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A Special Dedication

This is a picture of me with one of the few people I look up to, Carrie. On the radio she is know as Mistress Carrie, a disc-jockey on 107.3 WAAF in Boston. I started listening to her when I was 12 when she was still new and when she did the night shift. Because of listening to her for all these years, I wanted to be like she is: a disc-jockey. I wanted to be heard, to meet amazing people, and rock the airwaves. I was finally able to meet her last year at WAAF's Locobazooka in Fitchburg, MA. I w

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Oh Yeaaaaah Part 2

So today was the first day of Charter Day, a carnival/festival that celebrates my town's birth (June 11th). Did some volunteer work, and then scooted my way outa there cuz work was boring.   So instead I went off to Enfield, CT to the mall and ate at this place called Red Robin, which has cute waitresses. B)   I also bought a hat, and a coke, and some mentos. I also played poker right after at Anna's (my friend) house. Now I am home cuz she has to pick up her fiance.   And that was my day.

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Horrible Massachusetts Drivers

Ok so yesterday I was walking home from the store down my street. I was just minding my own business until some crazy chick came speeding, faster than she should be, down a a driveway and nearly hit me. I had to jump back as the horrible driver drove off. Luckily the coke I had was safe from her wrath, but if something were to happen, she would get her comeuppance.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Wooohoooo! :d

I'm gonna be working today at our town carnival with parking.   Which means I really just do nothing.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

So What Is It Like To Be A Dj?

So when I was in college, I majored in Broadcasting, which covers Radio and TV. During my time of study, I was a disc-jockey of 2 college radio stations, WRGS and WAIR. And everytime I tell someone I was a former disc-jockey, they go "oh wow cool that is so awesome" as if they found gold or something. In all honesty, as cool as it seems, it really isn't a huge hype. Anyone can be a dj really. Most nearby colleges will allow the public to be on the air (most only allow students and faculty).   B

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Oh Yeaaaaah

I'm taking out the trash. B)   Which consists of soda bottles and other stuff. Hurray for chores.   And thats my blog for right now.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


Coca Cola is the best beverage ever, which is why I am drinking it now.   And thats my blog for right now.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Why Cloud Strife Is Awesome

Why oh why do I dedicate my av, banner, and basically my apparel to his bidding? Simple. It is cuz he is freakin awesome.   Think about it..   Cloud is not a regular human. He is injected with alien cells, which make him super-human. He died twice, and was revived. He laid major ownage on a psychopath who wields a long ridiculous sword 3 times. Every chick he runs into has the hots for him. Plus he steals someone's identity and wields a huge ridiculous sword and can use it for a very awesome f

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Thoughts For Today

Well last Saturday I attended my friend's graduation at my high school. Broguth back a lot of nostalgic feelings for me, seeing how life and times can never last as long as we want it to be. Did bring a tear to my eye somewhat. Plus I was happy to see some old friends of mine, especially one that graduated a year before me who attended the ceremony. So we got to catch up on old times, and now we plan to hangout some more. (plus she attends a college filled with chicks, so she shall bring me to p

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

My Blogness

Welcome to Omi's Rush, or my blog so to speak. Basically I'm using the name from my former radio show, The Rush, which I hosted with my roommate and friend Phil and Jayron. I'm not much of a blogger, since I don't see why people need to know whats going on inside my head and such. But since I like to broaden my horizon, I will do the freakin blog thing just to entertain you guys.   So yay and stuff.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

My Life, As Of Right Now

Right now I am in the process of applying and enrolling into a different college, which happens to be Holyoke Community College in Holyoke, Massachusetts. I will be taking a break from Broadcasting, and be studying Liberal Arts, which is general education. It is much cheaper for me, and it is closer. However I do intend to apply to work at their radio station, or the station at UMass Amherst.   I'm also thinking of what to do this summer. Last year I went to Hong Kong. This year I have no idea

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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