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Salvation Run

Just read DC Comic's Justice League of America: Salvation Run, and I think it's one of DC's best, or at the very least a must-read. The basic premise of this is that, seeing as how more and more supervillains are overrunning the world, the government decides to set up a sort of Prison Planet - another world deep in space and far away from Earth. Captured supervillains are deported to this Prison Planet via Boom Tube (teleportation machines), and left alone to "start a new life" apart from civ

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Idbm - Go Vote!

There's a contest going on right now to make a Rahi canon...specifically, the bird Rahi that Ackar uses to teach Mata Nui how to predict an opponent's movements.   There are lots of good entries out of the twenty there, go to the poll and vote for your favorite!

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Do Re Mi

Presenting my theme for the Pimp My Blog Contest Number 2: -The Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg, Austria-

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy


I vowed not to eat any sugary products or candy for the month of March. Despite the first couple of days being pretty difficult, I'm experiencing a surprising lack of temptation. I have six Hershey's Cookies 'n' Cream chocolate bars next to me, as well as a Crispy Rice chocolate bar. It's been on my desk for two days, but I haven't touched it at all.   Suffice it to say that I am proud of myself.

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Rpg Etiquette Episode 2

In my previous RPG Etiquette Episode (more than a year ago now), I adopted a rather cynical and sarcastic tone. This Episode will depart from that a bit by taking a more neutral opinion on matters.     ---Part 1---    Godmodding. We RPers all know what it is. It's a rule in almost all RPGs, and those that don't have it usually tend to fall apart. Why is that?  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, Godmodding essentially stands for "godly modification", where a player makes his

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy


Don't you hate it when somebody staples a packet of paper too close to the center, and the staple isn't in the top left hand corner but too far down and to the right?   It's like the staple is intruding in the rest of the paper's personal space. I mean, how are the words going to get any room to breathe if the staple is right next to them? It's just rude and obnoxious. If any staples are reading this, I suggest you go back to the little square inch in the corner of the page where you belong.

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy


Second day of the tour of Shanghai. So far, three things resound with me the most:   1) Bus drivers here are even better than the ones in America. Didn't think I'd ever say this.   2) Farmers don't have to pay tax.   3) Shanghai has three times the population of LA. Congestion is like...whatever it's like, it'll be an understatement. You have to come and see for yourself. I spent more time staring at the back of people's heads and getting pushed around than sightseeing.

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Justice Vs. Fairness

Recent events in the RPG forum have brought to mind a debate about ethics that we've been having not just in my AP Lang class but also my Government class as well. I've decided to share my views on justice and fairness, and what I believe they are.   Women today, despite supposedly being on "equal ground" as men, still don't get the same wages as men do. I won't bother you with statistics. Some women's rights activists demand exactly equal treatment as men do, in not just jobs but all aspects o

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Personal Messages, Personal Memories

As a premier member, I have room in my inbox for 1000 messages. But the PMs I've been getting over the years I've been here are stacking up, and already past halfway. I panicked, and went on a sort of cleaning spree, reading through some of the PMs and deleting ones from the same thread.   I did this at first to clear space for future PMs, but soon found myself happily reading the PMs I sent to friends and vice versa. It awoke so many good memories...Hak discussing his Hunters of the Dark comi

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

731 Days Reflected

Well, I've gotten my Avohkii spinny. That means two years have passed since I first joined BZP.   It's kind of weird when I think about it. That's two years in which I've had one more thing in my schedule. Sometimes it seems like these two years have flown. Other times it feels like BZP has been a part of me my whole life.   I'm not sure what to say. But what I feel is the biggest experience I've had here, is the Academy/BZPRPG. I joined the Academy about three months after I joined BZP, and

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Bzpower T-shirts

Our eccentric Emperor, E-Dubya, is organizing a BZPower T-Shirt Project, to be sold at Brickfair and Brick-con this August. Check out EW's blog for more details!

