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Toa Onepu Wip



I've finally made a new MoC! After so long a delay I proudly present to you Toa Onepu! Or at least his WiP...


Upper BodyLower Body

The reason this is a WiP is becuase there are a few things I'm not happy with.

First off this guy needs a weapon. Any suggestions?

Second, I'm not sure I like those chunky ankles. Any impute on that front would be welcome too.

Finally I might do a little more smoothing on some of his parts.

These are all small problems/complaints and I think he looks good as is.


Overall though, I think this is one of my favorite MoCs yet.


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Not really feeling the ankles :/ Those normally look good on larger MOCs rather then Toamods. The torso also needs some work here, Make it less blockish and more of a V shape. And IMO I think widening the shoulder length by 1 stud (for each side) would be helpful :) I'm not sure what weapon would look good on him though :/


Lord Oblivion

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Yeah, those ankles look like lead weights on him. Needless to say they are gone now. I also did some work on the torso so it looks less blockish now. I tried widening the shoulders but it just didn't look right so I left them as is. Finally I have no idea what weapon to give him ether. :P He's using a black knights kingdom sword as a placeholder right now. Thanks for all the advice!
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Yeah, those ankles look like lead weights on him. Needless to say they are gone now. I also did some work on the torso so it looks less blockish now. I tried widening the shoulders but it just didn't look right so I left them as is. Finally I have no idea what weapon to give him ether. :P He's using a black knights kingdom sword as a placeholder right now. Thanks for all the advice!

my pleasure bro ^_^ Well I got an idea right now for a weapon maybe, how about replacing the lower left arm with a type of gatling gun for it? Seeing as hes too bulky for a normal sword.


Oh and may I ask for you to move all the content blocks to the left? It would really help with reading comments (as the blocks can cover part of it on certain computer screens like mine :P)


Lord Oblivion

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A gun for the arm seems like an awesome idea but I feel as if it's...un Toa like if you know what I mean. I agree though that the sword is a little meek for someone like him. Also the blocks have been moved. :) Sorry about that.
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I think it should be a given that he needs more purple than just his mask. Right now it seems to stick out like a sore thumb against an all-black scheme and overall the MOC just doesn't quite have an Onepu vibe.


Also, if you're going for a weapon, go for a simple weapon that a miner would have - drills, pickaxes, things like that.

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Thanks for the comment. I have to agree with you about the purple but sadly I don't have any more. The only purple piece I own is the mask. Also again I have to agree with you on the tool choice.


But! None of these things matter anymore as I sorta redid this whole MoC. It's no longer Toa Onepu anymore but is instead something else. I took a lot of Lord Oblivion's advice and I think this new gent is much better than before. I'll post a picture of him soon.

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