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Well, our team did better then I thought they would. We got 7th out of 9. Honestly, I thought we were gonna be dead last. Our top quizzer was sick today. But I did better then I thought I would and led our team... as much as I could. I quizzed out twice (100 points) and scored in every quiz but one... in which our team didn't score at all. But I ended the day with 340 points and was happy with that.


What made this day really enraging was when we went disc golfing. I wasn't doing too hot until hole 4. As a note, I've birdied it 3 time and almost aced it once. So I release it and my finger sticks a bit too long. It goes waaaay off to the right and toward the interstate.





Semi truck.


Haven't seen it since. ASDRASRASGSADRT AAARRRRRGGGGG. That's my favorite disc by far. Not only that but I loose my next favorite disc in the snow. That's $25 of discs, gone. I might get the next favorite disc back but who knows. My Valk is gone.


A pause of silence for my 2nd-time-gone-Valkyrie.






Night Fury


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