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Warzone Draft

(Here's a rough draft of the first post of Technic Warzone. In several places it will mention links, but I'm not putting any links in just yet, so don't mind those. You might just be surprised by what you'll find in here...)   Technic Warzone We all have our favorite characters from Bionicle, Slizers, RoboRiders, and Hero Factory. We also might enjoy sponsoring them in a fighting league where they get to beat the snot out of other characters. Or we might enjoy sending them off into a

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

This Post Is Exciting

Aw, the title was supposed to be in all caps... D:   So, Forgotten Bond is winding down, and I figured I'd settle on a release date for Kako. Right now, I'm planning to post the Prologue on April 19th and Chapter 1 on the 20th. (Since the Prologue isn't really anything new, I thought I should follow up with some actual new content immediately.) The bad news is...I'll probably be pretty distracted in April. That's the season of final projects, plus Disgaea 3 portable is being released about that

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak's PokéRecords: Psychic

-Bronzong ("Bronz") -Gallade ("Lancelot") -Victini -Mewtwo -Reuniclus ("Cell")   Psychic is an interesting case. I've always thought the type and a lot of the Pokemon were pretty cool, but they don't seem to find their way onto my team with any great frequency. I thought maybe this was because they were rare, but turns out Psychic is actually a very common type, so...I don't know. Of the Psychic types I have trained, though, they've all been absolutely wonderful (though it should be noted tha

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

I Wonder What This Entry is About

IT'S A REBOOT PRAISE JESUS   The childishness seems to bug a lot of people, even though Bionicle's a toyline?? Selling toys to kids?? Honestly as much as I love dark stuff I'm totally onboard for this, I have a history of just taking whatever Bionicle gives me and I could use some more simple positivity in my life, it will be healing.   Also a lot of people really want romance to be canon in the reboot, why?? Why does this matter so much to everyone?? I know I'm a bitter loner but that can't be

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

O579 Announcement

Strike of the Hour introduced a new character into the Okoto 579 universe: Max, the Ice Region blacksmith who discovered the secret to becoming a Mask Maker. The person who designed this character, Karios, is currently writing a spin-off story featuring Max making his first journey across the island, exploring new lands and distributing his masks to villagers far and wide. When the story is complete I'll be posting a link to it, so please be on the lookout!

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Another Batch of Coliseum Stuff

New tournament means new stuff!   Upgrades: -Yes, we have a brand new upgrade, none other than the Shadow Leech! For 10,000 W, your fighter will have the light sucked out of them, replacing their current Element with Shadow. We’ll also provide the Klakk’s Scream to cure it for a measly 5,000 W.   -New Kanohi: -The Kanohi Crast can be purchased for 7,000 W, and when used in battle will prevent the opponent from approaching you. Good for keeping them at a distance so you can snipe them with you

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX


Okay so I don’t talk about my personal life on here a lot, I like to be vague about it, but I’ve been feeling sort of stressed and the idea to vent some of it here won’t get out of my head. Stuffed behind spoiler tags of course. This is mainly for my own benefit so, you know, move along, we don’t need to see your identification and all that.      

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Bioni - Lords Lecture: Les Quatre Freres De Lame

...Or sometimes "Les Quatre Freres des Lames," or sometimes with accent marks, or both...   Les Quatre Freres de Lame were the first important group of sentient Spirits shown in the Bioni-Lords story--Obscura, BionicleKeyblade, Language, and Zodiakai. When each one seeks out a human ally and come into contact with each other, a great disaster is on the horizon, and more often than not they make the difference between victory and defeat but don't live through it. And the truth is...they're just s

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

So Many Distractions

Almost forgot again...   Hm, I want to say that I made some edits to at least one of the sites in the past week, but, to be honest...I can't remember.   Might be able to get a new chapter up today, but I'm not sure. This afternoon I will be attempting something extremely dangerous...   Socialization.   If I don't make it back, an e-mail will be sent to all Kako readers with steps to an elaborate quest to locate my outline for the rest of the Bioni-Lords series so you can have closure.   ...But

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Gold Team Rules

(In which this morphs more and more into a straight-up Pokemon blog maybe I should find a new hobby for some variety)   I’ve still been playing VC Gold, though it’s been sort of an on-and-off thing. There have been a few places where I’ve realized I needed to buckle down and grind, and that’s…not the most fun you can have with a Pokémon game, so it was rarely a speedy event. But I managed to get past the League on my first attempt, and getting through Kanto after that was rather brief. Then c

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Oh, Bleach...

