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So That's a Wrap on II.5

Well, I just beat Kingdom Hearts II, and since I did entries for the other pieces of II.5 I figured I’d do one for this too. This is my fifth time playing the game, so I don’t really have that many new feelings, there were just a few miscellaneous things I thought of.   (Contains spoilers for II, coded, and 3D)         And now I want to replay 3D. I really shouldn’t, though, with school starting, and wanting to do all the extra stuff in II and BBS, and new games coming out in the coming months,

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Exorcist

Asterisk Holder: Geist (warning he's super creepy)     Origin: Bravely Second   Was It In Bravely Default?: No   Overview: The Exorcist’s ability has been translated as “Never Happened”, and allows them to undo turns. This can be done by setting HP, MP, or BP of a target back to what it was one to three turns ago. This abilities are said to have a fairly low MP cost.   Personal Thoughts: Sounds like a super broken hybrid of Time Mage and White Mage. Not that I’m complaining (though Geist is cre

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Pahrak Model ZX

A Few New Bits of Bravely Second News

What a coincidence: I just got the Asterisk Guide caught up, and Square Enix gives us some new info, including a new Job! This newcomer is the Exorcist Job, which has the ability to go back in time and negate turns. This functions primarily by resetting the target’s HP to what it was up to three turns ago; other uses remain to be seen. I should be able to make a barebones Asterisk Guide that I can post tomorrow.   The remaining info was some fairly random bits. The staff members joked about how

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Ranger

Asterisk Holder: Artemia Venus     Origin: Final Fantasy III   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: A master of bows who can take down any kind of foe. As a Ranger levels up, they learn new Hunting commands that deal x1.5 damage to certain families of enemies (bugs, dragons, undead, etc), making it a great command set to master and equip on whatever physical powerhouse Job you like. The Targeting command it starts out with does x1.25, but pierces Default, letting it deal lots of damage

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Astrologer

Asterisk Holder: Currently unnamed old man (pictured right)     Origin: Final Fantasy Tactics   Was It In Bravely Default?: No   Overview: We have been told that the Astrologer will use “Moon Magic”, which consists of powerful buffs including an ability known as "Element Barrier". Very little information is known.   Personal Thoughts: Since Performer and Astrologer are both buff-focused, I’m curious to see how they will be differentiated. I find it odd that we’ve been told so little about the A

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Pahrak Model ZX

More Kingdom Hearts Thoughts

I decided to sit down and watch the Re:coded cinematics in Kingdom Hearts II.5 today. Coincidentally, I just saw a post on another site reminding us of that tiny bit of trivia regarding its origins, and it also had a link to an article which I perused.   One line that stood out to me was one of the staff members being interviewed who, reflecting on the initial pitch of coded, said, "At first the plan seemed terrible, but at the same time interesting." And I'm laughing because that's really all y

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Cat Master

Asterisk Holder: Minnette Goroneze (pictured left)     Origin: Bravely Second   Was It In Bravely Default?: No   Overview: Cat Master works by, well…calling cats to the field! It seems this can be done in two ways: 1. Using the Job’s innate command to call out cats that will buff or debuff, and 2. Using cat food items dropped by enemies to call out cats that will launch an attack. Cat foods can also be combined for more powerful cats, though this ability is currently being rebalanced.   Perso

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Asterisk Guide: Wizard

Asterisk Holder: Ayame     Origin: Bravely Second (Many Final Fantasy games have had upgraded Mage classes with Wizard in their names—White Wizard, Red Wizard, etc—but the Wizard Asterisk seems to use unique abilities that set it apart as a new creation.)   Was It In Bravely Default?: No   Overview: Wizards use magic in two stages: select an element (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder), and then select a method of attack. Confirmed so far are Darts, Hammer, Blast, and Mist (causes steady damage over time

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Swordmaster

Asterisk Holder: Kamiizumi (in Bravely Default)     Origin: Final Fantasy V (called “Samurai”)   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: Despite their name, katana are actually the preferred weapon of a Swordmaster. Their Bushido skills allow them to wield the blades expertly, predicting their enemies’ moves and preparing devastating counterattacks to throw them off-guard. A Swordmaster will also sometimes immediately counter after being attacked (or attack again after a standard attack) wi

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Tomahawk

Asterisk Holder: Amy Matchlock     Origin: Bravely Second   Was It In Bravely Default?: No   Overview: This Job seems to specialize in the new gun weaponry that will be available in Bravely Second. We have also been told that it possesses buffs and abilities for hitting all enemies. In addition, it seems that Amy can light her arrows on fire—how this might translate to the playable Job remains to be seen.   Personal Thoughts: The first brand-new Job we had confirmed! This will probably be ou

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Pahrak Model ZX

Crossovers With No Context

They are fun to write.   One of the many things the Korra finale did was cement Varrick's status as my favorite character, and then I started wondering what would happen if he met the equally eccentric Hououin Kyouma from Steins;Gate.   This is the best I could come up with.

