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Curse You, Digimon!

You leave me behind, and you come back with another season! Now, I'm drawing Digimon again.   Based on an old story fic.

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Ah, Disappointment.

So I was playing ME2 to get my actual main character done with the story (and prolly get Overlord and Shadow Broker DLC sometime in the future). I was doing a couple loyalty missions and I was everywhere, behind enemy lines, meleeing the living bejeesus out of anything that moved. And funny enough I kept dying a lot. Wondering why I was being so slow, it was then I realized that my character doesn't have rockets strapped to her rear... and she was infiltrator.   Long story short, playing ME2 wi

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon


I've never spent so much time in the bathroom today than any other day. I must have ate something pretty gnarly to get stomach cramps for a WHOLE day. I can barely function my daily activities before it's back to the bathroom.   Decided to CG Sam a bit. So enjoy this WIP while I suffer in complete and utter agony.   EDIT: 12/4 WIP:   Cheers.

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Rebuilding My Artwork Library

Well, it's more like an archive.   I recently shut down one of my DA accounts to my professional account, so a lot of works I made were, overall, lost in the sea of the internet. With in the past months, people were inquiring on my old works, which made me come to this action that I'm currently reposting my work. The content block is to your left and a bit ways down. It might look intimidating, but no worries, that's half the work I found on my maj/brickshelf account.   Caution: some are good,

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Sick Doodle

Spending time overnight working on homework for a whole week shot my immune system dead.   As I recover, here's a doodle I made in bed.   Cheers.  

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

On Vanquish

This game. Words cannot describe it. Well, maybe it can. Imagine Gears of War, a bad cold war movie, and instances of an Itano circus meshed into one with a dash of double espresso and a bag of sugar. That is Vanquish.   You play as some chain-smoking chap in a suit with rocket boosters. And everything around you is just chaos and explosions and it barely stops. People dying left and right, and you only have a split second to grab the nearest ammo to avoid a bullet storm and death beams. You ca

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Recalling Dreams

#1 A young man was stranded in my world, looking for a way to another world where he live d in. So I helped him try and find his way back, but he had some special power that some old man wanted. Luckily I helped him find his world, and he let me visit it for a while. The stars were bright, but the constellations are not from earth. I was in a forest clearing with a girl in white and silver. He had to find a way back so he can perform a union ceremony with someone he loved. I somewhat smiled.  

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Oh :c

I finally finished detailing with a cintiq that really cool picture I posted the WIPs a while back, but only to have the file being corrupted. Utter migraine...I'll never get this thing colored. ;o;   Well, I'm only set back 2-3 hours of work, so I guess I have to rework all the details, if I could remember them. >____>   I want to get this done, but my classes + game dev are trying to murder me with no sleep.

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Photoshop Cs5...

...is a BEAST!   Definitely when it's on my quad core rig. I just need to buy a cheap hd for its scratch disk and it will be GLORIOUS!   Rotating canvas plus paintbrush plug-in ftw!   Here's a work in progress I've been doing. 30 minutes so far. I just need to work on the values a bit more. :0

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Airport Security

This new backscatter x-ray is a little unnerving, but I had to go through it, even though I said no because they're just testing the new equipment. :\   I need something metal in me, so I can just get a pat-down and that's it. >_>

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Alien Robots

Still brainstorming their culture. Cross my fingers and hope I'll be motivated to make at least a chapter in this as a comic.   Bionoids     The Bionoids were once bipedal organisms that became so advanced, they achieved technological singularity. Shedding their previous inferior forms, they transcended into a homogeneous mixture of organic and inorganic lifeform with a prolonged lifespan. With such a long lifespan, they lost the ability to reproduce, and merely create more to replace the br

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Nikila Voting Is Underway.

Remind me to make a MOC contest where I draw something totally bizzarely cool and people has to make a MOC out of it. That'll make them think harder.   Anyways, go vote here and support whatever floats your boat!   If anyone cares, it's entry number 3.  

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

A Gift For Bzp

It's been a while since I posted things here. I cleaned up my entries to clear my head. I've been away from BZP for a long time due to life and trying to improve my craftsmanship. I traveled to the UK to seek inspirations, and I was not disappointed. Sometimes I wished the US had galleries like the Tate Britain or the National Gallery instead of the silly modern art stuff that makes me art rage (unless the work's inspired by the trans-humanism movement).   After the trip around the UK, I'm out

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

For Those Who Can't Afford Photoshop...

