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Global Cooling



Now there's an idea...


-CF :usa:


(actually, I really want to know if you came in here just because of that title. So, please post something. (Like could this actually happen?))


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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P

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Global warming doesn't make sense. Some places getting colder as others get warmer. It's not global warming.


*sigh* But so many people are tricked. Silly people, tricks are for kids! :P

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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P


Yes it does. It simply won't be a direct result of Global Warming. The film The Day After Tomorrow explains it well, although scientists often dislike the movie because it exaggerates the timespan in which such an event would happen and then pass by, since the film takes place over the course of about a week. Really it would take many years for such events as a complete shutdoiwn of the North-Atlantic Current to take place, and it is obvious that over such a long period of time the temperatures would fluctuate a bit. That's why scientists hate the movie. It makes the idea of global warming seem too impossible for many to believe.


Anyway, I didn't click because of the title alone, but it helped.


Sorry if this sounds like a political rant, but I'm only trying to express that there is no definitive proof that it either exists or doesn't. Anyway, if you think I can rant here, you should see the "Why does everyone hate Jaller Inika's Mask" topic in collectibles. :blink:


- :vahi:

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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P


Yes it does. It simply won't be a direct result of Global Warming. The film The Day After Tomorrow explains it well,

If you really want to see a serious movie about that, see an inconvenient truth. At least thats a little more realistic.

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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P


Yes it does. It simply won't be a direct result of Global Warming. The film The Day After Tomorrow explains it well, although scientists often dislike the movie because it exaggerates the timespan in which such an event would happen and then pass by, since the film takes place over the course of about a week. Really it would take many years for such events as a complete shutdoiwn of the North-Atlantic Current to take place, and it is obvious that over such a long period of time the temperatures would fluctuate a bit. That's why scientists hate the movie. It makes the idea of global warming seem too impossible for many to believe.


Anyway, I didn't click because of the title alone, but it helped.


Sorry if this sounds like a political rant, but I'm only trying to express that there is no definitive proof that it either exists or doesn't. Anyway, if you think I can rant here, you should see the "Why does everyone hate Jaller Inika's Mask" topic in collectibles. :blink:


- :vahi:

Actually, it couldn't happen, not over any period of time because of global warming, for various reasons. It might happen after such a global warming, but it won't happen because of global warming. Like seasons the Earth has, except it's over years, with highs and lows in temperature. Not anything so dramatic as ice ages and global warming, etc, though.

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Congrats on getting the #10000 blog entry!

I think it isn't possible. We're all gonna get baked in the atmosphere...are we? I hope not.....

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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P


Yes it does. It simply won't be a direct result of Global Warming. The film The Day After Tomorrow explains it well, although scientists often dislike the movie because it exaggerates the timespan in which such an event would happen and then pass by, since the film takes place over the course of about a week. Really it would take many years for such events as a complete shutdoiwn of the North-Atlantic Current to take place, and it is obvious that over such a long period of time the temperatures would fluctuate a bit. That's why scientists hate the movie. It makes the idea of global warming seem too impossible for many to believe.


Anyway, I didn't click because of the title alone, but it helped.


Sorry if this sounds like a political rant, but I'm only trying to express that there is no definitive proof that it either exists or doesn't. Anyway, if you think I can rant here, you should see the "Why does everyone hate Jaller Inika's Mask" topic in collectibles. :blink:


- :vahi:

Actually, it couldn't happen, not over any period of time because of global warming, for various reasons. It might happen after such a global warming, but it won't happen because of global warming. Like seasons the Earth has, except it's over years, with highs and lows in temperature. Not anything so dramatic as ice ages and global warming, etc, though.

Actually too much freshwater from melting Ice caps will stop the gulf stream and warm water cant get to Europe, or something.

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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.

That's called Spring, Omi. Spring.

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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.

That's called Spring, Omi. Spring.

I said whole world.


The southern hemisphere doesn't share spring with us.



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Actually too much freshwater from melting Ice caps will stop the gulf stream and warm water cant get to Europe, or something.

