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An Entry On Numbers

As you've probably noticed by scanning the blog index, today was "Pi Day." I recently read a comic that is summarized like this: "Everyone should know at least the first two or three digits of Pi. Scientists can get by with knowing about ten to fifteen digits. Anyone who knows more than that are just "meanies.'" (Except it said a different word there.) Seriously, if there's ever a need to know more than a few digits of pi, let me know.   Anywho, onto other numbers.   I aced Physics with a 91,

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

House Of The Dead

Uwe Boll makes horrible movies. So horrible it's laughable.   On the other hand, Judd Apatow makes great movies. Step Brothers was hiliarious beyond belief.   And um...going on vacation to New Jersey this Tuesday through the following Wednesday. Going to be a blasty blast.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Its An Arms Race

I just bought my ticket for the upcoming Underoath/Taking Back Sunday concert in Birmingham. I personally can't wait to go. The last time I tried to see Underoath, they sold out before I was able to buy a ticket.   My brother should be coming home tomorrow, too. I visited him today with a few friends. He seems fine, though it's got to be horribly boring in that room. He's got a bunch of tests to make up for missing 4 days of shool, though. :0   I've been terribly bored in general lately. Not

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


I want the shirt sooo bad. It made me LOL.   Pirates 3 tomorrow at midnight. Who's coming?

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

One Down

1 week down, approx. 6-8 more weeks to go.   I miss my best friend. And he's missing Griffball in Halo this weekend.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

The Devil Wears Prada

Most hardcore band everr. If you like that kind of music check them out.   Um, I got accepted to Auburn University at Montgomery. I'll be in the School of Business, which is apparently a very prestigious school, studying Information Systems. I'm also hoping to live on campus. It'd be so much easier than living 30 minutes from school and driving everywhere. Plus, all my friends would have a place to come and chill.   Yeah...   Went to Wendy's tonight. THE FROSTY MACHINE WAS FROZEN. (Or so sh

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Mmm, Chinese

So I'm sure any of you who read my blog know that I had off school today. I woke up around 10:45 or so, and got a call from a good friend asking if I wanted to go to his house to play some games. I couldn't refuse, so I brought along my Xbox360 Harddrive, a controler, and a few games. I must say, it felt great to be able to play some games again. I hooked my HardDrive onto his 360 so we were able to play Gears of War on XboxLive. I am now re-addicted to that game, and I can't even play it at my

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


K, so I got a Wii early Sunday morning, and am I glad I did.   First off, the console is just plain fun. Wii Sports comes packaged with the console, and right after I set up the Wii I was swinging away in Tennis. My favorite game is definately the Boxing one. Bowling was pretty fun as well. I was also able to score the Legend of Zelda yesterday. Lordy, that game is pure ownage. The graphics aren't even that bad, really. Now, they aren't anywhere near like what a 360 or a PS3 can do, but for su

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

A Mass Effect

If you have an Xbox360 you owe it to yourself to buy Mass Effect. I usually don't like RPGs, but this has more of an action feel to it. It's the best $65 I've ever spent.   In other news, my car isn't wanting to work properly. After driving myself to school for nearly two years, it was different having to wait for my mom to pick me up after school. I hope we can get it fixed soon. I got half-way down my street and my car decided it didn't want to accelerate anymore. Luckily, I was able to roll

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

I Have Better Friends Than You

Camping trips are so much fun.   "I hate duuuucks!"   "GOO! Duck!"   "SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!"   "Go turn off the fire!"   "Watch out for the man-eating frogs."   I wish I could take some of you camping with us. I nearly died laughing approximately 5 times this past weekend.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

The Party Never Stops

Last night was one of the highlights of my life. I went to see (in order of appearance) Cry of the Afflicted, Pierce the Veil, As Cities Burn, Mayday Parade, and Emery.   Now, the whole thing started off in a negative way. We only had one trusted and responsible driver (me), 8 people who wanted to attend the concert, and one vehicle that could only fit 7 people in it. Needless to say, I called everyone up Wednesday and asked if they were really wanting to go to the concert. Eventually, I asked

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

That Nervous Feeling Before

Who else gets that nervous feeling deep in your gut before you take a test/final? I most certainly do, even though I know that I'm probably going to be just fine. Still, something about not having a real class for nearly two weeks before the final is making me double-guess myself. The last two class sessions, we watched Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" and the week before that we watched F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby." Both were very entertaining films, but since then I feel as if

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

New Trusted Traders :o

Everyone should check out our new Trusted Traders. There are three additions: -Sidorak-, Toa Ausar, and Bionicle Raptor. Hop in that topic and congratulate them.   Also, notice the slight changes to the Trusted Traders program in this topic.   Now, onto my next project...