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Performer

Asterisk Holder: Praline à la Mode     Origin: Final Fantasy V (called “Dancer”)   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: The Performer Job is purely supportive. They don’t have any decent methods of attacking nor the stats to make use of other Jobs’ abilities, and their defenses can make keeping them alive difficult to boot. Still, you definitely want to book them a gig, because they can give solid party-wide buffs and provide ever-handy BP boosts. Taking care of them gets easier once th

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Pahrak Model ZX

I Just Really Love Kingdom Hearts

I finally cleared Birth by Sleep's Final Episode. I remembered what happened from when I played the game before, but for some reason I felt it a lot more this time. I'll admit to tearing up at the end of all three individual scenarios, but Final Episode made me actually cry multiple times throughout, and I still want to go cry about it.         Part of me is kind of embarrassed to be crying over a video game, but as time goes on, I find more and more that this idea is kind of silly. Video games

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Time Mage

Asterisk Holder: Eloch Quentis Khamer VIII     Origin: Final Fantasy V   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: Time Magic focuses on messing with time to raise or lower target’s speed, and it also grants powerful spells such as Gravity, Meteor, and Reraise. It also contains the Quake spells, allowing for some inexpensive Earth-element damage early in the game. (Though by the time you get Quaga, you’ll probably be opting for Summoner’s Girtablulu instead.) Time Mages are also known for the

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Red Mage

Asterisk Holder: Fiore DeRosa   Origin: Final Fantasy   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: As classic and iconic as you can get! The Red Mage has long been a Square Enix staple, a jack-of-all-trades who can cast a little White Magic, cast a little Black Magic, and swing a few swords. In Bravely Default they can cast all White and Black Magic spells through Level 4, giving them a very solid spellbook to work with, and they learn a variety of support abilities that give them chances to g

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Pahrak Model ZX


I love you even more as an adult than I did when it was socially acceptable   I also love Amazon which let me pre-order Tahu, Gali, Pohatu, and Onua who will arrive soon   And, of course, all the family members who gave me gift cards and money to afford all this

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Valkyrie

Asterisk Holder: Einheria Venus     Origin: Final Fantasy II (character), Final Fantasy III (Job) (called “Dragoon” in both)   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: Heavily-armored lance-specialists known for their jumping ability. Valkyrie is a powerful Job, starting out with an ability that allows it to attack the entire field at once, and then learning various jump attacks that prevents it from taking damage for a time before unleashing a powerful move. They also have a variety of nif

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Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Freelancer

Asterisk Holder: N/A     Origin: Final Fantasy V   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: The basic Job one has without an Asterisk. Rather than having a unified theme, Freelancer outfits are whatever the character wears normally, though in Bravely Second three of the four protagonists do wear similar uniforms in their Freelancer Job. Though they don’t have any specialties, Freelancers do learn a variety of useful abilities, and gain a boost to all stats for every other Job you master. The

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Pahrak Model ZX

Bravely CATS

We’ve got some official info on Bravely Second’s new Cat Master Job. The Asterisk-holder, Minnette, likes taking care of cats (obviously) and assassinating people (eh?!). Also she lives alone and looks kind of sad about it. Meh, not enough to make me feel bad for her just yet.   The Job itself, then. The Job’s command can translate to “Put to Work” or “Order”, and involves calling cats onto the field to do random stuff such as buffing the party or inflicting status ailments on enemies. Okay

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Pahrak Model ZX

Ruby Madness Epilogue

I've spent a lot of time playing since my last update, but it was mainly just a bunch of miscellaneous smallish things. Really I was trying to hold off making another entry until I had caught that Pokemon, but I don't know if it's going to happen anytime soon so I'm moving on.   At this point, Omega and his team have beaten the Pokemon League seven times. The first few rematches were to get the rest of the starters (Snivy and Turtwig), and after that I just wanted experience and money. Ultra Bal

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Pahrak Model ZX

Catching Up On Bravely Second News

There have been a bunch of announcements recently but I haven’t posted any of them (and I haven’t seen anyone else posting them either), so I’ll summarize everything as best I can right now!   First up, returning(ish) features. The main thing is that the Norende minigame will have a counterpart in this game—now, you’re rebuilding Magnolia’s hometown, which I must remind you is on the moon. So be sure to StreetPass everyone, because rebuilding the moon is very important. Also there will be a j

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Pahrak Model ZX

The Champion is...?!

"Huh, you made it past the Elite Four after all? That's actually rather impressive. But your challenge ends here. As Champion of the Akihabara Region, I, Makise Kurisu, shall show you what true power is!"     ...I don't know, I just wanted to take a picture of some of my new Pokemon figs (plus some old ones) and still like the idea of Pokemon Trainer Christina.   BTW the Elite Four would totally be Kyouma, Suzuha, Ruka, and Mayushii, feel free to give them whatever Pokemon you like.

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