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Dinosaurs 101



There should be a college course on dinosaurs.


You know how probably all little kids love dinosaurs? (Think Calvin and Hobbes. Or yourself perhaps.) What little kid doesn't like the T-Rex, or a stegosaurus, or a pterodactyl? Sure, you could go to your library and read some fun books and probably learn some things, but that's just basic childhood fun.


But now, now we're older. We still think dinosaurs are cool, but don't want to learn anything too serious. I want a college course on dinosaurs through the ages. No boring facts about different time periods or statistics on their livelihood. Studies with Jurassic Park, Primeval, even The Magic Tree House. Cool stuff used here and there that will make us interested.


Go forth and become a professor and do so.


-CF :kakama:


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Sounds like you need to get your degree in Anthropology so that you can teach a course on the Impact of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Lifeforms on Human Culture.


Assignment 1: draw a totally sick picture of a T-Rex eating something.


This course would have no girls. :(

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Depending on where you go, there are college classes on dinosaurs, although they're likely the 'boring facts' version.


But how to incorporate The Magic Tree House into a college course is beyond me.

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At my old university, they had Geology 100, which was one step below the Intro to Geology 101. Geology 100 was all about dinosaurs, and was one of those easy classes that jocks take to get a good grade in to stay on the team and such. (I didn't actually take it... I went for Geology 106 on Volcanoes. ;) )



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Sorry, but Dinosaurs are just feathered scientific study subjects, not movie monsters. That's just the way things are.

Have you seen Jurassic Park?



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Of course I have. Even seen the second film with that plothole.


Doesn't make it somehow more valid then a long-extinct species of feathered dudes.

Dude, the fact that there used to be giant reptile-like creatures walking this earth 65 million years ago is not a valid thing to be excited about? If you think that studying things of the past based on objects like fossils is boring, then you must not be remotely interested in the wonders of science and paleontology.


Plus, you'd totally not survive a raptor attack. :P



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I think what she's trying to say is that we don't know enough about dinosaurs for there to be a whole course on them. Paleontology might be a better subject in which to include information about dinosaurs.

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