I've heard that before, and basically, it doesn't make sense. They say warm water will stop going to Antarctica, and so it will freeze a lot of stuff. But if the atmosphere is getting warmer, all the water will get warmer (and so will the ice). If all the water is warmer, then there is no dilemma as far as cooling goes. Anyway, I found an article on global warming for you:


The Facts

Practically all atmospheric scientists (the author included) agree that global warming has occurred. The raging debate is over how much of it is caused by man and whether global warming will be harmful. Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling, climatologists and critics of greenhouse warming hype,5 write, “In the broadest perspective, global warming is a very real thing, undeniable from surface temperature readings taken over much of the planet in the last 100 years.”

The amount of warming since 1880 has been about 1.2°F (0.67°C).6 However, a certain percentage of this warming is likely due to natural fluctuations, especially on the sun.7 From about 1300 to 1880, the Little Ice Age8occurred, in which practically all the glaciers in the world advanced, whereas now they are receding. There was less energy from the sun during the Little Ice Age and more volcanic activity, which helped cool the surface of the earth.9,10 It is possible such natural long-term climatic cycles caused half of the 1.2°F (0.67°C) rise.

Meanwhile, since 1880 the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by about 30%. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, have also increased. Researchers desire to compare how these greenhouse gases affect the climate in relation to CO2. So, they convert the buildup of other greenhouse gases into CO2 “equivalency units.” In other words, they change the climatic effect of the gases into one measure. The climatic effect of these greenhouse gases results in an increase of 30% in CO2 equivalency units. The increase in all greenhouse gases has the climatic effect of increasing CO2 by 60%, which increases global warming.

One Problem

Climate specialists run computer simulations using the above-noted formula, in which they double the amount of CO2 and see how much the temperature rises. These simulations are based on estimations and assumptions and not exact figures. The many types of simulations predict a temperature rise of 3 to 10°F. Unfortunately, many politicians and environmentalists take such imperfect climate simulations and claim them to be fact. This is problematic. It is no wonder we have a greenhouse scare. However, if all the greenhouse gases have caused an increase by 60% CO2 in equivalency units, and man has only warmed the atmosphere about 0.6°F, then these climate simulations are much too sensitive to the effects of CO2



*Article has been edited so as not to violate religious rules. If I missed something, please tell me and I'll edit it out. Original article by Michael J. Oard*


Personally, I would rather see global warming then global cooling, but that's just me.

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Okay I'll say something: I came here because I had to. Like, a few days ago.


I have to agree with Makaru that it's called Spring. But personally I think the news and media makes Global Warming more of a scare than it is.


And yes, CF, I'd bet Global Cooling could happen.

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I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That pretty much sums it up, or does it? Read on!



I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P

Well, I don't live in the UK. So makes no difference to me!


I wanted to hear all the enviromentalists scream at you :P

Keep reading!


I came in here cuz it's my job. :P

Now I know who my Blog Assistant is (the guy that watches my blog to make sure I don't break the rules.) And I thought you just liked my blog and came here often....


I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P


Yes it does. It simply won't be a direct result of Global Warming. The film The Day After Tomorrow explains it well, although scientists often dislike the movie because it exaggerates the timespan in which such an event would happen and then pass by, since the film takes place over the course of about a week. Really it would take many years for such events as a complete shutdoiwn of the North-Atlantic Current to take place, and it is obvious that over such a long period of time the temperatures would fluctuate a bit. That's why scientists hate the movie. It makes the idea of global warming seem too impossible for many to believe.


Anyway, I didn't click because of the title alone, but it helped.


Sorry if this sounds like a political rant, but I'm only trying to express that there is no definitive proof that it either exists or doesn't. Anyway, if you think I can rant here, you should see the "Why does everyone hate Jaller Inika's Mask" topic in collectibles. :blink:


- :vahi:

We watched that movie in freshman earth science. Kinda shocked we watched it, but it was fun. I love that movie! Even though it is really far fetched.

And why is there a topic about a non collectable mask in Collectables?



Congrats on getting the #10000 blog entry!

I think it isn't possible. We're all gonna get baked in the atmosphere...are we? I hope not.....

#10000 eh? I feel special. Perhaps I'll blog about that. It's like Mahalis being member #1000 (or is it somebody else?)


