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Heads And Tails Short Story Contest



So, I've been looking through my old H&T comics and realizing they were pretty bad. My effects were mediocre, the facial expressions sucked, and the story was too fast-paced. Now that my effects are better, I'll also use maybe some Xaniskit expressions and slow things down a bit. Yes. I'm reopening Heads and Tails. "So now what?" You ask. "What's with the title of the blog post?" Well, I'll tell you, good sir. A long time ago (a few months ago) on Gtalk, Spawnie and I were having one of our long, quote-riddled conversations. He brought up the point that since Toa Cise joined the Toa Effigia, they've had one more man than the Detective's Company. So? Who's gonna be the next thirteenth PGS? You are. Not sure who I'm speaking directly to, but if you win the contest, you must've read this at some point, implying that I said this to you. So if you plan on losing, ignore that one part. :P Here are the rules.


-You must write a short story either from the third person perspective or first person from your character's point of view.

-Your character must be enlisted into the Detective's Company and you MUST include each member of said organization in your story.

-You must include the Toa Effigia, although you don't need to include all of them.

-Your story must be at least 500 words in length.

-You must give a bio at the top of your short story including your character's name, element, Rayg 2.5 spritesheet (I can, if you wish, do this for you), weapon of choice and personality.

-The following people CAN NOT enter: Shadonix, Twilight Avenger, Toa Obitor (if he gets an account), Lord Oblivion, Zerothemaster, Biocryptid21, Grant-Sud, Zo;Tomana, Megan51, KH (currently KHofBS01), Spawn of Teridax (currently Spawntastical! :D), Toa 11 (currently Eleven) and Toa of Chaos.

-Post your story in the Short Stories topic with the description Heads and Tails Short Story Contest and post a link to it here.







-Spawntastical! :D



-1st prize: become a PGS in Heads and Tails and have your short story made into a comic.

-2nd prize: guest star in an episode of Heads and Tails

-3rd prize: a fancy banner featuring your character :3


If you need information on the characters, refer to this topic. And please, don't judge the old comics; I promise the new ones'll be much better.


Entry begins immediately and ends February 28th. Should be ample time. And also, here's a banner.






Recommended Comments

Admittedly, I've never heard of these comics before. But it sounds pretty cool, so when you restart the comics you'll have a new fan.

Anyway, I'm glad I randomly spotted this in Eleven's signature. :lol: I'm always up to being inspired by a writing contest.

Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:
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Admittedly, I've never heard of these comics before. But it sounds pretty cool, so when you restart the comics you'll have a new fan.


Anyway, I'm glad I randomly spotted this in Eleven's signature. :lol: I'm always up to being inspired by a writing contest.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

Welcome to Artwork III (kinda), Nullie! Glad to see someone's entering. :P (Unless TS is, I dunno.)


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Thanks. :P Glad to be entering. XD

And no, not really. I had a comic series of my own once, but they were very simple. Regular two-shade Razor, with no fancy effects or anything. :P

By the way, I don't know what different types of Rayg there are, but you're using 4-shade Toa Mata Rayg, right?

Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:
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Thanks. :P Glad to be entering. XD


And no, not really. I had a comic series of my own once, but they were very simple. Regular two-shade Razor, with no fancy effects or anything. :P


By the way, I don't know what different types of Rayg there are, but you're using 4-shade Toa Mata Rayg, right?


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

There are too many four, I think. I use 2.5.


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Admittedly, I've never heard of these comics before. But it sounds pretty cool, so when you restart the comics you'll have a new fan.


Anyway, I'm glad I randomly spotted this in Eleven's signature. :lol: I'm always up to being inspired by a writing contest.


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

Nothing is random. Fear the duck. :lol: So Var, I thought you were in the comics? Guess not. Oh well.

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Because of the downtime, are you going to extend the deadline?


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

Nope. I don't think anyone else is gonna post one anyway. :P Looks like Nuile wins! :)


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