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Abcs To Acts

As are many high school students around the country, I am preparing to take the ACT tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have not had the desired amount of time to prepare for this standardized test, so tonight I've just been skimming over this "pre" test I have. I took the same test last year and earned a 23, which is satisfactory, but I believe I can earn a higher grade now that I have finished Algebra 2 and am currently half-way through College Algebra (sort of...). I hope I can do a little better on t

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Pictures From The Concert

Here are a few of the pictures I took from a show I went to last night. The camera only had a little bit of juice, so I didn't get to take nearly as many pictures as I wanted to. These are just a few of the best pictures of the band I went to see - In Fear & Faith (they stole the show, IMO).   Noah - this one was actually taken from my phone with a 2 megapixel camera. This is also my favorite picture of the evening. screamer breakdown bassist not my hands drummer hardcore the huddle

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Returning The Smile You Had From The Start

This week is going to be fun:   Lit test on Monday, Chem test on Tuesday, Algebra 2 test on Wednesday, and Prom on Friday. Plus, I have to work Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-9:30.   And sometime this week I'm sure there is something due for this devotional we've been assigned in Speech class. I wish I had that schedule...   I also have to give a speech at the National Honor Society induction ceremony on Wednesday. I -hate- speaking to large groups of people...   Oh, and of course, Spiderma

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

George Romero Will Be At Our Wedding

"George Romero Will Be At Our Wedding"   I was looking for you when I first heard the sirens The ambulances filled the streets The masses screamed and called for help You were no where next to me The soldiers came to round up the living And take them away to somewhere that’s safe But if I cant find you there’s no place to save me If you are gone then its too late   Night turns to dawn, and dawn into day And the land overflows with the dead Where did I last hold you in my arm

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Crunch Week

It's that time of the semester.   Midterms   Or, in my case...   One exam, one midterm, and two finals   So you're probably asking,"Watashi Wa, how do you have two finals half way through the semester?"   Well, dear friend, that is because I enrolled in three half-semester classes: Business Law and Regulation of Business, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.   "But you said you have two finals!"   Yes, I do. That is because I am currently only taking the two former class. I will pick up Ma

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Planning My Future

About a week and a half ago I had my bi-annual appointment with my advisor. Nothing new was discussed; she mostly just pointed out which classes I now had access to since I have completed more prerequisites. The only real reason why we even have these appointments is so we can get our pin number to log into Webster to actually register for classes once they become available. Also, early registration! One of the perks for being an upperclassman.   Conclusion after much planning and schedule-mak

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Summer 2009

This summer has been the best summer ever.   To start off, I drove 12+ hours straight the first day of July from Montgomery, Alabama, to San Antonio, Texas, to see my best friend graduate from Air Force BMT. That night (we left on the 1st, arrive at our hotel at 3:30AM on the 2nd) I slept for about 40 minutes once I finally went to sleep at around 4:45. My friends mom called me early that morning to tell me we had to leave early to get on base and get our guess passes. After Jim's graduation p

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Killer Queen

...dynamite, with a laser-beam...   Don't you just hate running into someone you haven't seen in a while and have a very legitimate reason for disliking and you know that that person has also indeed recognized your existance but you both retreat from saying anything to each other in hopes to avoid any possible awkward moments? I do.   At approximately 6:30 Eastern time, I will be off to a better place until August the 8th. Don't bother me.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Old Friends Coming Home

Old friends coming home = happy John.   I'm sure these two weeks are going to fly by. :/   *sigh* Such is life...   I love you, man!

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone. Enjoy the time spent with friends and family.   One week until the new year!

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


I love my friends so incredibly much.   We may not be perfect. Scratch that. We are NOT perfect in any stretch of the imagination. These past two weeks have reminded us all of that.   But we forgive.   We move on.   We grow.   We learn from our mistakes. We depend on each other.   They may move away, but I know that our friendships still stand no matter where we are. Nothing can tear us apart.   I love my friends.   UPDATE: And with that, Jim's probably going to be shipped out this

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Back To Back To Back

I have one final tomorrow (American Lit 1), Tuesday (Intro to MIS) and Wednesday (Principles of Bio 1). Dx   I am, however, rather proud of myself for the fact that I received an A in Accounting, which was the hardest class I've taken in my year and a half in college. The material wasn't hard, I think it had more to do with the fact that it was a hybrid class. While we had Thursday off from class, all of the homework was done on the computer; tests were taken in class. Paper tests do not have d

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

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