I don't get why its called Global Warming.

The whole world (globe) has an increase in temperatures (warming) all year round, and increases as time progresses.



That's the problem. Explain the increase in snow in other places. :P They say the United Kingdom is going to freeze because of Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. :P


Yes it does. It simply won't be a direct result of Global Warming. The film The Day After Tomorrow explains it well, although scientists often dislike the movie because it exaggerates the timespan in which such an event would happen and then pass by, since the film takes place over the course of about a week. Really it would take many years for such events as a complete shutdoiwn of the North-Atlantic Current to take place, and it is obvious that over such a long period of time the temperatures would fluctuate a bit. That's why scientists hate the movie. It makes the idea of global warming seem too impossible for many to believe.


Anyway, I didn't click because of the title alone, but it helped.


Sorry if this sounds like a political rant, but I'm only trying to express that there is no definitive proof that it either exists or doesn't. Anyway, if you think I can rant here, you should see the "Why does everyone hate Jaller Inika's Mask" topic in collectibles. :blink:


- :vahi:

Actually, it couldn't happen, not over any period of time because of global warming, for various reasons. It might happen after such a global warming, but it won't happen because of global warming. Like seasons the Earth has, except it's over years, with highs and lows in temperature. Not anything so dramatic as ice ages and global warming, etc, though.

Actually too much freshwater from melting Ice caps will stop the gulf stream and warm water cant get to Europe, or something.

As I stated before, I don't live in Europe. Deal with it yourselves. :P


As far as it actually happening, I believe their take was that the ice caps melting caused the ocean levels to rise. This disrupted the underwater warm/cool currents, causing the cold stuff to actually really effect the world. (Or at least the East coast)


Actually too much freshwater from melting Ice caps will stop the gulf stream and warm water cant get to Europe, or something.

I've heard that before, and basically, it doesn't make sense. They say warm water will stop going to Antarctica, and so it will freeze a lot of stuff. But if the atmosphere is getting warmer, all the water will get warmer (and so will the ice). If all the water is warmer, then there is no dilemma as far as cooling goes. Anyway, I found an article on global warming for you:


The Facts

Practically all atmospheric scientists (the author included) agree that global warming has occurred. The raging debate is over how much of it is caused by man and whether global warming will be harmful. Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling, climatologists and critics of greenhouse warming hype,5 write, “In the broadest perspective, global warming is a very real thing, undeniable from surface temperature readings taken over much of the planet in the last 100 years.”

The amount of warming since 1880 has been about 1.2°F (0.67°C).6 However, a certain percentage of this warming is likely due to natural fluctuations, especially on the sun.7 From about 1300 to 1880, the Little Ice Age8occurred, in which practically all the glaciers in the world advanced, whereas now they are receding. There was less energy from the sun during the Little Ice Age and more volcanic activity, which helped cool the surface of the earth.9,10 It is possible such natural long-term climatic cycles caused half of the 1.2°F (0.67°C) rise.

Meanwhile, since 1880 the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by about 30%. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, have also increased. Researchers desire to compare how these greenhouse gases affect the climate in relation to CO2. So, they convert the buildup of other greenhouse gases into CO2 “equivalency units.” In other words, they change the climatic effect of the gases into one measure. The climatic effect of these greenhouse gases results in an increase of 30% in CO2 equivalency units. The increase in all greenhouse gases has the climatic effect of increasing CO2 by 60%, which increases global warming.

One Problem

Climate specialists run computer simulations using the above-noted formula, in which they double the amount of CO2 and see how much the temperature rises. These simulations are based on estimations and assumptions and not exact figures. The many types of simulations predict a temperature rise of 3 to 10°F. Unfortunately, many politicians and environmentalists take such imperfect climate simulations and claim them to be fact. This is problematic. It is no wonder we have a greenhouse scare. However, if all the greenhouse gases have caused an increase by 60% CO2 in equivalency units, and man has only warmed the atmosphere about 0.6°F, then these climate simulations are much too sensitive to the effects of CO2



*Article has been edited so as not to violate religious rules. If I missed something, please tell me and I'll edit it out. Original article by Michael J. Oard*


Personally, I would rather see global warming then global cooling, but that's just me.

