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Hoo-ray The "school" Day Is Over.



Yeah, my day was okay... In the "It was so bad I want to hit my head on the wall repeatedly but maybe not" way. First I had French, then the later two non-academic classes were cancelled so all the school could watch a performance of "The Witches" by some of our classmates. It was great, it was a wonderful adaptation of the Roald Dahl book. I was reminded how much I've always loved Roald Dahl's books, and I really oughtta get a few out of the library sometime. Great writing. Then Science and Social Studies were nondescript, and then I went to lunch. In English, I participated (I'm great in English class, I've actually kinda led it a couple of times with what I've said) and the teacher inadvetently said something dirty, and we all laughed, the teacher said "Oh, you can't listen when I'm giving instructions but you hear that?" and we were all joking around, then I said "What does that tell us about ourselves though?" and everybody laughed. You'd get it if you were there. Then I had Math, which was outright boring (The substitute was kind of hard to understand, she babbled in this barely decipherable accent) and then we were dismissed and I came home on the bus.


You know what's really fun? Drinking the fizzy foam from a glass of soda after you've poured it, with a straw. Woo!


I remembered what I dreamed about, it was something involving eternal nighttime and some sort of control panel. I wish I had been able to put that down in a blog entry before I left for school.


Oh and lots of snow is predicted for Wednesday, lots and lots... I'm really hoping we all get a snow day...


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I like pouring grape soda into glasses..........The purple foam makes it look otherworldly..............


My favorite interperitation of any Dahl book is Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.................I like it more than the original, and I'm not just saying that as a Burton fanatic...........

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But you are a Burton fanatic. Lest we forget that picture on the wall of your comics?



If you do not understand the *hint*s, YOUR COMICS ARE DYING.

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I haven't seen it... Mostly so I won't have a connection between Johnny Depp and Michael Jackson seared into my mind for all eternity. No seriously, he looked creepy. I've created some rather... Odd nicknames for Willy Wonka...
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His appearance is the only Jackson quality to him.........Besides, if you spent every day of your life inside a factory without stepping into sunlight, your skin would be white as snow too..............He does act rather creepily, but I assume that's only because of his chidlhood trauma and seclusion from the outside world.............I honestly perfer Depp's performance as Wonka to Gene Wilder's..............

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I'll have to see the Burton version sometime... I did like Gene Wilder's role better but I can't judge since I haven't seen Depp play the role. And one of the key qualities to correctly portraying eccentricity would be a very weird smile (Depp did have it)...
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I must say, though, there is one thing that the original has over Burton's: the Tunnel.........The Tunnel scene in the original is rather frightening, and I was so disapointed that Burton, of all people, didn't make his version of the Tunnel scene scary.............


The Oompa Loompa songs in Burton's are a lot better, though (which is obvious when Danny Elfman does the music)........They're all different, in lyrics and tune........None of them have "Oompa, Loompa, Doompity Doo"...........

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Yeah... Bad Burton! The Tunnel scene was great... Marilyn Manson actually mimicked it in the video for his song "Dope Hat", it was a great mockery of Willy Wonka, and that fad of the 90's where there was candy in all sorts of shapes...


OOH! Elfman you say?! Now I MUST see it!

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