Yes, I’m still reading Bleach.   Yes, it’s still not that good.   There are a few developments I want to semi-rant on briefly:       Anyway. I’m hoping it’ll pick up a bit soon and end on a higher note, but I’m not sure how realistic that is. Was Bleach always like this? Because I was thinking back and I realized it might not be that Bleach has gone downhill as I’ve sort of outgrown it, which is equally worrying in a way. Eh, whatever. Deep, calming breaths…

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

A Request

So I don't know if I've said it over here, but I have a pet parakeet! His name is Zazu and he is beautiful and smart and I love him.   He's been limping for about a week so I took him to the vet this morning, and it appears he has little to no feeling in his left leg. The doctor says this is likely a sign of a tumor. We have some medicine for him, though I doubt he's going to enjoy taking it, but unfortunately there really isn't a whole lot to be done and tumors apparently get parakeets after

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Ruby Madness Day 4: Taste the Power of the Sun

Omega made his way to Mt. Pyre, discovering it to be a place where dead Pokémon are laid to rest. For Team Magma to siege such a place…unforgiveable! He made his way to the summit, but was too late: Maxie stole the Red Orb and escaped while Omega battled Courtney. The elders gave Omega the Blue Orb so that he may have a means of countering the Red Orb. He then set off for Slateport, where he failed to stop Team Magma from stealing the newly-made submarine, then back to Lilycove to invade Team Ma

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

How Many Pokemon Entries Can One Member Make

First things first: there is currently a distribution to receive a shiny Mega Gengar in the US (GameStop) and Canada (EB Games). You need to enter the store and ask the employees about it; they'll give you a card with a scratch-off code, which you can then redeem using the code option on Mystery Gift. This is the first time I've used this method, and it's kinda neat, but I prefer the wireless method that allows me to get my Pokemon without interacting with people ahahaha   Also very important:

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Vehicles For a Mad Scientist

So, I did try to take a picture of Christina in the Exo-Toa, but...well, that didn't go as planned. She looks good on some of the other vehicle sets, though. There are a lot of pictures, so I'm just going to link you to the Tumblr post.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Pokemon Stuff

Aw, there goes the records of my awesome Pokemans...   Well, here's what they look like now. All Level 80.   Gali the Greninja Triffid the Venusaur Blaziken Yveltal Celsius the Aurorus Ultima the Aegislash   Friend Code is 3394 - 3629 - 6029. Don't know what my Friend Safari looks like, though.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

I Think This Counts As a Call Back

I love Ekimu's Power Hammer but the pose for firing the bullets looks kinda weird, almost like he's holding up a stop sign or something   ...Wait a minute...     "Stop."     "HAMMER TIME!"

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX


So I’m weak and had some extra money and I bought Alpha Sapphire. I don’t plan on updating as much as a did when I played Omega Ruby, but I do want to try to develop some characters and mythology and such. Since I’ve done a lot of transferring via Poke Bank this time around, I’ve decided that Poke Bank is the Void that connects worlds from Final Fantasy, which is why the player characters are named after legendary creatures of the Void (Omega and Shinryu). I have some other ideas, but I don’t

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Games I'd Like to See Before III

(Some spoilers of course)   While I do hope the upcoming Kingdom Hearts announcement has to do with X and its potential localization, there are a few other possibilities I’d like to see explored in Kingdom Hearts games. Not sure how likely any of them are to be this new smartphone game, and if not, then they’re probably not going to happen because we probably would have heard something by now, but…you know.   Something that a lot of people have proposed is a game with Kairi and Lea training to b

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak's PokéRecords: Fairy

Ah, yes, Fairy...well, the thing is...I haven't actually trained any Fairy types yet. It turns out I haven't even trained any Pokemon that were later retconned to Fairy type. This bothers me.   I definitely will train Fairy types in the future, not just so I can have an awesome counter for Dragons, but also because I want to try out several of them. Mega Gardevoir looks pretty cool, and Diantha did give me one in Y, so I have that on stand-by. I also kind of like Carbink and Klefki, so I've

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Two Stars With One Stone

I just posted the twentieth chapter of Shooting Star Sonia 2, and with that, it is officially complete!   Just completing something always feels good, but I’m extra jazzed about this one. The rough draft was technically all done in approximately a year (January to January), and from the time I started posting it (July) I was able to maintain a biweekly posting schedule from start to finish. PLUS an extra chapter on the 10th anniversary of Mega Man Star Force. I was able to hold myself to a sc

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Leaked Content

Wow look how simple and not at all complicated this policy actually is   Hey Admins you have my permission to use this handy flowchart if you're sick of reposting the same reminder over and over and over again   Ah who am I kidding you're still going to have to keep posting it

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

May...or May Not

Well, May is here, meaning that after Wednesday I'll have more time each day for things like Bioni-Lords...and video games. I do have a habit of ignoring my responsibilities and playing video games instead...but I will try my best to get a ton of Bioni-Lords stuff up as quickly as possible. But not so quickly that it reduces the impact of cliffhangers. Mwa-ha-ha-ha...   The next chapter is written, just needs to be typed, and the chapter after that...a little stuck, but I'll try and move for

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

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