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Join The New Bzprpg...

Jedi Master J.


So if you hadn't heard already, the longest running RPG in the Bionicle RPG Forum is getting a complete reboot this year. That means a complete clean slate in terms of story and a chance for new members like you, the readers here, to jump right into the action. Not only that, but it takes on Mata Nui of all places, so it has the add bonus of being a nostalgia trip for those fans of 2001.


Seriously you all should consider joining it when it starts on the 23rd of this month. For more information and answers to any questions, check out this topic.




Well, who here is as excited about the new BZPRPG as I am? I already got myself an idea for my first character in the game. He going be a Matoran Miner with plans on successfully raiding Xa-Koro (There's more to him than that, but its rough idea that I have for him at this point.). an optimistic personality and a thrill for adventure and fun.


He likely going to be my own character this year since I am trying to learn from my mistakes last year and kind of cut the load of characters from plate, so I can spent more time developing them like I should. Hopefully that plan will work and I'll be more active this year, but only time will tell.


So what are your plans/character ideas for the New BZPRPG?




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Well, I'm making Skakdi fencer and assassin with a German accent (not like anyone knows it's German, though :P ), along with a pirating, manipulating Skakdi who only cares for #1. I'm also going to have a rebellious, arrogant teenage martial artist and outcast, along with a silent Toa who wages a guerilla war upon the Xa-Koronians. Finally, I'm thinking of having another char who's a veteran of his own rebellion against Xa-Koro, but a failed one, and thus is cynical and sarcastic when he talks of other rebellions, even though he is against Xa-Koro. Oh, yeah, and I'm probably going to control a mutant Le-Toa scholar and a Ta-Toa healer, both in the same toa team.

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I'm thinking about joining. Got an idea for a character who would actually go pretty well with yours, JMJ.


Of course I will be a newbie, and I'm actually quite nervous about it. I only started thinking about it today, and I only have one char in in mind.


So I'm scared. Maybe, uh, our chars could get together and you could help mentor me a little? Of course, it's your decision, and you don't have to do it.


But it would be nice. ^^





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Well, I'm making Skakdi fencer and assassin with a German accent (not like anyone knows it's German, though :P ), along with a pirating, manipulating Skakdi who only cares for #1. I'm also going to have a rebellious, arrogant teenage martial artist and outcast, along with a silent Toa who wages a guerilla war upon the Xa-Koronians. Finally, I'm thinking of having another char who's a veteran of his own rebellion against Xa-Koro, but a failed one, and thus is cynical and sarcastic when he talks of other rebellions, even though he is against Xa-Koro. Oh, yeah, and I'm probably going to control a mutant Le-Toa scholar and a Ta-Toa healer, both in the same toa team.

Wow...You got yourself a lot sweet characters, man. Hopefully I'll get to meet some of them in game with my character as they sound like they would be fun to interact with.


I'm thinking about joining. Got an idea for a character who would actually go pretty well with yours, JMJ.


Of course I will be a newbie, and I'm actually quite nervous about it. I only started thinking about it today, and I only have one char in in mind.


So I'm scared. Maybe, uh, our chars could get together and you could help mentor me a little? Of course, it's your decision, and you don't have to do it.


But it would be nice. ^^



Well, I wouldn't call myself an expert really as I only been in like six RPGs in my time here and wasn't exactly very active in any of them. But well, sure, I would be willing to help you out in the game, so feel free to contact me with any questions you might have about it. :)



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I'm also eager to try out the new RPG. I'm assuming the character sign up topic hasn't been opened yet? I need to start thinking of a character(s).

Yeah, it hasn't open yet since the release date was delayed by Tuck. You can have your profile(s) for your character(s) check over though in that topic I linked above. by PMing the Staff though.



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