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"You still have only yourself for company."

This has been a very productive writing week for me, so here's Right of Law Section IV!   Antroz and Zaekura make it away from Nynrah, but the only person they can turn to for help is a particularly annoying Makuta and his sizable Rahkshi army. It's not a very enticing prospect, and before long, it begins to look even worse...   If I can keep up my recent pace, it shouldn't be long until Section V is up, and I get the feeling that one's going to be quite an event!

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Leaked Content

Wow look how simple and not at all complicated this policy actually is   Hey Admins you have my permission to use this handy flowchart if you're sick of reposting the same reminder over and over and over again   Ah who am I kidding you're still going to have to keep posting it

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak's PokéRecords: Fighting

-Primeape ("Mayumi") -Poliwrath ("Paul") -Lucario ("Aki," "Akamai") -Infernape ("Sarutobi") -Heracross -Gallade ("Lancelot") -Scrafty -Keldeo -Emboar ("Recoome") -Blaziken (Mega)   Shoot, I never realized I trained so many Fighting types! I never really gave much thought to the type as a whole, one way or the other, but I guess a lot of the Pokemon designs really catch my eye or something. Looking back, most of these Pokemon were very dependable. There were some exceptions, yes, but overall I

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

New Game Forming

It’s not ready yet but I think this could be a good one and I’m like…halfway there, give or take.   The basic setup is that an island is being attacked, and this same exact thing happened ten thousand years ago. However, the only record of those events is in a language no one reads anymore, so they have no idea how to proceed and are doing very poorly. So, five Chroniclers are sent to find the Spirit of Knowledge and gain the power to translate the history so that they can find some clues to h

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Fanfic Concept

An OC who is forced to go through bad fanfic versions of numerous series, and painfully aware of just how badly their life is written.   ***   "You are one of the chosen few who can wield the Keyblade."   "Okay..."   "And yours is a very special one with powers that no other Keyblade possesses."   "Wait why?"   "Remember, you are the one who will open the door to the true Kingdom Hearts."   "...Is that a good thing?"   ***   "OC, we need your help to defeat Platinum Frieza and gather the Mega Dr

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

This Post Has Less Pokemon

Being a Super Saiyan is fun, but all Saiyans end up getting killed sooner or later. When I died, some of my allies tried using the Dragon Balls to bring me back, but something went awry and my spirit was thrown into yet another dimenison--the dimension of The World Ends With You. I was dead, but I died in a different world, so normal rules in the Underground didn't apply to me, and I was free to do as I pleased. So, I figured out how to achieve a Noise form. Just because I could. (I was way

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More on Technic Coliseum

(Last entry on the subject)   So yeah, I'm probably gonna bring it back. Probably soon. Like next Monday or something.   A few more adjustments: -Replaced Spark with Blaster, because it seemed less redundant. -New items for RoboRiders and Slizers to make things fairer for them. For now, just basic stat-boosting items, like some Kanohi and the Hero Factory heroes' Aegis Program, Titan Gauntlet, etc. If I think of more later, I'll add them. -Added option to sell unused equipment back to the Co

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Pokemon Movies (No, Not That Kind)

I've been replaying Pokemon White 2 lately, wonderful game.  After beating it I lost a day or so at Pokestar Studios.  I’ve always loved this diversion, and now it’s easier to pick apart why: at the best of times, each movie tests you on/teaches you a specific combo of moves, items, or abilities that show off how deep Pokemon’s battle system can be, and success is rewarded with these charming shorts showing Pokemon in relatively unique settings and situations for the franchise.  It has a very un

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

If Anyone's Interested...

I decided to start on a new story, and now that I've finished a draft of the first chapter I was wondering if anyone might be willing to look it over and give me some feedback?   As some general information: this takes place on Spherus Magna after the Reformation, and mainly focuses on Vhisola. It's technically a follow-up to my previous story A Mind in Darkness, but you wouldn't need to read that in order to jump into this one--I don't really plan on any direct references to it, so really the

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

50 Reasons to Love The World Ends With You, Part 3

21. Every Thread and Pin is assigned one of 13 brands (or left unbranded), which seems like nothing more than an organizational thing, right? Wrong! Each area has its own brand chart detailing which brands are popular and which brands are not. If you have a Pin from one of the three most popular brands, they get a power boost, but if they're way down at rank 13, they get power reductions. Still, the brands aren't set in stone--wearing Threads and Pins from a specific brand and fighting battl

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Nice Job, Riku

First you were a Keyblade Master! Now, you're a Pokemon Master!     Back in June I went to a convention and bought a Mega Charizard X plushie and a 3D Riku figure.   The opportunity to take pictures like this almost makes that trainwreck of a weekend worth it.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Random Space Fighting