Or never took advantage of free painting programs for some odd reason:   http://www.pixlr.com/app/   It not bad for an online flash application. Although the resize function is not as great in quality compared to Photoshop and such, it's good enough for a quick resize. Because I'm not particularly fond of waiting to load extremely large images (ie: 1200x1200 and beyond ) in the artwork section, and having it auto-resized (by the forums) to something I can't recognize.

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Targis, The Other Protagonist

Not the recent quad core compy I built a while back, but the character in my recent brainstorming. He looks incredibly young for an old Praetor, but he's about 300 human years younger than Akanus while she boasts proudly at 7,087 years. A bionoid lives to about 10,000 years before the body is unable to support itself sufficiently, so the bionoid is recycled, or reborn, into a new generation. Targis' youth defect in his DNA code was caused by a pre-mature birth as the unit he was cultured in m

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

From: Brave_Dragon's Sketchbook Collection

Aww yeahh! Let's start this party!   Human Onua   Head studies of Gali, Kopaka, and Tahu based on real ethnicity. Inspired by some conversation while I was at Brickfair 2011.     Source: Brave_Dragon's Sketchbook Collection   Testing this really cool nifty thing on re-blogging a topic in the forums, which is neat because I don't have to update twice.

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Meet A.j.

She's half-Japanese and half-English, born somewhere in the west coast of the US. She is basically an eccentric woman with no hesitations to act on her own whims. She worked closely with her parents, who are engineers working on developing a theoretical wormhole based on newly collected dark matter samples. However, she prefers fixing broken electronics and made her own business with her skills.   AJ loves new technology, and was ecstatic when she got a new quantum computer retrofitted into a p

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon


[You may not post images which contain filtered words. -Shine]   I like playing this guy a lot. Feels like I'm Sam Gideon. Too bad I don't see him in high tournament play.

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

A Week In School

Maaaan, why did I wind up with morning classes? D:   Least it's good to be back; I was getting bored. I got a modeling class that requires an hour's worth of digital sketches per day with a project that's due once every two weeks (Q.Q). And then a metal sculpture class the day after to fill up my art elective credits, which is awesome to go out after a long day with a blowtorch with hair singed and face ashen. I start Wednesday with western history up to the end of the roman empire (Y U NO RENA

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Final Fantasy Xll

I'm spending my winter break taking this game seriously. It kinda repelled be beforehand when I have to grind for loot to sell for gill that I need to buy weapons and enough armor for my characters to survive. A good friend advised me to steal everything that moved in order to make more money out of my time spent. It turns out that it's the most useful advice ever.   To be fairly honest, other than FFTA and FFTA2, I've never finished a single Final Fantasy console game in my life. I swear I wil

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

The Flu

I haven't have one of those in a while. And I surely did not miss the times it makes my body feel like I went through a non-stop workout. I can barely move, eat, or work without feeling like...I dunno.... a vegetable?   Luckily I'm skipping out on Thanksgiving (never really celebrated it throughout my life), and I'm looking forward to winter break. Schoolwork doesn't like to let up as usual.   Ah Christmas..., hope I can get Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood for Christmas. I had been playing Proje

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Dat Garen

Best bush man ever!   Decided to hide in a bush to regen hp, then everyone start packing into the bush. A group of 4 tried to push bottom lane. My hp full, we ambushed them from behind.   Fizz never stood a chance.

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Spring Break

Now I feel somewhat guilty of spending my entire spring break playing Minecraft instead of, oh I dunno, drawing cool things.   But I've manage to snag a copy of Darksiders from Steam really cheap, and it's quite fun. I love the art direction on how it's partly painterly and partly realistic. Speaking of which, I found a copy of the art book during my monthly Japantown excursion, and sifted through it. The concept art is very unique and has that western comic book/animation style. The environmen

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

Alternicle Returns

FYI   Also it seems that I have a mouse problem in my apartment. I'm gonna have a heck of a fun time killing those, as if the spider/ant problem back at home wasn't annoying enough.

Brave Dragon

Brave Dragon

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