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

The Fate Of The Naruto Rpg After This Incident

In case anyone’s wondering:   I do plan to start the NRPG again. Since I saved the first post in Microsoft Word I can always just repost it (once it gets approved of course).   The main problem (but actually not a very serious one if you think about it) is the lack of NRPG v. 3 or 4. That means we pretty much have to continue using just our memories. This also means I can’t finish the Naruto RPG timeline since I can’t see what happened in v.3, so some of the newer players might not know what h

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Back From Camping

My thoughts on the experience:   1) Raccoons > Bears 2) Instant Mac and Cheese still tastes good without milk and butter. 3) Old people not only can hike, but are better at it than a group of seventeen year olds. 4) Some rangers are chill, some aren't. 5) Sociology and Economics texts make for some great fuel. 6) GPS > Woman for directions. But the extra two hours of getting lost in the mountains was nice I guess. Beautiful scenery.

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

On Objectivity

People will never agree. Especially not on standards. People will argue about the verdict in a courtroom, the flaws of the SAT in providing a standard for college admissions, even the 'accuracy' of a history textbook that is too left-leaning or right-leaning. When these standards are taken to a national scale, these disagreements become huge as well. And ugly.   There is no correct way, no one Truth; at least, even if there is, there are few people who can figure it out in their lifetime. It's

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

The Rpg Etiquette Series Chapter 1

As some of you know, I'm one of the mods of the Naruto RPG over in the Completely Off Topic forum. After having done this for a while, I have a pretty good idea of what I like in an RPer and what I don't like. This will be a short series of blog entries in which I outline exactly what I expect in an RPer in the Naruto RPG I help run, and what I don't expect.   The RPG Etiquette Series—Examples you should (or shouldn't) follow: Chapter 1 First, let's start with the

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

1/27/10 Story Fit Exercise

1/27/10 Story Fit Exercise For an explanation of what the Story Fit is, please go here. Each week I'll post an exercise. This is the entry for the exercise of the week of January 27-February 2. Conflict is central to storytelling, a ubiquitous device that nearly always fulfills its role of advancing the plot. So many authors incorporate the idea of conflict into their written works -- the earliest stories had conflict in the form of gods and humans, good and evil, known and unknown. In

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Naruto Rpg Profiles: Part 4

TEAM 8 Brief team history: Team 8 is noted for completing its missions quickly and efficiently, and for its members. The sensei of Team 8 is arguably one of the most beautiful women in Konoha, and Shawn is known for his fearsome taijutsu and loud mouth. However, Team 8, like many other squads in Konoha, has seen its fair share of tragedy: Mizuno, one of the original members of the team, was brutally killed during their first A-rank mission (Noromatu Neozaka has since become a member of the tea

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Spreading My Wings: My Journey To Eagle

Well then. I'm there. I'm an Eagle Scout. After four years of community service, merit badges, camp outs, leadership...I've done it.   ...   It hasn't really hit me yet. XP   But seriously, after looking at Eagle as the goal, the thing to strive for, it's hard for me to get used to finally being there. I suppose if I recount all my achievements, it might make it easier for me to accept.   I started out later than everyone else. I didn't do Cub Scouts, and it was only in the March of my sixt

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Reflections On The Autumn Olympics

My only complaint about the Short Stories Contests was always that there weren't enough of them. =P I loved writing, I loved reviewing others' writing, but I often had trouble working up the motivation to do either. Part of that may also have been because the Short Stories forum always felt so lonely, as opposed to a couple of the other forums I was a regular to. The contests not only provided me with an incentive to do the former, but also gave me much-needed reassurances that there really was

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

A Tribute To My Chair

This may seem like a random subject for a blog entry, but I've seen plenty of random entries, so I guess this should be okay.   Anyway, a few minutes ago I walked into the family bedroom where the computers are, and I saw that the chair I usually sit in while using the computer was broken. Specifically, the backrest had fallen off the rest of the chair, meaning I now had to sit in something similar to a stool.   I picked up the backrest off the floor and looked at it. One side was cushioned;

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

The Career Research Project

I have a college consultant. We meet every month or so to discuss college applications or what I have to do to get into college…community service, awards, etc. In fact, I just came home from a seminar my consultant held, which was attended by myself as well as five others that my consultant is helping. The main thing we did was conduct a self-survey, designed to determine our strengths and weaknesses. Some categories included social consciousness, affection for knowledge, school enthusiasm, inde

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

Blog Thing

I got a PM this afternoon. It was some sort of Member of the Day thing, and I got an image to go along with it. Anyway, I decided to put this in my blog, just for kicks. My thanks to Skateboarder 2 da max for this image:     That's all. I might put up one of my written stuff in the next few days.

Lazzy the Spazzy

Lazzy the Spazzy

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