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Portland Art Museum



So I was forced to visit the Portland Art Museum today. I say forced because I don't want it know that I should willing go to such a place. I was forced, physically and mentally, to go.


I'll admit, they had some cool pieces. I guess the main one was some large painting this guy did of a waterfall on the Columbia river that isn't as cool anymore since the river's been dammed up and the falls are not inside a reservoir. That piece was okay... but I guess I liked a smaller piece the same artist did of Mt. Hood. (The picture in question is a view of the mountain with the Columbia gorge in the foreground... even thought that particular side of the mountain is what's seen when facing Portland. AKA, he didn't pay attention to geography)


But it wasn't what the museum had that was good that irritated me... it was the halls and halls they filled with stuff that was not so good. You know how in movies, when the artists reach their mental breakdown point, they will smear paint across their canvas senselessly. Yeah, it was like they had a ton of those on display today. And then there were huge pieces that were all in one color. Okay, great, they painted the thing all in yellow... why is it on display in an art museum? Couldn't we go to a kindergarten classroom or something and see equally insightful work?


Of course, the absolute worst was called "Ripped Canvas" which was exactly that; a canvas that had been ripped, and then framed and put on display. Really? REALLY?


Maybe I'm missing the whole artistic design, since I have been informed every time I create art that I should not be an artist. But if those same people are labeling this stuff art... well, then my opinion of people who are knowledgeable in art has severely dropped.


(Yes, I am focusing on the negative. The museum had a lot of cool stuff, from very realistic paintings to sculptures to how-on-earth-is-that-metal-thing-doing-that stuff. But the negative stuff warrants a blog rant, so it gets one)


If I have offended you about art... WOOT! Achievement unlocked! :happydance:




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I'm a artist and I'm still with you. of course I'm a politically incorrect one. some of the abstract art is actually hard to achieve; it takes lots of knowledge about balance, colour theory, composition and other things so it is comfortable to view and nice of the eyes. Still, I've seen many of those pieces that just make you go "what, really?". ah, those artsy fartsy types, they are very interesting.

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You know that quite a lot of art, especially from the 1950s (heck, even during the the late 1800s) to the 1980s was about one-upping other artists' styles and themes, hence some of the more so-called "eccentric" art, right? I mean, if you wanted more so-called "traditional" art you'd be better off at another museum. Then again, it looks like you didn't have a choice.


In regards to the two paintings you liked of a Columbia River water fall and Mt. Hood. What did you like about those exactly? Why was the Columbia River one only "okay"? Were they just pretty pictures or was there some other meaning behind them?




Also, never look at Wassily Kandinsky's work. You will probably despise it if you don't read more into it.

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You thought you're irritated. I went to SFMOMA once....and I was infuriated by three blank canvases on a wall. >:0


The only works that lures me back into the art appreciation are the ones who made pretty cool futuristic sculptures, illusionary installations, or John Martin and Peter Paul Rubens paintings. Granted my favorite works are in London, and I can't really describe how awesome they are.

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