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Let's try and piece together what we know. You're weeping. The title is Vehicles.


I'm guessing that you're weeping because you saw a poor little lemon squished by a huge truck...



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I'm guessing that you're weeping because you saw a poor little lemon squished by a huge truck...



Or maybe...just maybe...A GIANT LEMON SQUISHED HIS TRUCK!? :o

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Well, there goes two words tremendously misunderstood. Not that there was any context to draw from, though.

I suppose it would have helped to put the entry under the Bionicle category.

Love the live zoo pals, Spith.

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Oh, yeah, I know about the comments thing, but I'm fairly certain it's also how you start a js code. I did a JS Hello World once and I think that's how it went.

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Ugh. We learned JavaScript in my Tech Corps class in 8th grade and I hated it.



Aw, why? I'm learning Java. Well, ish... sorta kinda...


My dad's teaching me. Buuuuuuut I haven't done anything in a while.


I can make a basic bot that communicates with you though! All simple imputs and outputs, really... no GUI, has to be in a command window... with some complex-looking input reader stuff that my dad just sorta skipped ahead to show me as well as that try-catch loop that I really don't understand what it does, just that it oughta be there if there's a possibility of an input that would crash the program... It would fail the Turing test so dang badly anyway...


ANYWAY JS isn't all that different, though they've diverged a lot, and I'll bet it's a lot easier and more oriented towards html and whatnot.

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Oh my gosh! I finally figured out what Core said!


He's complaining about the use of vehicles in the 2007 playsets!

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