I had a weird dream. I don’t remember all the details, but I got the pretty clear impression that Red Joker Mega Man (with some help from Rogue somehow) was fighting Frieza. Weird.   Then I got to thinking “Well, who actually would win?”, and usually I say Jump characters are tough to beat because they’re all OP, but then I thought about it some more. Being OP in Dragon Ball usually boils down to blowing up a planet. That was the whole point of Andromeda, and Geo blew that up in his first ga

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Bioni-lords Status Report

Well I finished writing Chapter 64 Bioni-Lords Book 2: Sekai, where Midori fights the Shadow-Lord, but I don't know how soon I'll get it up...see, I have a bunch of end-of-the-year projects I need to get done for school, so I SHOULD be spending my time doing that. On the other hand...I won't have internet access for part of this weekend, and I need the internet for most to all of this work, so maybe I will get Sekai 64 typed...*shrug*   Just letting you guys know. Plus, in May I may (heh...)

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Void Log 1

If by some chance this letter shall be read by anyone, I offer this piece of advice: never go seeking a Void-controlling warrior unless someone or something with magical powers says you're destined to do so.   I am Exo-Pahrak, formerly honored with the title of "Kal Titan," but unfortunately I made the horrible mistake of taking on a mission I was not prepared for. In pursuit of a Void Saber, a sword capable of cleaving reality, I hunted down my world's static portal to the Void and grappled w

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

I'm on a Roll

So a few months ago the grocery store I work at said we were getting a sushi stand. I thought that might be fun, so I asked the manager if I could possibly train there and he said yes!   Then he got fired and no one else seemed to know anything about the sushi.   But now, it looks like we really are getting sushi (as soon as December, even), and while I dislike the new manager I think I’m going to ask him the same thing. Even if he says yes I’d probably still work some shifts in the deli, at l

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

A Game Idea

So, I still have a desire to do a new Technic Coliseum. However, I don’t really have the time or energy to do a full, long-lasting game, so I started thinking of simpler and shorter ways to run the game. The result is Technic Tournament!   Sixteen characters, four from each of the four relevant lines, have been selected. They will be randomly paired up, and round 1 will begin. (Each round will probably last about a week, I think.) The players each are given 20,000 Widgets (subject to change)

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Further Thoughts on/Hopes for TWEWY Final Remix

-So…”Final Remix”. Two things about that worry me a bit. For one, “final”. Sort of makes it seem like Square might be officially saying this is it. Or, hey, maybe this is the last remix because next they’re going to do an actual sequel! Aha…ha…er, anyway. Secondly, that’s disturbingly close to the Final Mix tagged onto Kingdom Hearts remakes. That just…makes me nervous.   -Looks to be using Solo Remix’s battle system, and I can confirm that’s gonna be solid. What’s interesting is this me

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Wondering About Canonization

You know, through most of this whole thing, I really wasn't sure which side to take. I can understand some points from both sides of the debate, and was hoping it would just kind of die down, but if anything it's just getting harder and harder to avoid, so I kept thinking about it and well...   See, fan canon is a neat thing. But with Generation 1 (long) over, nothing that gets canonized at this point has any chance to affect official material. Really, all this new stuff can affect is people

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

New MoC On The Way

That's why I'm a little late today--was taking pictures of ZMoC-17. Think I'm going to wait until the gallery is public until I post the topic, though. This model might look familiar to those of you who played Bionifight 4...   I updated the Spirit Index, although I think there's only one new Spirit...been a while since I made a proper update.   Remember when I made a big deal about that TWEWY themed countdown? Yeah, it turned out to be an iOS remake. Since the fandom was expecting more, we

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX


So, my computer got infected. I believe I've taken care of it, but in the process I lost every single document I had ever made.   So I'm going to have to re-type those Bioni-Lords posts.   And anything I had for Technic Coliseum/Warzone.   And the fanfiction I was working on.   So this may delay some things.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Ad-Lib Joke About 12 Years

I have been on this site for 12 years now.   Huh.   Let’s see, what did I accomplish on this site in the past year? -Became Premier Outstanding BZP Citizen (thank you Windrider!) -Wrote a few miscellaneous short stories (and a one-shot comedy) -Finished Shooting Star Sonia, the biggest story I’ve finished in a while, and more recently started the sequel -Started Beyond Ruin, which might be helping me inch towards that novel I’ve claimed to be working on for several years now. Maybe. -Ran Techni

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More Complete Thoughts on KH2.8

I won’t be getting to play it anytime soon (PS4s are expensive), but now that I’ve watched and processed 0.2 and Back Cover I wanted to gather up my reactions and speculations in one place because…of reasons?    

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

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