FINISHED DRAMA WITH THE TOP GRADE IN THE CLASS! YEAHHHHH!   ~Sunneh




I can't upload anything, I'll post some things (That I didn't make, obviously 'cuz THEY'RE NOT TRANSPARENT! *smacks whoever made them* Oh, and no worries, these are free for people to use ;D) but that I think are great     Thank you, that is all. ;D   EDITAROO: Oops, sorry Kohaku....I didn't know that that one word was a "bad word"....Okay seriously, the word filter is way too far out! I agree, filter bad words, swears yes, but not NORMAL WORDS. You all mine aswell block "BIONICLE



Christmasssss :)

all our lights + decor are up. yayyyy! 8D so purttyyy. :3   there are already quite a few present under the christmas tree, wowee. : )   in other news, this is about the time of the year where everyone is antsy for the semester to be over, which is what i'm feeling right now.   christmas break is coming soon...can't wait!



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