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Bringing Back Those Ol' Lego Memories



"It's here! The new LEGO catalog! It's in the mailbox! Yay!"


"As daddy, I get to read it first."


"AWWW! No fair!"


"No, but I'm bigger, so gimme."


Every few months, it's the same. Most of the sets I see splashed across the colorful pages of the LEGO catalog are already familiar: better posed pictures of constructions I've seen either at fan sites or by being a LEGO Ambassador. The new AT-ST, for example - that's one sweet set, which will definitely be on Binky's birthday list.


This time, though, I got to see the new Inika for the first time in their high-res glory, nestled on page 50 of the catalog. I've purposefully avoided any prerelease pictures about them, so I can see them in context. At first glance, they're six more of the same that we've seen, but their lightup swords and glowing Zamor spheres grab the eye until you can see the other differences. Glowing eyes, so reminiscent of the movie Toa, glower out at you from molded faces that are Kanohi in name only, really. Like Piraka, the Inika "mask" is now a molded head and face. Part of me is sad to see the demise of the removable mask, but another part is grateful for the new direction these sets are taking.


Light up weapons are a great addition, I'm looking forward to seeing them in person. The Exo Force sets with their bright lights are fun to have, and the Piraka's eyes are definitely enhanced with their light source too. It would be neat if the Inika's eyes actually glowed as well, but I doubt they do... the catalog is slightly misleading in that regard.


Their bodies are sturdy but not too armored. The body shape is reminiscent of the most recent Matoran figures, which helps identify these new Toa as the smaller villagers they once were. The forms are definitely more industrial, with pistons and knobs and protrusions reminiscent of Metru Nui.


On the opposite page are by-now familiar images of Axonn and Brutaka, and a few pages later are the new Piraka Attack playsets. A huge and intimidating Piraka face, replete with glow-in-the-dark teeth, frowns down at the mini Toa and mini Piraka figures, which are now thankfully articulate (unlike their immobile predecessors).


The rest of the catalog shows sets old and new, and reminds me of a birthday or holiday as a kid, when I could expect a wrapped box that rattled when shaken. A new Viking set with a cool dragon Ofnir (clearly inspired by Bionicle), a massive Batmobile, Creator sets, cranes, airports, and of course new battery-powered trains, all leap up, begging to be bought. The last pages are dedicated to the crown jewel of LEGO 2006, Mindstorms NXT.


It's a nice feeling, seeing new stuff that I'd love to get. But there are only two problems: one, I simply can't afford them; and two, where would I put them? My wife is already complaining about LEGO taking over the house (it hasn't yet, but the battle is far from over), and there are few horizontal spaces left.


But at least I can rely on getting four free catalogs each year, which afford me an hour or two of enjoyment before the kids can't stand it and rip the book from my fingers.




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Wow. Bink's never seen the Inika? Kinda a shock in a way, but what can you expect? I agree with pretty much all of your points, thankfully, and I find it quite interesting that your kids share the same passion as you. I don't usually find parents & children sharing interests so devotedly, but maybe they just picked it up on their own.



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... and two, where would I put them?

You could always send me some of your sets so, I... err.. could keep them for you. Yeah.




My favourite thing about LEGO, other than the sets, has to be opening the new catalog each time and browsing through the pages wondering how cool it'd be to have 'em all. If only I could.

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You could always send me some of your sets so, I... err.. could keep them for you. Yeah.




nah, binky should give me the sets to hold onto... they'll get put to good use... for... uh... posing... they'll be put in nice poses... yeah... :pirate:


i hold onto my lego mags for about a year or two on average... and then i find them under my bed later... 'tis nice to look through 'em ^_^

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I have to agree that the new Inika are really a step forward (once again) for the hero sets at least.


Looking closer, it appears a few of the Toa have little design differences between them (something I don't think we've seen since the original Toa sets)


For example (and forgive me if I get my names crossed up) Nuparu has claws as well as the standard joint/hands. A nice throwback to the original Toa of Earth if I may say so.


And Bink, I share your pain when it comes to running out of room. And I can already see you trying to fit 6 Toa sets (amoung other things) somewhere alongside that colossal Star Destroyer of yours ;)

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Actually, to X-Clone's point, our research shows that in families where the father is into LEGO building, the kids are much more likely to get into it. It's very much an inherited style of play, and something kids need to be exposed to at a young age if it is really going to take hold.



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...and something kids need to be exposed to at a young age if it is really going to take hold.

Which is why there's always an opening in any house for Duplos (are those even still around?).

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Actually, to X-Clone's point, our research shows that in families where the father is into LEGO building, the kids are much more likely to get into it. It's very much an inherited style of play, and something kids need to be exposed to at a young age if it is really going to take hold.

From my experience, this is very true. My own anklebiters have been LEGO maniacs since day one, and they're the ones who got me into Bioncle in the first place. It's kind of funny, I've been the one to keep them into Bionicle, otherwise I think they would've moved on from it a while ago.


Of the many AFOLs I hang out with, those with children of LEGO-playing age generally have the same tale to tell. Larry P, Steve B, the Michons are the first to pop to mind. But there are many more.

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Lolzors Bink, sounds like you have -alot- of fun whenever a new LEGO mag comes in. XD


BTW Bink, if it's not too pushy, how old are your kids?



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