Did you really expect me to read all that?


Anyway, it is interesting with all this commotion. I figure I'll be dead before it stops snowing. Speaking of snow, there is tons of it all over. So that pretty much confuses anything else.


And it seems that that was an interesting enough title.


And it looks like Nukora watches my blog as well.


-CF :usa:

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I have to agree with Makaru that it's called Spring. But personally I think the news and media makes Global Warming more of a scare than it is.

Can't be spring if isn't spring everywhere else.


Like I said, seasons are different globally.


It is summer right now below the equator.



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As I stated before, I don't live in Europe. Deal with it yourselves. :P



Anyway, it is interesting with all this commotion. I figure I'll be dead before it stops snowing. Speaking of snow, there is tons of it all over. So that pretty much confuses anything else.


And it seems that that was an interesting enough title.


-CF :usa:

Too bad where I am (and you too, if you live in the D.C. area), we're not getting so much snow. Every time it's going to snow, it gets warm and all we get is a fourth of an inch (El Nino!).


It was an interesting title. And an interesting subject.

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Actually too much freshwater from melting Ice caps will stop the gulf stream and warm water cant get to Europe, or something.

I've heard that before, and basically, it doesn't make sense. They say warm water will stop going to Antarctica, and so it will freeze a lot of stuff. But if the atmosphere is getting warmer, all the water will get warmer (and so will the ice). If all the water is warmer, then there is no dilemma as far as cooling goes. Anyway, I found an article on global warming for you:


The Facts

Practically all atmospheric scientists (the author included) agree that global warming has occurred. The raging debate is over how much of it is caused by man and whether global warming will be harmful. Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling, climatologists and critics of greenhouse warming hype,5 write, “In the broadest perspective, global warming is a very real thing, undeniable from surface temperature readings taken over much of the planet in the last 100 years.”

The amount of warming since 1880 has been about 1.2°F (0.67°C).6 However, a certain percentage of this warming is likely due to natural fluctuations, especially on the sun.7 From about 1300 to 1880, the Little Ice Age8occurred, in which practically all the glaciers in the world advanced, whereas now they are receding. There was less energy from the sun during the Little Ice Age and more volcanic activity, which helped cool the surface of the earth.9,10 It is possible such natural long-term climatic cycles caused half of the 1.2°F (0.67°C) rise.

Meanwhile, since 1880 the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by about 30%. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, have also increased. Researchers desire to compare how these greenhouse gases affect the climate in relation to CO2. So, they convert the buildup of other greenhouse gases into CO2 “equivalency units.” In other words, they change the climatic effect of the gases into one measure. The climatic effect of these greenhouse gases results in an increase of 30% in CO2 equivalency units. The increase in all greenhouse gases has the climatic effect of increasing CO2 by 60%, which increases global warming.

One Problem

Climate specialists run computer simulations using the above-noted formula, in which they double the amount of CO2 and see how much the temperature rises. These simulations are based on estimations and assumptions and not exact figures. The many types of simulations predict a temperature rise of 3 to 10°F. Unfortunately, many politicians and environmentalists take such imperfect climate simulations and claim them to be fact. This is problematic. It is no wonder we have a greenhouse scare. However, if all the greenhouse gases have caused an increase by 60% CO2 in equivalency units, and man has only warmed the atmosphere about 0.6°F, then these climate simulations are much too sensitive to the effects of CO2



*Article has been edited so as not to violate religious rules. If I missed something, please tell me and I'll edit it out. Original article by Michael J. Oard*


Personally, I would rather see global warming then global cooling, but that's just me.


Seriously, think about it: If the ice caps melt, we would not just have northbound currents. We'd have currents in both directions, which could possibly cancel each other out. In theory it works just fine, but I won't say it is definitely going to happen-- just that there's always a chance that it will. I'm no scientist, but I do read the newspaper, so I have some degree of understanding about what's going on.


EDIT: And it's not the gulf stream we're talking about-- it's the North Atlantic Current.


- :vahi:

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