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name's back   but only because "xero is the rawest bro in a seventy-four kilometer radius" didn't fit  

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Entry Title Is Go

So today I was at my family's new years party. Usually it has the people from my more extended family, which is always interesting.   Anyway, straight to the point - I spent a fair amount of time discussing, among other things, the finer points of Gears of War with a ~50 year old father. I recommended Fallout 3 to him, and then he explained that he likes to read books that his daughter is starting to get an idea of what she's getting into. So she was reading Twilight. We then discussed how much

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

New Years Resolutions

1. Increase my internet power by over 9000 percent 2. Purchase Tentacle Grape (Its a drink, no really it is) 3. Finish WIPs 4. Build coilgun/ railgun that shoots nerf 5. blog moar 6. continue to play EVE once my failputer has been upgraded ($400 in parts are on their way) 7. i dunno lol 8. ? 9. PROFIT

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki


And I thought that it was near-impossible to replicate those curves... 2 3 4 5   Found this on another board, while researching for my own project.

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Omg Xero Got A Bionicle And Liked It

Yeah, among other things, I got Yetrax. Although I must say, as usual, that today's sets are just frameworks with little to no flesh, I genuinely enjoyed building it. Also enough money to replace my SRIOUSLY BROKED graphics card. Also new motherboard, processor, RAM, and case. But that's only really because AGP sucks, and you can't really replace a slot in your motherboard. So I'm getting an SLI-ready board w/ 4GB of RAM. Case is silenced, as is my current power supply. And one more thing, some

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

I'm About To Turn This In

This is a story I have prepared for english, the guidelines were "introduce a character that relates to or discusses Antigone" So yeah, its actually interesting, I'll let you decide if its good. Also Its copied from word, so formatting died.   One day, I took a journey into the hills. Who am I, you ask? I am Tyrone the musician, of course! My deeds are famous throughout the land! Anyway, so I was climbing atop a rather steep hill when I spotted a shady tree off in the distance. What a stroke o

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki


So I'm inactive for a few days and everyone suddenly discovers twitter...   what.     Also, next MOC?

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki


I just came back from my school's production of Grease.   ###### I love musicals now

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

I Guess I Can Thank Wrack For This

I am 100% addicted to EVE Online. It's like the most perfect concept ever; it has spaceships, it has guns, it has a lot of player-controlled content, etc. So that pretty much makes it the best MMO in my book, bar none. (and yes that includes WOW)   Bottom line, you should try it.   Also also also I'm cat-sitting this week. Who wants pics?

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki


It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

Attn: General Populace

You are required to view this important document. Sound will play when you click it, so PREPARE YOUR BLADDER FOR IMMINENT RELEASE! Removed. If you use a flash object, next time make sure it doesn't start playing. Even if you just enter the entry it starts. For something like that, I would suggest you link it. - Kohaku

mercenary vahki

mercenary vahki

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