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Project Reality Combat Journal




Qwai River

People's Liberation Army vs. United States Army

TG server


So I was a PLA grenadier, and across the river was a US Army logistics truck (supply truk). Our squad leader didnt have an officer kit (he was acting medic), and because he didn't have a GTLD (ground targer laser designator), i had to estimate the distance to the truck by guesswork and a map measured in 50m increments (not an IFF map).

I set my grenade launcher for 250m, and fired as the truck turned around to leave. I heard an "ooh" over the SQDCOM and looked. There was a cloud of smoke, maybe five metres from the retreating logi.

It was a pretty good shot for a Grenadier working spur-of-the-moment without assistance.


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I only played for about an hour, and it was nowhere near over. Judging by the situation when I left, I can't determine who won. It was pretty evenly matched, I think.

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