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Bad Internet! *wacks With Frying Pan*

Lady Kopaka


Mood: Tired, but well.

Currently Listening To: Guardian Sunspears – Guild Wars Nightfall Soundtrack

Currently Doing: Opening math and going through PMs


Sorry I've been gone, and if I have been on, it's only to check some topics and PMs. >< My internet keeps on killing on me, and my comp was moved to my room for awhile because mom and dad were having this church-party thing. So...There is my excuse. But do not fear, I will go reply to PMs now, and do some needed reviewing on art and epics alike later today. Sorry for any delays. =(


And I saw Nikira's newest drawing; girl you draw so well, I think I need to get better watercolor pencils cuz mine just don't end up as smooth as yours. But of course I could be using them wrong. *shrugs* I also saw that VF had a new drawing of this Toa-Assassin girl, she rocked. I'll review her too sometime...and like a billion others.

My art? Well, I have a few more, but after looking at some art today, I feel all sad and in one of those moods like "I can't draw so why bother?” But I might as well do some more drawing, but good news I am improving on inking, and my sketches don't look so messy, not I need to work on (water)colored pencils and practice blending them...I wish I could afford some prismacolor ones. And some more art markers.


And sadly, I lost my tutoring job. :( So no more $15 a week. But dad has some work for me...if he will actually show me how to do it. But I think I can get a lot of money by that, but only in time.

Because I would like to get:

  • Lady In the Water
  • Guild Wars Nightfall
  • Prince of Persia Warrior Within
  • Sims 2 Nightlife
  • Bionicle Heroes
  • A New Bible (My old one is all torn up)
  • Voyage of Slaves, by Brian Jacques (I got it at the library, but I would like to buy it)
  • Bionicle Legends 3#, 5#, and 6#
  • Piraka Zaktan
  • Matoro Inika
  • War of the Worlds Soundtrack
  • New Relient K album
  • Prismacolor Markers and watercolor pencils
  • Some Manga books
Yeah I a lot of things I would like to have, but probably won’t get all in the time that I want. =P Oh well, fun wishin’ ya know.


Recommended Comments

...It's not THAT good... :lookaround:

I think the smoothness is just pure luck, anyways. I only own about a dozen or so watercolor pencils (in the main primary, secondary, and hereditary colors.) Evrything else is, like, the colored pencils you'd buy for school back in the elementary ages, like Crayola.


Never, EVER say that you can't draw, LK, cause you can. And never ever stop drawing. The more you practice, the more you learn, the better you become. I'm still learning that as well. ^^


I've actually recently been asked to do an anime tutoring job, with reasonable pay, but I dunno if I could do it. I wouldn't know where to start, for one thing. ><


And I need money also, to buy a new sketch pad. Mine's only got 10 pages left. ;.;



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I hope that whatever it is that your dad wants you to help with, goes through for you so that you can get those awesome things that you wanna get (go for Bionicle Legends 3, 5, and 6 first).


I've yet to see Lady in the Water, all my friends told me that it was dumb, but I'll check it out to form my own opinion.


- :t::l::h:

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oh thats to bad if you want i have a cot art but its mostly nightmare b4 xmas stuff but you can pm what i need to work if you want oh and dont worry my computer is getting a little soolwer to but then agen i have a big folder of art i like so that dosnt help ;-P

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Aww im sorry you lost your Tutoring Job :(


On the Bright Side is that you will be getting (Hopefully) Nightfall From your Friendly Neighbourhood Toa of Elements :lol:


Rapi-Toa of Elements

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Glad to see someone else appreciates

Lady in the Water and it's awsomeness.

Aye it is awesome. <3


Never, EVER say that you can't draw, LK, cause you can. And never ever stop drawing. The more you practice, the more you learn, the better you become. I'm still learning that as well. ^^

Aye of course, sometimes I think I can't draw, but then thinking it over, I am lucky to have the talent, and considering that I am a pretty young artist compared to many, I will have to practice, practice, practice. :)


I've actually recently been asked to do an anime tutoring job, with reasonable pay, but I dunno if I could do it. I wouldn't know where to start, for one thing. ><

I am still getting 10 year boys in my church saying "Draw me a Bionicle!" and now I am lately saying, "If you want something drawn, you need to pay me." And they think I am crazy. But of course it is logical, art is a job like any other.

I think you should do it, your art is close to pro, and just go look at those 'how to draw' books, most always start out with the basic structure and so on.


I've yet to see Lady in the Water, all my friends told me that it was dumb, but I'll check it out to form my own opinion.

It really isn't that dumb, but you have to like weird movies, and like fantasy. Also if you don't pay attention to the movie, it will get confusing.


On the Bright Side is that you will be getting (Hopefully) Nightfall From your Friendly Neighbourhood Toa of Elements

That would be really sweet, though I admit I kind of want to buy it myself...But matters on money. ;)

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